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mr_welk СВЕЖИЕ ЗАПИСИ ДРУЗЬЯ АРХИВ ЛИЧНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ Добавить в друзья RSS Mr_WelkПредыдущая Поделиться следующая записьКИТАЙСКИЕ ПРОДАВЦЫ ОНИ ТАКИЕ КИТАЙСКИЕ! mr_welk 18 ФЕВРАЛЯ, 2014 С прошлого года периодически закупаю всякую мелочёвку в Китае на сайте aliexpress.com. ХОРОШ ОН В ПЕРВУЮ ОЧЕРЕДЬ СИСТЕМОЙ ЗАЩИТЫ ПЛАТЕЖЕЙ. ПОКА ТЫ НЕ ПОЛУЧИЛ СВОЮ ПОСЫЛКУ, ПРОДАВЕЦ НЕ ПОЛУЧИТ ПРО. ВОТ СЕЙЧАС ВЕДУ ЗАБАВНЫЙ ДИАЛОГ С КИТАЙЦЕМ, ПОСЫЛКА 4 МЕСЯЦА КАК НЕ ОТСЛЕЖИВАЕТСЯ, ВРЕМЯ КОНЧИЛОСЬ, ПОТРЕБОВАЛ ВЕРНУТЬ ДЕНЬГИ. ПРОДАВЕЦ КАК УЖ НА СКОВОРОДКЕ ЮЛИТ, ДА 1000 ОТГОВОРОК. ДЛЯ ПОНИМАНИЯ, ЭТО ВТОРОЙ ДИСПУТ НА ВОЗВРАТ, ПЕРВЫЙ Я ОТМЕНИЛ, ПОВЕРИВ ПРОДАВЦУ ЧТО ОН РЕШИТ ПРОБЛЕМУ. ВТОРОЙ УЖЕ ДОВЕДУ ДО КОНЦА :) В ЗАКАЗЕ 3 ЛАМПОЧКИ ЗА 10 ДОЛЛАРОВ ПРИМЕРНО. ПЕРЕВОДИТЬ НА РУССКИЙ УЖЕ ЛЕНЬ, ТАК ЧТО ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАК. ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ НА ДАТЫ. Заказ: http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/276632248.html Tue Dec 24 11:57:18 PST 2013 Hello! Please inquire at the post office where is my parcel. 2 month is no new information. I am afraid that it lost. Michael. Tue Dec 24 23:12:55 PST 2013 Hi friend, So sorry for that Due to the hot season is coming,so there are so much order need to be shipped by the shipping company Thus, the shipping time also have a little late than before :( We will help you to push the shipping company Best regards Doreen Sat Jan 04 12:18:12 PST 2014 Due to shipping delays,please extend delivery date by 30 days. Tue Jan 07 23:08:55 PST 2014 Hi friend, Sorry for the shipping And the delivery time have extended for you Hope you could receive it soon Nice day Best regard Doreen тут 2 или 3 февраля я открываю диспут, приходит ответ Sat Feb 08 01:21:51 PST 2014 Hi Michael , Sorry for our delay reoky Cause the Spring Festival Holiday :(( If you have any question ,contact us directly ,rather than open the dispute ,we are glad to help you solve any question . By the way ,you can check here : http://www.17track.net/en/result/post.shtml The order status show everything is normal ,you can rest assured ,sure attention to your package and let you get it ,you also know the Spring Festival holdiay ,so slightly delay than before ,but it is normal :( . Then please help us cancel the dispute ASAP . Thanks and waiting for you . Regards Nancy Hello, Doreen! Happy Spring Festival Holiday! I am very patient buyer. But 120 days is very much! I think, my parcel is lost. I could claim the refund after the expiration of 90 days, but I waited another month. Purchase Protection is 90 days, but now it is 121 days from date of payment and 108 days from date of send the parcel. If it was be stuck on the territory of Russia, I could be wait. But it was not appear here. So, sorry, but I have to ask you a full refund. I understand that possible is the problem is not your fault, but those are the rules. Best wishes, Michael Sat Feb 08 22:28:51 PST 2014 Hi Michael , Yes maybe it is lost on the way . But if you want ,we can help you resend after cancel the dispute . Please let me know your advice ASAP . Regards Nancy Sun Feb 09 10:58:11 PST 2014 Hi, Nancy! Ok, I give You a chance. I don't want to spoil your seller rating due to the poor performance of Post. I need goods more than refund my money. I will cancel dispute, but You will must send me another parcel and extend delivery time by 60 days. Now 7 days left until the end of order. If You not extend delivery, I will open dispute again. If You not resend me goods, I will open dispute again too. I think this variant is good for You? Best wishes, Michael Sun Feb 09 22:04:48 PST 2014 Hi Michael , Yes we think it is fair for both of us. But we extended time for u many times ,so here have no right to extend time again . Any sorry for that although we also want to extend time for you to 30days . We will arrange new shipping for you if you trust us after cancel the dispute . It is up to you ,we understand that . Regards Nancy Sun Feb 09 23:15:32 PST 2014 Hello Nancy. According new rules of Aliexpress, You can extend time of delivery any times. Now I canceled the dispute and waiting for You, to You extend time. If You will be unable extend the time, I will be forced to reopen the dispute and keep it open until I receive my goods. Because, otherwise, I will lose my money, when the time will be end. Please, treat with the understanding. Best wishes, Michael в этот же день отменяю диспут, в ответ тишина Tue Feb 11 08:03:27 PST 2014 Hello! I canceled the dispute. Are You going to do something? Michael открываю диспут снова, вр
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