Although I left university with a good degree, I suddenly found that i перевод - Although I left university with a good degree, I suddenly found that i русский как сказать

Although I left university with a g

Although I left university with a good degree, I suddenly found that it was actually quite hard to find a job. After being unemployed for a few months, I realized I had to take the first thing that came along or I would be in a difficult financial situation. And so, for six very long months, I became a marketing research telephone interviewer.
I knew it wasn’t the best company in the world when they told me that I’d have to undergo three days of training before starting work, and that I wouldn’t get paid for any of it. Still, I knew that the hourly rate when I actually did start full time would be a lot better than unemployment benefit, and I could work up to twelve hours a day, seven days a week if I wanted. So, I thought of the money I'd earn and put up with three days of unpaid training. Whatever those three days taught me - and I can't really remember anything about them today - I wasn't prepared for the way I would be treated by the supervisors.
It was worse than being at school. There were about twenty interviewers like myself, each sitting in a small, dark booth with an ancient computer and a dirty telephone. The booths were around the walls of the fifth floor of a concrete office block, and the supervisors sat in the middle of the room, listening in to all of our telephone interviews. We weren't allowed to talk to each other, and if we took more than about two seconds from ending one phone call and starting another, they would shout at us to hurry up and get on with our jobs. We even had to ask permission to go to the toilet. I was amazed how slowly the day went. Our first break of the day came at eleven o'clock, two hours after we started. I'll always remember that feeling of despair when I would look at my watch thinking, 'It must be nearly time for the break', only to find that it was quarter to ten and that there was another hour and a quarter to go. My next thought was always, 'I can't believe I'm going to be here until nine o'clock tonight.'
It wouldn't have been so bad if what we were doing had been useful. But it wasn't. Most of our interviews were for a major telecommunications company. We'd have to ring up businesses and ask them things like, 'Is your telecoms budget more than three million pounds a year?' The chances are we'd get the reply 'Oh, I don't think so. I'll ask my husband. This is a corner shop’. We've only got one phone. And so the day went on.
The most frightening aspect of the job was that I was actually quite good at it. 'Oh no!" I thought. 'Maybe I'm destined to be a market researcher for the rest of my life.' My boss certainly seemed to think so. One day — during a break, of course — she ordered me into her office. 'Simon,' she said, 'I'm promoting you. From tomorrow, you're off telecoms and onto credit card complaints. I'm sure you can handle it. There's no extra pay, but it is a very responsible position.'
Three weeks later I quit. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Although I left university with a good degree, I suddenly found that it was actually quite hard to find a job. After being unemployed for a few months, I realized I had to take the first thing that came along or I would be in a difficult financial situation. And so, for six very long months, I became a marketing research telephone interviewer.I knew it wasn’t the best company in the world when they told me that I’d have to undergo three days of training before starting work, and that I wouldn’t get paid for any of it. Still, I knew that the hourly rate when I actually did start full time would be a lot better than unemployment benefit, and I could work up to twelve hours a day, seven days a week if I wanted. So, I thought of the money I'd earn and put up with three days of unpaid training. Whatever those three days taught me - and I can't really remember anything about them today - I wasn't prepared for the way I would be treated by the supervisors.It was worse than being at school. There were about twenty interviewers like myself, each sitting in a small, dark booth with an ancient computer and a dirty telephone. The booths were around the walls of the fifth floor of a concrete office block, and the supervisors sat in the middle of the room, listening in to all of our telephone interviews. We weren't allowed to talk to each other, and if we took more than about two seconds from ending one phone call and starting another, they would shout at us to hurry up and get on with our jobs. We even had to ask permission to go to the toilet. I was amazed how slowly the day went. Our first break of the day came at eleven o'clock, two hours after we started. I'll always remember that feeling of despair when I would look at my watch thinking, 'It must be nearly time for the break', only to find that it was quarter to ten and that there was another hour and a quarter to go. My next thought was always, 'I can't believe I'm going to be here until nine o'clock tonight.'It wouldn't have been so bad if what we were doing had been useful. But it wasn't. Most of our interviews were for a major telecommunications company. We'd have to ring up businesses and ask them things like, 'Is your telecoms budget more than three million pounds a year?' The chances are we'd get the reply 'Oh, I don't think so. I'll ask my husband. This is a corner shop’. We've only got one phone. And so the day went on.The most frightening aspect of the job was that I was actually quite good at it. 'Oh no!" I thought. 'Maybe I'm destined to be a market researcher for the rest of my life.' My boss certainly seemed to think so. One day — during a break, of course — she ordered me into her office. 'Simon,' she said, 'I'm promoting you. From tomorrow, you're off telecoms and onto credit card complaints. I'm sure you can handle it. There's no extra pay, but it is a very responsible position.'Three weeks later I quit. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Хотя я оставил университет с хорошей степенью, я вдруг обнаружил , что это было на самом деле довольно трудно найти работу. После того, как быть безработным в течение нескольких месяцев, я понял , что я должен был взять на себя первое , что пришло вместе , или я бы в сложном финансовом положении. И так, в течение шести месяцев очень долго, я стал маркетинговые исследования телефон интервьюер.
Я знал , что это была не самая лучшая компания в мире , когда они сказали мне , что я должен был бы пройти три дня обучения перед началом работы, и что я не буду получать деньги за какой - либо из него. Тем не менее, я знал , что почасовая ставка , когда я на самом деле начать полный рабочий день , было бы намного лучше , чем пособие по безработице, и я мог бы работать до двенадцати часов в день, семь дней в неделю , если я хотел. Так, я думал о деньгах , я бы заработать и поставить три дня неоплачиваемого обучения. Какими бы ни были эти три дня меня учили - и я не могу вспомнить ничего о них сегодня , - я не был готов к тому , как я бы лечиться контролеров.
Это было хуже , чем в школе. Существовали около двадцати интервьюеры , как и я, каждый сидит в маленькой, темной кабинке с древним компьютером и грязным телефоном. Кабины были вокруг стен пятого этажа конкретного офисного здания, и контролеры сидели в середине комнаты, слушая , чтобы все наши телефонные интервью. Нам не разрешали разговаривать друг с другом, и если бы мы взяли более чем около двух секунд от окончания один телефонный звонок и начать другой, они будут кричать на нас поторопиться и получить с нашей работой. Нам даже пришлось просить разрешения сходить в туалет. Я был поражен тем, как медленно на следующий день пошел. Наш первый перерыв день пришел в одиннадцать часов, через два часа после того, как мы начали. Я всегда буду помнить , что чувство отчаяния , когда я смотрю на часы , думая: "Это должно быть почти время для перерыва", только чтобы обнаружить , что это было без четверти десять и что там был еще один час и четверть идти. Моя следующая мысль была всегда, "Я не могу поверить , что я собираюсь быть здесь до девяти часов вечера.
Это не было бы так плохо , если бы то , что мы делали , было полезным. Но это не было. Большинство наших интервью было для крупной телекоммуникационной компании. Нам придется позвонить дела и задавать им такие вещи , как, "Является ли ваш телекоммуникационный бюджет более трех миллионов фунтов в год? Шансы мы получим ответ : «О, я так не думаю. Я буду просить моего мужа. Это угловой магазин. У нас только один телефон. И так день продолжался.
Самым страшным аспектом работы было то , что я был на самом деле очень хорошо. «О нет!» Подумал я. "Может быть , я суждено стать исследователем рынка для остальной части моей жизни». Мой босс , конечно , казалось, думал так один день. - Во время перерыва, конечно , - приказала она мне в кабинет "Саймона, сказала она," я продвигаю вам С завтрашнего дня, вы с телекомов и на кредит.. карта жалоб. Я уверен , что вы можете справиться с этим. Там нет дополнительной заработной платы, но это очень ответственная позиция.
Три недели спустя я ушел. Это был один из лучших решений , которые я когда - либо делал.
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