Last summer Mr. Wilson, his wife and their daughter Mary – tourists fr перевод - Last summer Mr. Wilson, his wife and their daughter Mary – tourists fr русский как сказать

Last summer Mr. Wilson, his wife an

Last summer Mr. Wilson, his wife and their daughter Mary – tourists from England – arrived in Moscow. It was
their first visit to Russia and they wanted to see as much as possible.
Their guide showed them a lot of places of interest so that they could get a good idea of the Russian capital.
The Wilsons liked Moscow’s straight and broad streets and avenues. They admired the centre of the city with
its theatres, cinemas, museums, monuments, and wonderful multi-storeyed buildings. They were greatly
impressed by the Moscow Kremlin, Red Square, Lenin Avenue, which is one of the longest and busiest streets in
The Wilsons wanted to see Moscow University and the guide suggested their going there by metro. They liked
the idea and joined a stream of people going downstairs into the metro. It seemed to them that nearly everyone in
Moscow was in a hurry. Very few were satisfied to stand still and let the magical staircase carry them down to
the platforms below. Most people went hurrying down on the left side. On and on ran the train through the tunnel
and at every station people came in and out. The trip gave the Wilsons a good impression of Moscow’s immense
When they came up into the daylight, they saw the magnificent building of the University which is situated on
the Vorobyev Hills and from there they enjoyed a most beautiful view of the whole city.
They went for a ride in the city. The size and the beauty of the capital made a great impression on the family.
They saw endless streams of buses, trolley-buses and cars in the streets, crowds of people walking along the
pavements. They crossed the city in different directions but to their great surprise they saw the same thing
everywhere: well planned streets lined with trees, multy-storeyed houses, big stores, hotels and beautiful squares.
They saw no contrasts between the central part of the city and its suburbs so typical of big old towns.
The Wilsons went sightseeing every day of their stay in Moscow. And before their tour came to an end they had
seen and learned a lot of interesting things about the capital and the country. They liked Moscow and the
Muscovites who are so hospitable and friendly.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Last summer Mr. Wilson, his wife and their daughter Mary – tourists from England – arrived in Moscow. It wastheir first visit to Russia and they wanted to see as much as possible.Their guide showed them a lot of places of interest so that they could get a good idea of the Russian capital.The Wilsons liked Moscow’s straight and broad streets and avenues. They admired the centre of the city withits theatres, cinemas, museums, monuments, and wonderful multi-storeyed buildings. They were greatlyimpressed by the Moscow Kremlin, Red Square, Lenin Avenue, which is one of the longest and busiest streets inMoscow.The Wilsons wanted to see Moscow University and the guide suggested their going there by metro. They likedthe idea and joined a stream of people going downstairs into the metro. It seemed to them that nearly everyone inMoscow was in a hurry. Very few were satisfied to stand still and let the magical staircase carry them down tothe platforms below. Most people went hurrying down on the left side. On and on ran the train through the tunneland at every station people came in and out. The trip gave the Wilsons a good impression of Moscow’s immensesize.When they came up into the daylight, they saw the magnificent building of the University which is situated onthe Vorobyev Hills and from there they enjoyed a most beautiful view of the whole city.They went for a ride in the city. The size and the beauty of the capital made a great impression on the family.They saw endless streams of buses, trolley-buses and cars in the streets, crowds of people walking along thepavements. They crossed the city in different directions but to their great surprise they saw the same thingeverywhere: well planned streets lined with trees, multy-storeyed houses, big stores, hotels and beautiful squares.They saw no contrasts between the central part of the city and its suburbs so typical of big old towns.The Wilsons went sightseeing every day of their stay in Moscow. And before their tour came to an end they hadseen and learned a lot of interesting things about the capital and the country. They liked Moscow and theMuscovites who are so hospitable and friendly.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
летом прошлого года г - н уилсон, его жена и дочь мэри - туристов из англии, прибыл в москву.это былосвой первый визит в россию, и они хотели увидеть как можно больше.их руководство, показал им много интересных мест, чтобы они могли получить четкое представление о столице россии.The Wilsons любил москвы прямо и широкие улицы и авеню.они восхищались центр городасвои театры, кинотеатры, музеи, памятники, и чудесный несколько двухэтажных зданий.они были в значительной степенивпечатление московский кремль, красная площадь, проспект ленина, который является одним из самых загруженных улиц ив москве.The Wilsons хотел видеть московского университета и в руководстве предлагается их туда на метро.они любилиидея и присоединился к потока людей, спустится в метро.им казалось, что почти все вв москве в спешке.очень немногие из них были удовлетворены, стой спокойно и дай волшебной лестницы перевезти их внизплатформы ниже.большинство людей пошла бегущая вниз на левой стороне.и побежал поезд через канали на каждой станции люди приходили и уходили.поездка дала The Wilsons хорошее впечатление в москве огромныеразмер.когда они пришли в дневное время, они увидели великолепное здание университета, который расположен наэтот воробьев холмы и оттуда они имеют самый красивый вид на весь город.они отправились на прогулку по городу.размер и красоту столицы произвело большое впечатление на членов семьи.они видели бесконечные потоки автобусы, троллейбусы и автомобили на улицах, толпы людей, гуляя потротуары.они пересекают город в разных направлениях, но к их удивлению, они видели то же самоеповсюду: хорошо спланированной улицы украшены деревья, офисной двухэтажных домов, крупных магазинов, гостиниц и красивых площадях.они не видят различия между центральной частью города и его окрестностей, типичный для больших старых городов.The Wilsons пошел экскурсии каждый день пребывания в москве.и до того, как их экскурсия подошла к концу, они быливидел и узнал много интересного о столицы и страны.они любили москву имосквичи, которые настолько гостеприимный и дружественный.
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