A)Lars Magnus Ericsson, was the first man who had a telephone in his c перевод - A)Lars Magnus Ericsson, was the first man who had a telephone in his c русский как сказать

A)Lars Magnus Ericsson, was the fir

Lars Magnus Ericsson, was the first man who had a telephone in his car. When he saw a place where he could get to phone lines, he connected to them with a pair of long electric wires. Then in Russia two Soviet engineers successfully tested a mobile phone installed in a car. It could connect to a local telephone network within 20 kilometers. A year later, two engineers from Europe tried to use antenna in the phone.
The company of mobile phones in Finland started to sell their products in 1970. There were several types of phones: 2G and later 3G. Third-generation phones are now used everywhere in the world. They are small, flat and very comfortable to use. Some people say that the only problem with the new phones is to remember all the functions. The mobile phone is often called the Seventh of the Mass Media (with Print, Recordings, Cinema, Radio, TV and Internet the first six).
In many countries, most adults and many children now have mobile phones. Mobile phones are used for a variety of purposes, including keeping in touch with the family, running business, and for emergency calls. Children and adults often play mobile phone games or use the phone as an audio player. In Japan, phone companies provide immediate notice of earthquakes and other natural disasters to their customers free of charge. In the event of an emergency, disaster response crews can find injured people using the signals from their mobile phones.
Today’s mobile phones do more than just offer voice, email, Web and music services. They are stylish accessories, too. Cool design has always played a great role in digital business. People, young people especially, use the phone to express their self. Just like clothes, phones can carry a message of sports lifestyle, luxury, adventure or romance. Mobile phone companies introduce their new collections every season and it’s rather difficult to keep up with today’s mobiles.
Mobile phones have increased greatly in the world. Some people carry more than one mobile phone for different purposes, such as for business and personal use. The mobiles are to be seen absolutely everywhere – in schools, restaurants, theatres and even churches. They ring during lectures, meetings and in classical music concerts. In recent survey, 62 % of people said that the most irritating thing in their lives was mobile phones on the train!
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
A)Lars Magnus Ericsson, was the first man who had a telephone in his car. When he saw a place where he could get to phone lines, he connected to them with a pair of long electric wires. Then in Russia two Soviet engineers successfully tested a mobile phone installed in a car. It could connect to a local telephone network within 20 kilometers. A year later, two engineers from Europe tried to use antenna in the phone.B)The company of mobile phones in Finland started to sell their products in 1970. There were several types of phones: 2G and later 3G. Third-generation phones are now used everywhere in the world. They are small, flat and very comfortable to use. Some people say that the only problem with the new phones is to remember all the functions. The mobile phone is often called the Seventh of the Mass Media (with Print, Recordings, Cinema, Radio, TV and Internet the first six).C)In many countries, most adults and many children now have mobile phones. Mobile phones are used for a variety of purposes, including keeping in touch with the family, running business, and for emergency calls. Children and adults often play mobile phone games or use the phone as an audio player. In Japan, phone companies provide immediate notice of earthquakes and other natural disasters to their customers free of charge. In the event of an emergency, disaster response crews can find injured people using the signals from their mobile phones.D)Today’s mobile phones do more than just offer voice, email, Web and music services. They are stylish accessories, too. Cool design has always played a great role in digital business. People, young people especially, use the phone to express their self. Just like clothes, phones can carry a message of sports lifestyle, luxury, adventure or romance. Mobile phone companies introduce their new collections every season and it’s rather difficult to keep up with today’s mobiles.E)Mobile phones have increased greatly in the world. Some people carry more than one mobile phone for different purposes, such as for business and personal use. The mobiles are to be seen absolutely everywhere – in schools, restaurants, theatres and even churches. They ring during lectures, meetings and in classical music concerts. In recent survey, 62 % of people said that the most irritating thing in their lives was mobile phones on the train!
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
ларс магнус эрикссон, был первым человеком, который был телефон в его машине.когда он увидел, как место, где он мог достать телефонные линии, он связан с пары длинных электрические провода.тогда в россии два советских инженеров, успешно опробованы мобильного телефона, установленного в машину.он может подключиться к сети местной телефонной связи в 20 километров.год спустя,двое инженеров из европы пытались использовать антенны в телефон.
компании мобильных телефонов в финляндии начали продавать свою продукцию в 1970 году.существует несколько видов телефонов 2G и 3G: позже. третьего поколения телефонов используются во всем мире.они маленькие, квартиру и очень удобен в использовании.некоторые говорят, что только проблемы с новыми моделями, заключается в том, чтобы вспомнить все функции.мобильный телефон часто называют седьмой средств массовой информации (с записями, кино, печать, радио, телевидение и интернет первые шесть).
во многих странах, большинство взрослых и многие дети сейчас есть мобильные телефоны.мобильные телефоны используются для различных целей, в том числе и поддержания контактов с семьей,запуск бизнеса, так и для вызова экстренной помощи.дети и взрослые часто играют mobile phone games или пользоваться телефоном в аудио плеер.в японии, телефонные компании обеспечить немедленное извещение о землетрясений и других стихийных бедствий, их клиентам бесплатно.в случае чрезвычайной ситуации, оказание помощи в случае стихийных бедствий экипажи могут найти раненых с использованием сигналов со своего мобильного телефона.
d).сегодня мобильные телефоны, делать больше, чем просто предлагают голос, email, веб - и музыкальный сервис.они стильные аксессуары тоже.классный дизайн всегда играла большую роль в цифровом бизнесе.люди, молодые люди, особенно, пользоваться телефоном, чтобы выразить себя.просто, как одежда, телефоны могут нести сообщение спортивного образа жизни, роскошь, приключения и романтики.мобильный телефон компании представят свои новые коллекции, каждый сезон, и это довольно сложно угнаться за сегодня мобильные телефоны.
мобильные телефоны значительно увеличились в мире.некоторые люди обладают более чем одного мобильного телефона для различных целей, таких, как для деловых и личных целях.на мобильные телефоны можно найти абсолютно везде - в школах, в рестораны, театры и даже церкви.они звонили во время лекций, встреч и в классические концерты.в последних обследований, 62% людей, говорит, что самым раздражающим вещь в своей жизни был мобильных телефонов на поезде!
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