1.What tradition is popular to the students at Сambridge?In two weeks  перевод - 1.What tradition is popular to the students at Сambridge?In two weeks  русский как сказать

1.What tradition is popular to the

1.What tradition is popular to the students at Сambridge?

In two weeks I shall finish my first year at Cambridge. Let me tell you something about students' life and my impressions of it.


The students are mainly English, but there are many others, particularly so in the block of rooms in which I live, for my neighbours include a Chinese studying law, an Indian studying English, a Canadian studying history and a Frenchman studying science.
The rooms have a pleasant outlook over the College gardens. There is a very small gas-stove on which we make coffee or tea. It is a popular tradition here to invite friends in the afternoon for tea and hot buttered toast' and jam. To each room there is a man-servant who with a woman-servant, known as a "bedder",2 keep it clean.

2.What are students "sconced" (штрафоваться) for?

In the old days when Colleges were religious institutions the students were clergymen (священник) , and their life was much more strict and disciplined than now. Friendship with young ladies was not allowed and the only women inside the college were washerwomen. The legend is that these had to be "old and ugly" (уродливые) .
The students eat their meals in the College dining-hall. At some Colleges there is an interesting tradition. It is known as "sconcing".3 If a student comes late to dinner or he is not correctly dressed, or if he breaks one of the laws (закон) of behaviour, then the senior student orders him to be "sconced".
A large silver cup, known as "sconce cup", filled with beer is brought and placed in front of him and he must drink it in one attempt without taking the cup from his lips (it holds two and a half pints, or 1.5 litres). If he can do it, then the senior student pays for it, if not, the cup is passed round and the student who has been "sconced" must pay for it. In general the discipline is not strict.

3.What do the so-called "Bulldogs" do if a student whom they come up to runs away?

The students can stay out till twelve o'clock. Each evening a Proctor4 with two assistants, called "Bulldogs", walks about the town keeping an eye on the students' behaviour. If he sees a student breaking a rule he will come up to him and say, "Are you a member of the University, sir?", and if a student runs away, then the "Bulldogs" run after him, and if they catch him (they are chosen, it is said, because they are good runners), fine (штрафовать) him.
Apart from fines a student may be dismissed (исключать) from the University for one term.

4.What students' societies are there at Cambridge and which is the most popular one?

We attend our lectures in the morning and in the afternoon we are free. I usually work in my room or play some sport. The most popular sport is rowing.
There are over a hundred societies and clubs. There are religious societies and a society for those who don't believe, political, sporting and dramatic societies. There is even one for people with beards. Perhaps the most popular is the Debating

Society at which students debate political and other questions with famous politicians and writers.
The walks into the country, the talks, the games and the work, the traditions and the customs — all are part of the students' life which would be poorer if any of them was lost.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
1.What tradition is popular to the students at Сambridge?In two weeks I shall finish my first year at Cambridge. Let me tell you something about students' life and my impressions of it.33The students are mainly English, but there are many others, particularly so in the block of rooms in which I live, for my neighbours include a Chinese studying law, an Indian studying English, a Canadian studying history and a Frenchman studying science.The rooms have a pleasant outlook over the College gardens. There is a very small gas-stove on which we make coffee or tea. It is a popular tradition here to invite friends in the afternoon for tea and hot buttered toast' and jam. To each room there is a man-servant who with a woman-servant, known as a "bedder",2 keep it clean.2.What are students "sconced" (штрафоваться) for?In the old days when Colleges were religious institutions the students were clergymen (священник) , and their life was much more strict and disciplined than now. Friendship with young ladies was not allowed and the only women inside the college were washerwomen. The legend is that these had to be "old and ugly" (уродливые) .The students eat their meals in the College dining-hall. At some Colleges there is an interesting tradition. It is known as "sconcing".3 If a student comes late to dinner or he is not correctly dressed, or if he breaks one of the laws (закон) of behaviour, then the senior student orders him to be "sconced".Большой серебряный кубок, известный как «Бра Кубок», наполненный пиво принес и ставили перед ним, и он должен пить его в одной попытки не принимая Кубок из его уст, (он занимает два с половиной пинт, или 1,5 литра). Если он может сделать это, затем старший студент платит за него, если это не так, Кубок передается раунд и за это должны платить студент, который был «sconced». В целом дисциплины не является строгим.3. что делать так называемый «бульдоги» если студентом, которого они приходят до убегает?Студенты могут остаться вне до двенадцати часов. Каждый вечер Proctor4 с двумя помощниками, под названием «Бульдоги», прогулки по городу, держать глаз на поведение учащихся. Если он видит студентом, нарушая правила, он будет подойти к нему и сказать, «Ты членом университета, сэр?» и если студент убегает, а затем «Бульдоги» бегите за ним, и если они поймать его (они выбираются, он сказал, потому что они хорошие бегуны), штраф (штрафовать) ему.Помимо штрафов студент может быть уволен (исключать) из университета на один срок.4. Какие студенческих обществ есть в Кембридже и который является наиболее популярным?Мы посещаем наши лекции утром и во второй половине дня, мы свободны. Я обычно работают в моей комнате или играть некоторые спорта. Самый популярный вид спорта гребля.Есть более чем 100 обществ и клубов. Существует религиозные общества и общества для тех, кто не верит, политические, спортивных и драматического общества. Есть даже одно для людей с бородками. Возможно наиболее популярным является ведение дебатовОбщество, в котором студенты обсуждения политических и других вопросов с известных политиков и писателей.Прогулки в страны, переговоры, игры и работу, традиции и обычаи — все являются частью жизни студентов, которая бы беднее, если любой из них была потеряна.
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