The United Nations sponsors many wonderful programs to help people all перевод - The United Nations sponsors many wonderful programs to help people all русский как сказать

The United Nations sponsors many wo

The United Nations sponsors many wonderful programs to help people all over the world, and
one of the most famous - and oldest- is UNICEF. The acronym UNICEF is short for the United
Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. The program was founded in 1946 to provide
emergency food and healthcare for millions of children in the countries that had been ruined by
World War IL Today UNICEF helps children in developing countries with programs that support
human rights, food, healthcare, and education. UNICEF programs emphasize the importance of
developing strong communities. In recognition of its work, UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1965.
UNICEF operates with a budget of over $2.7 billion. The funds are provided by governments of
the member nations of the U.N. and also by private groups and individuals. In the United States and
Canada, UNICEF is especially well known for its "Trick·or·Treat" program, which began in 1950.
Every Halloween, in October, children dress up in magical, fantastic and scary outfits and go door
to door in their neighborhoods, asking for candy. Many children also carry with them bright orange
"Trick·or·Treat" boxes, and they receive money as well as candy. They get to eat the candy, of
course, but the money is given to UNICEF. Over $200 million has been raised in this way - all by
children dressed up as witches and ogres and fairy princesses.
UNICEF has offices and centers in over 190 countries, with thousands of staff, interns and
volunteers. UNICEF also relies on famous people to help raise awareness for its projects. One of the
most famous and popular was the actress Audrey Hepburn. Hepburn had herself been the child of
war, having survived World War n in the Netherlands. She credjted the United Nations with
saving her from starvation at the end of the war. Hepburn believed her work with UNICEF was
more important and more meaningful than her career as an actress.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The United Nations sponsors many wonderful programs to help people all over the world, andone of the most famous - and oldest- is UNICEF. The acronym UNICEF is short for the UnitedNations International Children's Emergency Fund. The program was founded in 1946 to provideemergency food and healthcare for millions of children in the countries that had been ruined byWorld War IL Today UNICEF helps children in developing countries with programs that supporthuman rights, food, healthcare, and education. UNICEF programs emphasize the importance ofdeveloping strong communities. In recognition of its work, UNICEF was awarded the Nobel PeacePrize in 1965.UNICEF operates with a budget of over $2.7 billion. The funds are provided by governments ofthe member nations of the U.N. and also by private groups and individuals. In the United States andCanada, UNICEF is especially well known for its "Trick·or·Treat" program, which began in 1950.Every Halloween, in October, children dress up in magical, fantastic and scary outfits and go doorto door in their neighborhoods, asking for candy. Many children also carry with them bright orange"Trick·or·Treat" boxes, and they receive money as well as candy. They get to eat the candy, ofcourse, but the money is given to UNICEF. Over $200 million has been raised in this way - all bychildren dressed up as witches and ogres and fairy princesses. UNICEF has offices and centers in over 190 countries, with thousands of staff, interns andvolunteers. UNICEF also relies on famous people to help raise awareness for its projects. One of themost famous and popular was the actress Audrey Hepburn. Hepburn had herself been the child ofwar, having survived World War n in the Netherlands. She credjted the United Nations withsaving her from starvation at the end of the war. Hepburn believed her work with UNICEF wasmore important and more meaningful than her career as an actress.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
организация объединенных наций авторами многих замечательных программ, чтобы помочь людям во всем мире, иодин из самых известных и старинных - юнисеф.акроним юнисеф не хватает организации объединенныхнаций международный чрезвычайный фонд помощи детям.программа была основана в 1946 году предоставитьпродовольствие и здравоохранение для миллионов детей в странах, которые были разрушенывторой мировой войны сегодня юнисеф помогает детям в развивающихся странах с программами в поддержкуправа человека, питание, здравоохранение и образование.юнисеф программ подчеркивают важностьразработки устойчивых общин.в знак признания его работы юнисеф был удостоен нобелевской премии мираприз в 1965 году.юнисеф работает с бюджетом в $2,7 млрд.средства предоставляются правительствамигосударства - члены организации объединенных наций, а также со стороны частных групп и отдельных лиц.в соединенных штатах иканада, юнисеф является особенно хорошо известен своей "фокус - или - лечить", которая началась в 1950 году.каждый хэллоуин, в октябре, дети одеваются в волшебный, фантастика и страшные костюмы и иди дверь- дверь в их окрестностях, попросив для конфет.многие дети также имеют ярко - оранжевая"трюк - или - с" коробки, и они получают деньги, а также конфеты.они едят конфеты,конечно, но деньги передаются юнисеф.более 200 млн. долл. сша, поднимался на этот путь - вседети одеты в колдовстве и людоедов и сказочных принцесс.юнисеф имеет офисы и центры в более 190 стран, с тысячами сотрудников, стажеров идобровольцы.юнисеф также опирается на известных людей, в целях повышения осведомленности для своих проектов.один изсамые известные и популярные была актриса одри хепберн.хепберн сама была ребенкомвойна, пережив мировой войны N в нидерландах.она credjted организации объединенных нацийспасти ее от голода в конце войны.хепберн считает, что ее работа с юнисефболее важное значение, и более значимым, чем ее карьеру актрисы.
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