Christmas is the most important public holiday in the US und UK, and t перевод - Christmas is the most important public holiday in the US und UK, and t русский как сказать

Christmas is the most important pub

Christmas is the most important public holiday in the US und UK, and takes place on and around December 25th. Although it is a Christian holiday, when the birth of Jesus is celebrated, people who are not Christian also celebrate Christmas as an occasion to give presents and spend time with their families.

People traditionally buy presents for their friends and family for Christmas. Before Christmas the shops are very busy. Many shops decorate their buildings with lights, Christmas trees. Some big shops also have a special area decorated like Santa’s home, where children can meet Santa and tell him what presents they want.

People also send Christmas cards to their friends to say Merry Christmas. Christmas cards usually have pictures with Christmas trees, snowmen, Santa Claus.

Many people decorate their homes for Christmas. Most people buy Christmas trees. They put small lights and decorations on them. In the UK, people hang shiny, brightly coloured decorations made of paper from the ceiling or along the walls inside their homes. In the US some people put small lights along the edges of their windows, the roof, and the main door of their houses. Some people in both the UK and the US decorate their front doors with a wreath, a circle made of green leaves.

People usually eat more food and drink more alcohol at Christmas than at other times of the year. In the US, people eat Christmas cookies, special cookies that are baked at home. Traditional British food includes Christmas cake and mince pies.

The day before Christmas Day is known as Christmas Eve. Some people go to church to a special service called Midnight Mass (in the UK) or Christmas Eve Service (in the US). Other people have a drink with their friends. Children get very excited on Christmas Eve because they believe that Santa Claus will come down the chimney of their house in the night and put presents in the Christmas stocking (a special bag shaped like a large sock) at the end of their bed or on the mantel (a frame surrounding a fireplace, especially the part on the top which can be used as a shelf).
Christmas Day is a public holiday and people spend the day with their families. They open their presents and then have a special meal called Christmas Dinner. This is typically turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. In the UK, this is followed by Christmas pudding.

After Christmas Day in the US, many stores have special sales (a period of time when goods can be bought cheaper) on the day after Christmas. In the UK, the sales usually start later, and are known as the January sales. In the UK the day after Christmas Day is called Boxing Day, and is also a public holiday. It is called Boxing Day because in the past it was the day when rich people gave their servants a present of money known as a ‘Christmas box’. A lot of sport is played on Boxing Day, and many people watch sport on television. Twelfth Night is twelve days after Christmas, and is the day when people take down their decorations and remove their Christmas trees.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Рождество является самым важным государственным праздником в США и Великобритании, и происходит на и вокруг 25 декабря. Хотя это христианский праздник, когда празднуют рождение Иисуса, люди, которые не являются христианские также празднуют Рождество как повод делать подарки и провести время со своими семьями.Люди традиционно покупают подарки для своих друзей и семьи на Рождество. Перед Рождеством магазины очень заняты. Многие магазины украшают здания с огнями, елки. Некоторые крупные магазины также имеют особый район, оформленный как Санта дома где дети могут встретиться с Санта и сказать ему, какие подарки они хотят.Люди также посылают рождественские открытки для своих друзей, чтобы сказать, счастливого Рождества. Рождественские открытки, как правило, имеют фотографии с елки, снеговики, Санта-Клауса.Многие люди украшают свои дома на Рождество. Большинство людей покупают елки. Они положили маленькие огоньки и украшения на них. В Великобритании люди висят блестящие, яркие украшения из бумаги с потолка или вдоль стен внутри их дома. В США некоторые люди помещают небольшие огни вдоль края окна, крыша и главной двери своих домов. Некоторые люди в Великобритании и США украшают свои передние двери с венком, круг из зеленых листьев.Люди обычно едят больше пищи и пить больше алкоголя на Рождество, чем в остальное время года. В США, люди едят Рождество печенье, Специальные печенье, которые испечены в домашних условиях. Традиционные британские блюда включает Рождественский пирог и пироги.The day before Christmas Day is known as Christmas Eve. Some people go to church to a special service called Midnight Mass (in the UK) or Christmas Eve Service (in the US). Other people have a drink with their friends. Children get very excited on Christmas Eve because they believe that Santa Claus will come down the chimney of their house in the night and put presents in the Christmas stocking (a special bag shaped like a large sock) at the end of their bed or on the mantel (a frame surrounding a fireplace, especially the part on the top which can be used as a shelf).Christmas Day is a public holiday and people spend the day with their families. They open their presents and then have a special meal called Christmas Dinner. This is typically turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. In the UK, this is followed by Christmas pudding.After Christmas Day in the US, many stores have special sales (a period of time when goods can be bought cheaper) on the day after Christmas. In the UK, the sales usually start later, and are known as the January sales. In the UK the day after Christmas Day is called Boxing Day, and is also a public holiday. It is called Boxing Day because in the past it was the day when rich people gave their servants a present of money known as a ‘Christmas box’. A lot of sport is played on Boxing Day, and many people watch sport on television. Twelfth Night is twelve days after Christmas, and is the day when people take down their decorations and remove their Christmas trees.
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