Throwing her good sense out the window for the moment she put some of  перевод - Throwing her good sense out the window for the moment she put some of  русский как сказать

Throwing her good sense out the win

Throwing her good sense out the window for the moment she put some of the potion into a flask and drank it down in a single gulp.

She waited, not knowing when to expect its effects. It came slowly, almost like a numbing feeling. Worry, fear and uncertainty were suppressed. An urge to do what she had been afraid to do overcame her. Without even putting the empty flask down, she turned to Professor Snape, who was leaning over the front of his desk, marking something on a piece of parchment.

"Professor," she said boldly, standing beside him.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" he asked her, not looking up. She waited, knowing she was doing what was right. Slightly annoyed, the potions master turned to her.

"Miss Granger, if you-" he was cut off with her lips covering his.

She felt his sharp intake of surprised breath and pressed her lips further onto his, refusing to let him pull away. It felt so right... Slowly she lifted her hand to his face. He was tense, not moving a single muscle as she laid her hand on his cheek. She brushed her thumb over her pale skin, and he began to relax. Taking her around the waist, he deepened the kiss, pulling her close to him. She brought her arms around his neck, the flask falling from her relaxed hands. As it crashed to the ground, the sound startled both of them and Severus pulled away from her and turned swiftly away.

"Good day, Miss Granger," he said stiffly.

It took her a moment to register what had just happened. The potion had not worn off, but her better judgment told her it was time to go. Turning quickly away, she fled from the dungeon.

Severus sank slowly into the chair behind his desk. She had kissed him... and he had kissed her back... She had kissed him! She... Hermione Granger! She... he was in shock. Her lips had been so soft. He remembered what she had felt like in his arms, the smell of her when she had been close to him; like pages from a book and smoke from the fire under her cauldron and peaches... peaches? He wondered at that...

What was he thinking! She had kissed him! And he had kissed her just as passionately back! He had accepted his love for her, but... this was unacceptable! She was his student! He couldn't just go kissing one of his students!

She'll be graduating in a few months and will no longer be one of your students.


He wasn't sure he wanted to think about it. He hadn't really thought that Hermione could feel... feel what towards him? Attraction? Love, maybe? What was he suppose to think from this? What did she mean by it? Were the same emotions running through her as they were him? He hadn't thought it possible. He didn't want to jump to any hopeful conclusions that would just end up in misery.

Then he remembered just what had caused him to pull away from her and looked at the floor in front of his desk. Of course, she had taken some of the potion. That would explain her boldness. But the potion didn't create emotions or cause irrational actions, but enhanced decisions that... that meant she had wanted to kiss him. Probably for some time.

He was to confused and this room felt very confining at the moment. He had to get out. Grabbing his cloak he left the dungeons and made his way out onto the grounds.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Throwing her good sense out the window for the moment she put some of the potion into a flask and drank it down in a single gulp.She waited, not knowing when to expect its effects. It came slowly, almost like a numbing feeling. Worry, fear and uncertainty were suppressed. An urge to do what she had been afraid to do overcame her. Without even putting the empty flask down, she turned to Professor Snape, who was leaning over the front of his desk, marking something on a piece of parchment."Professor," she said boldly, standing beside him."Yes, Miss Granger?" he asked her, not looking up. She waited, knowing she was doing what was right. Slightly annoyed, the potions master turned to her."Miss Granger, if you-" he was cut off with her lips covering his.She felt his sharp intake of surprised breath and pressed her lips further onto his, refusing to let him pull away. It felt so right... Slowly she lifted her hand to his face. He was tense, not moving a single muscle as she laid her hand on his cheek. She brushed her thumb over her pale skin, and he began to relax. Taking her around the waist, he deepened the kiss, pulling her close to him. She brought her arms around his neck, the flask falling from her relaxed hands. As it crashed to the ground, the sound startled both of them and Severus pulled away from her and turned swiftly away."Good day, Miss Granger," he said stiffly.It took her a moment to register what had just happened. The potion had not worn off, but her better judgment told her it was time to go. Turning quickly away, she fled from the dungeon.Severus sank slowly into the chair behind his desk. She had kissed him... and he had kissed her back... She had kissed him! She... Hermione Granger! She... he was in shock. Her lips had been so soft. He remembered what she had felt like in his arms, the smell of her when she had been close to him; like pages from a book and smoke from the fire under her cauldron and peaches... peaches? He wondered at that...Wait...What was he thinking! She had kissed him! And he had kissed her just as passionately back! He had accepted his love for her, but... this was unacceptable! She was his student! He couldn't just go kissing one of his students!She'll be graduating in a few months and will no longer be one of your students.Meaning?He wasn't sure he wanted to think about it. He hadn't really thought that Hermione could feel... feel what towards him? Attraction? Love, maybe? What was he suppose to think from this? What did she mean by it? Were the same emotions running through her as they were him? He hadn't thought it possible. He didn't want to jump to any hopeful conclusions that would just end up in misery.Then he remembered just what had caused him to pull away from her and looked at the floor in front of his desk. Of course, she had taken some of the potion. That would explain her boldness. But the potion didn't create emotions or cause irrational actions, but enhanced decisions that... that meant she had wanted to kiss him. Probably for some time.He was to confused and this room felt very confining at the moment. He had to get out. Grabbing his cloak he left the dungeons and made his way out onto the grounds.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Бросив ее здравый смысл в окно на данный момент она поставила некоторые зелья в колбу и выпил одним глотком. Она ждала, не зная , когда ожидать его последствий. Он пришел медленно, почти как ошеломляющий чувство. Беспокойство, страх и неуверенность были подавлены. Желание делать то , что она боялась сделать поборол ее. Даже не поставив пустую флягу вниз, она обратилась к профессору Снейпа, который склонился над перед своим столом, отмечая что - то на листе пергамента. "Профессор," сказала она смело, стоя рядом с ним. "Да, мисс Грейнджер? " он спросил ее, не поднимая головы. Она ждала, зная , что она делает то , что правильно. Немного досадно, мастер зелий повернулся к ней. "Мисс Грейнджер, если вы-" он был отрезан с ее губы , покрывающее его. Она почувствовала его резкое потребление удивленного дыхания и далее поджала губы на его, отказываясь позволить ему отстраниться , Это было так хорошо ... Она медленно подняла руку к его лицу. Он был напряжен, не двигаясь ни одной мышцы , как она положила свою руку на его щеке. Она откинула большим пальцем по ее бледной коже, и он начал расслабляться. Взяв ее за талию, он углубил поцелуй, притягивая ее к себе. Она принесла свои руки вокруг его шеи, колба падает с ее расслабленных рук. Как он упал на землю, звук поразил их обоих , и Северус отстранился от нее и быстро повернулся прочь. "Добрый день, мисс Грейнджер," сказал он сухо. Ей потребовалось время , чтобы зарегистрировать то , что только что произошло. Зелье не стерлась, но ее лучше суд сказал ей , что пришло время идти. Быстро повернувшись в сторону, она сбежала из темницы. Северус медленно опустился в кресло за своим столом. Она поцеловала его ... и он поцеловал ее в спину ... Она поцеловала его! Она ... Гермиона Грейнджер! Она ... он был в шоке. Ее губы были такими мягкими. Он вспомнил , что она чувствовала себя в его объятиях, запах от нее , когда она была рядом с ним; как страницы из книги и дыма от огня под ее котлу и персиков ... персиков? Он задавался вопросом, что на ... Подождите ... О чем он думает! Она поцеловала его! И он поцеловал ее так же , как страстно назад! Он принял его любовь к ней, но ... это было неприемлемо! Она была его учеником! Он не мог просто пойти целовать одного из своих учеников! Она будет окончания в течение нескольких месяцев , и больше не будет одним из ваших студентов. Значение? Он не был уверен , что он хотел думать об этом. Он не думал , что Гермиона могла чувствовать ... чувствовать , что к нему? Привлечение? Любовь, может быть? Что он предположить , чтобы думать от этого? Что она имела в виду? Были одни и те же эмоции , проходящей через нее , как они его? Он не думал , что это возможно. Он не хотел , чтобы перейти к каким - либо обнадеживающих выводов , которые бы просто в конечном итоге в нищете. Потом он вспомнил только то , что заставило его оторваться от нее и смотрел на полу перед его столом. Конечно, она приняла некоторые зелья. Это могло бы объяснить ее смелость. Но зелье не создавали эмоции или вызвать иррациональные действия, но более развитые решения , которые ... это означало , что она хотела , чтобы поцеловать его. Вероятно , в течение некоторого времени. Он должен был смущен , и эта комната чувствовал себя очень ограничившись на данный момент. Он должен был выйти. Схватив свой ​​плащ он оставил подземелий и сделал свой ​​выход на территорию.

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