The Conquest of Smallpox. In the 18th century smallpox was one of the  перевод - The Conquest of Smallpox. In the 18th century smallpox was one of the  русский как сказать

The Conquest of Smallpox. In the 18

The Conquest of Smallpox.
In the 18th century smallpox was one of the main causes of death. Young and old caught this disease. Children of poor parents died before they were 5years old.
Edward Jenner was an English physician. He was born in England in 1749. Jenner studied medicine in London and in 1773 he returned to his native town.
In those days the whole world was afraid of smallpox. Every fifth person in London had the marks of the disease on his face.
Once a milkmaid said to Jenner :”I shan't catch smallpox as I have already had cow-pox”.
Jenner asked the country people about cow-pox and found that many men and women thought about it like that milk-maid.
For more than 20 years Jenner studied cow-pox and experimented on animals.
In 1796 a young woman came to Jenner. “What's the matter with you?” Jenner asked her.
“Please, have a look at my hand, doctor”, answered the woman. I have got sore on it. I think I have caught it from a sick cow”.
The doctor examined her hand. He pressed out some of the matter from one of the pock-marks, then he cut the skin on the arm of an 8 year old boy and rubbed some cow-pox matter into his arm.
The name of the boy was James Philips.
That night Jenner slept little. Every day he visited the boy and several days later Jenner inoculated the boy with small-pox matter. Time passed but the boy's health didn't suffer.
He never caught smallpox. It was a great conquest. The experiment was successful. The terrible disease was beaten.
Jenner called his new method "vaccination" from the Latin word "vacca" which means 'a cow'.
Jenner received many awards from all over the world. He built a house for James Phipps and planted roses there.
To his last days the "country doctor
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The Conquest of Smallpox. In the 18th century smallpox was one of the main causes of death. Young and old caught this disease. Children of poor parents died before they were 5years old. Edward Jenner was an English physician. He was born in England in 1749. Jenner studied medicine in London and in 1773 he returned to his native town. In those days the whole world was afraid of smallpox. Every fifth person in London had the marks of the disease on his face. Once a milkmaid said to Jenner :”I shan't catch smallpox as I have already had cow-pox”. Jenner asked the country people about cow-pox and found that many men and women thought about it like that milk-maid. For more than 20 years Jenner studied cow-pox and experimented on animals. In 1796 a young woman came to Jenner. “What's the matter with you?” Jenner asked her. “Please, have a look at my hand, doctor”, answered the woman. I have got sore on it. I think I have caught it from a sick cow”. The doctor examined her hand. He pressed out some of the matter from one of the pock-marks, then he cut the skin on the arm of an 8 year old boy and rubbed some cow-pox matter into his arm. The name of the boy was James Philips. That night Jenner slept little. Every day he visited the boy and several days later Jenner inoculated the boy with small-pox matter. Time passed but the boy's health didn't suffer. He never caught smallpox. It was a great conquest. The experiment was successful. The terrible disease was beaten.Дженнер назвал его новый метод «вакцинация» от латинского слова «vacca», что означает «корова».Дженнер получил множество наград от всего мира. Он построил дом для Джеймса Фиппс и посадили розы там. В последние дни доктор страны «
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
завоевание оспа.в 18 - ом столетии оспа является одной из основных причин смерти.молодые и старые поймали этого заболевания.дети бедных родителей умер до того, как они были 5years старые.эдвард дженнер был английский врач.он родился в англии в 1749.дженнер, изучал медицину в лондоне и в 1773 году он вернулся в родной город.в эти дни весь мир боялся оспа.каждый пятый человек в лондоне были следы от болезни, на его лице.после того, как milkmaid сказал: "я не буду ловить дженнер, оспа, как я уже была корова оспа".дженнер попросил страны люди про корову оспы, и обнаружили, что многие мужчины и женщины, подумал бы, что молоко горничной.за более чем 20 лет дженнер изучал корова оспы и проводили эксперименты на животных.в 1796 году молодая женщина пришла к дженнер."что с тобой?"дженнер попросил ее."пожалуйста, взгляните на мою руку, доктор", ответила женщина.у меня болит по нему.я думаю, я поймал его с больной коровы ".врач осмотрел ее руку.он нажал на несколько вопрос от одного из Pock знаки, тогда он отрезал кожу на руке 8 - летний мальчик и потер некоторые корова оспы, вопрос в его руке.имя мальчика был джеймс филипс.в ту ночь дженнер почти не спали.каждый день он посетил мальчика и спустя несколько дней дженнер, привитых мальчик с оспа.время шло, но здоровье мальчика не страдал.он никогда не поймал вирус оспы.это была большая победа.эксперимент удался.страшная болезнь была избита.дженнер, назвал свой новый метод "прививку" от латинского слова "вакка", что означает "корова".дженнер, получил много наград по всему миру.он построил дом для джеймса фиппс и посадила розы.в последние дни его "сельский врач
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