Britain is a small island and over the centuries and it has been invad перевод - Britain is a small island and over the centuries and it has been invad русский как сказать

Britain is a small island and over

Britain is a small island and over the centuries and it has been invaded many times. The earliest inhabitants were the Celts. They occupied Britain for possibly 1000 years, but then the Romans invaded in about 55 BC. The Romans, of course, spoke Latin, and as they brought Christianity to Britain, Latin was the language of the church, and therefore of all writing at that time – only the monks learned to write! But Latin did not stay as a spoken language after the Romans left in 400 AD.
The real origins of English come from the languages spoken by the tribes that invaded in “the Dark Ages”, from about 450 AD onwards. They were the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians, often known as the Anglo-Saxons, who came from Denmark, Holland and Northern Germany. In fact, even the word “English” comes from the name of their language – “Englisc”, and the name “England” comes from “Angle Land”. The Anglo-Saxon languages gave English its shorter, informal words. Then more short, simple words were brought by the Vikings, who invaded from Denmark, Norway and Sweden between the years 789 and 1069.
But where did all the longer, more complex words come from? When the Normans invaded Britain from northern France in 1066, they brought the French language, which had its origins in Latin (as the French were ruled by the Romans for so long). French words were much more complex than English words. They had more syllables and could be changed according to their usage in a sentence. The French language became the language of the Royal Court, and therefore also of the ruling and business classes. Latin was still the language of the church and English was the language of the common, uneducated man.
So, the Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Latin and Norman French languages are the main ingredients of modern English. The Renaissance period in Europe from the 15th to the 17th centuries, which was a time of great cultural and intellectual change, brought even more influences to English (as you can see in the picture), and of course now, we take words from all over the world!.

Words originating from Latin and French are still used in the formal and business language of today. As a general rule, formal words are longer than informal ones. For example, the word ‘get’ is informal and the word ‘receive’ is more formal and business-like. ‘Receive’ can be changed into similar words such as ‘receipt’, ‘receivership’, whereas simple words like ‘get’, with their origin in Anglo-Saxon, can’t be changed, so we have to combine them with other simple words if we want to make more complex meanings. This is where phrasal verbs come from. .

But what happened to the native Celts, the original people of Britain? The invading Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans pushed the Celts to the far regions of Britain – to Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Cornwall. The languages of these regions are completely different from English!
Formal and informal English arc completely different. Informal words are shorter, and come from Anglo-Saxon, and formal words are longer, and come from French and Latin.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Britain is a small island and over the centuries and it has been invaded many times. The earliest inhabitants were the Celts. They occupied Britain for possibly 1000 years, but then the Romans invaded in about 55 BC. The Romans, of course, spoke Latin, and as they brought Christianity to Britain, Latin was the language of the church, and therefore of all writing at that time – only the monks learned to write! But Latin did not stay as a spoken language after the Romans left in 400 AD. The real origins of English come from the languages spoken by the tribes that invaded in “the Dark Ages”, from about 450 AD onwards. They were the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians, often known as the Anglo-Saxons, who came from Denmark, Holland and Northern Germany. In fact, even the word “English” comes from the name of their language – “Englisc”, and the name “England” comes from “Angle Land”. The Anglo-Saxon languages gave English its shorter, informal words. Then more short, simple words were brought by the Vikings, who invaded from Denmark, Norway and Sweden between the years 789 and 1069. But where did all the longer, more complex words come from? When the Normans invaded Britain from northern France in 1066, they brought the French language, which had its origins in Latin (as the French were ruled by the Romans for so long). French words were much more complex than English words. They had more syllables and could be changed according to their usage in a sentence. The French language became the language of the Royal Court, and therefore also of the ruling and business classes. Latin was still the language of the church and English was the language of the common, uneducated man. So, the Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Latin and Norman French languages are the main ingredients of modern English. The Renaissance period in Europe from the 15th to the 17th centuries, which was a time of great cultural and intellectual change, brought even more influences to English (as you can see in the picture), and of course now, we take words from all over the world!.Words originating from Latin and French are still used in the formal and business language of today. As a general rule, formal words are longer than informal ones. For example, the word ‘get’ is informal and the word ‘receive’ is more formal and business-like. ‘Receive’ can be changed into similar words such as ‘receipt’, ‘receivership’, whereas simple words like ‘get’, with their origin in Anglo-Saxon, can’t be changed, so we have to combine them with other simple words if we want to make more complex meanings. This is where phrasal verbs come from. .But what happened to the native Celts, the original people of Britain? The invading Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans pushed the Celts to the far regions of Britain – to Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Cornwall. The languages of these regions are completely different from English!Formal and informal English arc completely different. Informal words are shorter, and come from Anglo-Saxon, and formal words are longer, and come from French and Latin.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]

Великобритания является небольшой остров , и на протяжении веков , и она была захвачена много раз. Самые ранние жители были кельты. Они занимали Великобританию за возможно 1000 лет, но затем римляне вторглись в 55 г. до н. Римляне, конечно, говорили на латыни, и как они принесли христианство в Англию, латынь была языком церкви, и , следовательно , всего писать в то время - только монахи научились писать! Но латынь не остался в качестве разговорного языка после того, как римляне оставили в 400 году нашей эры.
Реальные истоки английского языка происходят из языков , на которых говорят племена , которые вторглись в "темные века", от примерно 450 г. н.э. и далее. Они были англы, саксы и юты фризов, часто известный как англосаксы, которые пришли из Дании, Голландии и Северной Германии. На самом деле, даже слово "английский" происходит от названия своего языка - "Englisc", а название "Англия" происходит от "Angle земли". Языки Англо-Саксон дал английский язык свои короткие, неофициальные слова. Тогда более короткие, простые слова были привезены викингами, которые вторглись из Дании, Норвегии и Швеции между годами 789 и 1069
Но где же все более длинные, более сложные слова происходят от? Когда норманны вторглись в Британию из северной Франции в 1066 году , они принесли французский язык, который берет свое начало на латыни (как французы правили римляне так долго). Французские слова были гораздо более сложными , чем английских слов. У них было больше слогов и могут быть изменены в соответствии с их использованием в предложении. Французский язык стал языком королевского двора, и , следовательно , также правящих и бизнес - классов. Латынь была до сих пор язык церкви и английский язык был языком общего, необразованного человека.
Так, французский языки англо-саксонская, Viking, латинские и Norman являются основными составляющими современного английского языка. Период Ренессанса в Европе с 15 - го до 17 - го века, что было время большого культурного и интеллектуального изменения, принес еще больше влияния на английский язык (как вы можете видеть на картинке), и, конечно , теперь мы принимаем слова из всех по всему миру!.

Слова , происходящие из латинского и французского языков по - прежнему используются в формальном и деловом языке сегодня. Как правило, формальные слова больше , чем неформальные. Например, слово "получить" носит неформальный характер и слово "получить" носит более формальный характер и по -деловому. 'Прием' может быть изменен в подобных слов , таких как "получение", "конкурсное", в то время как простые слова , как "получить", с их происхождением в англо-саксонской, не может быть изменен, так что мы должны объединить их с другими простыми слова , если мы хотим сделать более сложные значения. Это где фразовые глаголы берутся. ,

Но что случилось с местными кельтами, оригинальные люди Британии? Вторгшихся римляне, англосаксы, викинги и норманны толкнул кельтов в отдаленные районы Великобритании - в Шотландии, Уэльсе, Ирландии и Корнуолле. Языки этих регионов полностью отличается от английского языка!
Формальное и неформальное английский дуга совершенно другой. Неофициальные слова короче, и происходят из англо-саксонской, и формальные слова больше, и происходят из французского и латинского.
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