Roman ArchitectureMany seeds, derived from early Grecian and Etruscan  перевод - Roman ArchitectureMany seeds, derived from early Grecian and Etruscan  русский как сказать

Roman ArchitectureMany seeds, deriv

Roman Architecture
Many seeds, derived from early Grecian and Etruscan designs, had already been
sown in Rome. Modern knowledge of Roman architecture derives primary from the
remains scattered throughout the area of the empire. Another source of information is a
vast store of records. Especially important is a book on architecture by the architect
Vitruvius "De Architectura" (27 B.C.). It consists of the books and covers almost every
aspect on architecture.
Whereas Greek architecture is tectonic, built up from logical series of horizontals
and verticals, Roman architecture is plastic with much use of rounded forms (arch, vault,
and dome). The Romans were more experimental than the Greeks in their construction.
Modifying and expanding earlier form to suit their purpose, the Romans often used
supporting columns for decorative effects, while the walls became the essential elements,
and they also made extensive use of coloured marble. But the true greatness of the
Romans lay in the creation of interior space.
In Roman architecture there were three types of houses: the domus or town -house;
the insula or multi - storey apartment house, and the villa or country house. The domus
was usually of one storey only and inward - looking, consisted of suites of rooms grouped
around a central hall, or atrium (a quadrangular court) and one or more peristyle courts.
The insula had several identical but separate floors and was often vaulted throughout with
concrete construction. Independent apartments had separate entrances with direct access to
the street. The villa was derived from the traditional farm - house and was more casual in
plan than the domus.
The Romans were great builders and engineers famous for their factories, roads,
aqueducts and bridges, grand thermae and amphitheaters, theatres, and temples.
The greatest surviving circular temple of antiquity, and in many respects the most
important Roman building, is the Panthenon in Rome. In consists of rotunda about 142
feet in diameter surrounded by concrete walls 20 feet thick, in which are alternate circular
and rectangular niches. Light is admitted through a central opening, or oculus, at the
crown of the dome. The rotunda and the dome are among the finest examples of Roman
concrete work. The interior was lined with marble.
The Romans also developed the Tuscan and Composite orders. The Tuscan order is
a simplified version of the Roman Doric, having a plan frieze and no mutules in the
cornice. The Composite order is a late Roman combination of elements from the Ionic and
Corinthian orders.
The evolution of new constructive elements was aided by important technical
discoveries. A part from stone Roman architecture soon began to make use of bricks,
which at the peak of Roman architecture became the main building material because of
their adaptability. The invention of concrete provided a material that encouraged the
monumental tendencies of Roman architecture.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Roman ArchitectureMany seeds, derived from early Grecian and Etruscan designs, had already beensown in Rome. Modern knowledge of Roman architecture derives primary from theremains scattered throughout the area of the empire. Another source of information is avast store of records. Especially important is a book on architecture by the architectVitruvius "De Architectura" (27 B.C.). It consists of the books and covers almost everyaspect on architecture.Whereas Greek architecture is tectonic, built up from logical series of horizontals 31and verticals, Roman architecture is plastic with much use of rounded forms (arch, vault,and dome). The Romans were more experimental than the Greeks in their construction.Modifying and expanding earlier form to suit their purpose, the Romans often usedsupporting columns for decorative effects, while the walls became the essential elements,and they also made extensive use of coloured marble. But the true greatness of theRomans lay in the creation of interior space.In Roman architecture there were three types of houses: the domus or town -house;the insula or multi - storey apartment house, and the villa or country house. The domuswas usually of one storey only and inward - looking, consisted of suites of rooms groupedaround a central hall, or atrium (a quadrangular court) and one or more peristyle courts.The insula had several identical but separate floors and was often vaulted throughout withconcrete construction. Independent apartments had separate entrances with direct access tothe street. The villa was derived from the traditional farm - house and was more casual inplan than the domus.The Romans were great builders and engineers famous for their factories, roads,aqueducts and bridges, grand thermae and amphitheaters, theatres, and temples.The greatest surviving circular temple of antiquity, and in many respects the mostimportant Roman building, is the Panthenon in Rome. In consists of rotunda about 142feet in diameter surrounded by concrete walls 20 feet thick, in which are alternate circularand rectangular niches. Light is admitted through a central opening, or oculus, at thecrown of the dome. The rotunda and the dome are among the finest examples of Romanconcrete work. The interior was lined with marble.The Romans also developed the Tuscan and Composite orders. The Tuscan order isa simplified version of the Roman Doric, having a plan frieze and no mutules in thecornice. The Composite order is a late Roman combination of elements from the Ionic andCorinthian orders.The evolution of new constructive elements was aided by important technicaldiscoveries. A part from stone Roman architecture soon began to make use of bricks,which at the peak of Roman architecture became the main building material because oftheir adaptability. The invention of concrete provided a material that encouraged themonumental tendencies of Roman architecture.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Римской архитектуры
Многие семена, полученные из ранних греческих и этрусских конструкций, уже
посеяны в Риме. Современные знания римской архитектуры происходит первичная из
остатков , разбросанных по всей территории империи. Другим источником информации является
обширный запас записей. Особенно важным является книга по архитектуре архитектора
Витрувия "De Architectura" (27 г. до н.э.). Она состоит из книг и охватывает практически каждый
аспект по архитектуре. В
то время как греческая архитектура тектонический, построенная из логических рядов горизонталей
и вертикалей, римская архитектура пластик с большим использованием округлых форм (арки, свода,
и купола). Римляне были более экспериментальным , чем у греков в их строительстве.
Изменение и расширение ранее форму в соответствии с их цели, римляне часто использовали
опорные колонны для декоративных эффектов, а стены стали важными элементами,
и они также широко использовали цветного мрамора. Но истинное величие
римлян заключалось в создании внутреннего пространства.
В римской архитектуры было три типа домов: Отель Domus или город -дом,
островок или нескольких - этажный жилой дом, и виллу или загородный дом. Домус
, как правило , одного этажа только и внутрь - вид, состоял из анфиладами , сгруппированных
вокруг центрального зала, или предсердия (четырехугольная суда) и один или более Перистиль судов.
Островковой имел несколько идентичных , но отдельные этажи и часто сводчатые повсюду с
бетонной конструкции. Независимые квартиры имели отдельные входы с прямым выходом на
улицу. Вилла была получена из традиционной фермы - дома и был более случайный в
плане , чем Домус.
Римляне были великими строителями и инженерами известные своими заводов, дорог,
акведуков и мостов, Гранд терм и амфитеатры, театры и храмы.
Наибольший сохранившихся круговой храм древности, и во многих отношениях наиболее
важным римским здание, является Panthenon в Риме. В состоит из ротонды около 142
футов в диаметре , окруженные бетонными стенами толщиной 20 футов, в котором чередуются круглые
и прямоугольные ниши. Свет поступает через центральное отверстие, или Oculus, на
макушке купола. Ротонда и купол являются одними из лучших образцов римской
конкретной работы. Интерьер был облицован мрамором.
Римляне также разработали Tuscan и композитных заказов. Tuscan заказ
упрощенная версия римской дорического, имея план бордюр и никаких mutules в
карниз. Композитный порядок является позднего римского сочетание элементов из ионических и
порядков коринфскими.
Эволюция новых конструктивных элементов способствовало важных технических
открытий. Часть из каменной римской архитектуры вскоре стали использовать кирпичи,
которые на пике римской архитектуры стал основным строительным материалом из - за
их технологичности. Изобретение бетона предложен материал , который поощрял
монументальные тенденции римской архитектуры.
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