Exercise 9. Point out the gerund, the participle, and the Predicative  перевод - Exercise 9. Point out the gerund, the participle, and the Predicative  украинский как сказать

Exercise 9. Point out the gerund, t

Exercise 9. Point out the gerund, the participle, and the Predicative Constructions, and state their function. Translate into Russian.

1. She thought of her father sitting on the veranda..., a palm-leaf in his hand, watching the Negro mow the lawn. (Faulkner)2. She was woken out of her fevered doze by Harry shaking her, holding her arm. (Lindsay)3. On trying the door of the girl's room, she found it still locked. (Hardy)4. I wouldn't say such a thing without being sure. (James)5. "You are young yet, you could go back to the cities and better yourself without lifting more than an eyelid," he said. She didn't move leaning lightly against the wall, her arms folded. (Faulkner)6. Lying back on the cushioned seat, the warm air flying at his face, Felix contemplated with delight his favourite country-side. (Galsworthy) 7. You must go and lie down. It's no good making yourself ill. (Maugham)8. The old man walked away, and Cowperwood heard his steps dying down the cement-paved hall. He stood and listened, his ears being greeted occasionally by a distant cough, a faint scraping of some one's feet..., or the iron scratch of a key in a lock. (Dreiser)9. In the heart of the forests great trees grew almost a hundred yards high, their lowest limbs sprouting out two hundred feet from the ground. Through the densest portions a man would lose an hour in moving a few hundred steps. (Mailer)10. I've got your drawing framed and hung above my bureau, and very jolly it looks. (Galsworthy)11. He took the Taylor road, increasing speed. He drank again from the jar without slowing down. (Faulkner)12, Seeing me he stood irresolute, his eyes dark and mournful. (Hansford Johnson)13. The idea of anybody wasting his time was obnoxious to him. (Dreiser)14. She listened to the tapping for a while before she finally got up, grumbling for being disturbed when she felt so comfortable in bed. (Caldwell)15. As if summoned from a long distance, Sir Lawrence galvanitically refixed his monocle. (Galsworthy)16. When immersed in a book, she was, as her husband had put it, its slave. (Cronin)17. Mechanically he went to the telephone. He found the number with difficulty, his eyes being misty. (Galsworthy)18. He stopped angrily, as if looking for words. (Mailer)19. Being your husband is only a job for which one man will do as well as another. Being my wife is something quite different. (Shaw)20. For six years now... she had watched these slave gangs being pushed along the road. (Stone)21. From somewhere toward the rear they could hear a dinner table being set, and a woman's voice singing obviously to a small child. (Faulkner)22. Then came the loud ringing of a bell, mingled with the noise of fire-arms, and the sensation of being carried over uneven ground. (Dickens)23. I distinctly recalled hearing someone moving about in the lounge on entering after my morning walk with Kitty. (Clark)24. Firing the machine gun had partially deafened him. (Mailer)25. Although they loved each other, their minds were like two countries at war, with the telegraph wire down and the rails torn up. (Greene)26. Nessie fiddled with her teaspoon, dropped it, then blushed shamefully as though discovered in a wicked act. (Cronin)27. I got into the dinghy, and found William and Christopher sitting in it, staring bad-temperedly at one another. (Snow)28. I'll have you watched as long as you stay in Lewes. (Greene)29. The man remained standing, with his hands in his pockets... (Dickens)30. Please, do make an effort at entertaining her. (Heym)31. Being a doctor he knows that he won't live much longer and he's afraid of dying; which, being a doctor, he ought not to be. (Baum)32. After prolonging his visit by every conceivable excuse in his power, he summoned courage, and offered her his hand and his heart. Being in no way disinclined to him,... and her uncle making no objection to the match, she consented to share his fate... (Hardy)33. There was no getting a word more out of him on the matter of the Moonstone. (Collins)34. They had thought the question settled. (Galsworthy)35. Now there's just one thing I feel I ought to say, Mrs. Atwood, and you mustn't mind my saying it. (Priestley) 36. Cursing himself for not having learned to drive a car, he woke up Toni and swept him down to the garage. (Baum)
37. I could feel the sense of disquiet growing rapidly. (Clark).
38. It's terribly disappointing. (Walpole) 39. Dale was near jumping with pride and satisfaction... (Cronin)40. His eyes on the window, he ran on tiptoe across the bare space between the coppice and the wall. (Greene)41. On descending, I found Paulina seated at the breakfast table... (Ch. Bronte)42. But it was lovely walking in the woods. (Hemingway)43. His footsteps could be heard descending the stairs at a run. (Murdoch)44. She was angry with herself for letting her voice become hoarse. (Stone)45. Warden looked over at him, almost startled, without moving, a look of actual real hurt coming on his face. (Jones)
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
Вправа 9. На Дієприслівник, на дієприкметник часу та Предикатно конструкцій а також заявити свої функції. Перекладу на російську мову. 1. She thought of her father sitting on the veranda..., a palm-leaf in his hand, watching the Negro mow the lawn. (Faulkner)2. She was woken out of her fevered doze by Harry shaking her, holding her arm. (Lindsay)3. On trying the door of the girl's room, she found it still locked. (Hardy)4. I wouldn't say such a thing without being sure. (James)5. "You are young yet, you could go back to the cities and better yourself without lifting more than an eyelid," he said. She didn't move leaning lightly against the wall, her arms folded. (Faulkner)6. Lying back on the cushioned seat, the warm air flying at his face, Felix contemplated with delight his favourite country-side. (Galsworthy) 7. You must go and lie down. It's no good making yourself ill. (Maugham)8. The old man walked away, and Cowperwood heard his steps dying down the cement-paved hall. He stood and listened, his ears being greeted occasionally by a distant cough, a faint scraping of some one's feet..., or the iron scratch of a key in a lock. (Dreiser)9. In the heart of the forests great trees grew almost a hundred yards high, their lowest limbs sprouting out two hundred feet from the ground. Through the densest portions a man would lose an hour in moving a few hundred steps. (Mailer)10. I've got your drawing framed and hung above my bureau, and very jolly it looks. (Galsworthy)11. He took the Taylor road, increasing speed. He drank again from the jar without slowing down. (Faulkner)12, Seeing me he stood irresolute, his eyes dark and mournful. (Hansford Johnson)13. The idea of anybody wasting his time was obnoxious to him. (Dreiser)14. She listened to the tapping for a while before she finally got up, grumbling for being disturbed when she felt so comfortable in bed. (Caldwell)15. As if summoned from a long distance, Sir Lawrence galvanitically refixed his monocle. (Galsworthy)16. When immersed in a book, she was, as her husband had put it, its slave. (Cronin)17. Mechanically he went to the telephone. He found the number with difficulty, his eyes being misty. (Galsworthy)18. He stopped angrily, as if looking for words. (Mailer)19. Being your husband is only a job for which one man will do as well as another. Being my wife is something quite different. (Shaw)20. For six years now... she had watched these slave gangs being pushed along the road. (Stone)21. From somewhere toward the rear they could hear a dinner table being set, and a woman's voice singing obviously to a small child. (Faulkner)22. Then came the loud ringing of a bell, mingled with the noise of fire-arms, and the sensation of being carried over uneven ground. (Dickens)23. I distinctly recalled hearing someone moving about in the lounge on entering after my morning walk with Kitty. (Clark)24. Firing the machine gun had partially deafened him. (Mailer)25. Although they loved each other, their minds were like two countries at war, with the telegraph wire down and the rails torn up. (Greene)26. Nessie fiddled with her teaspoon, dropped it, then blushed shamefully as though discovered in a wicked act. (Cronin)27. I got into the dinghy, and found William and Christopher sitting in it, staring bad-temperedly at one another. (Snow)28. I'll have you watched as long as you stay in Lewes. (Greene)29. The man remained standing, with his hands in his pockets... (Dickens)30. Please, do make an effort at entertaining her. (Heym)31. Being a doctor he knows that he won't live much longer and he's afraid of dying; which, being a doctor, he ought not to be. (Baum)32. After prolonging his visit by every conceivable excuse in his power, he summoned courage, and offered her his hand and his heart. Being in no way disinclined to him,... and her uncle making no objection to the match, she consented to share his fate... (Hardy)33. There was no getting a word more out of him on the matter of the Moonstone. (Collins)34. They had thought the question settled. (Galsworthy)35. Now there's just one thing I feel I ought to say, Mrs. Atwood, and you mustn't mind my saying it. (Priestley) 36. Cursing himself for not having learned to drive a car, he woke up Toni and swept him down to the garage. (Baum) 37. я міг відчуваю почуття занепокоєння, стрімко зростає. (Кларк). 38. Це страшенно розчаровують. (Walpole) 39. Дейл було близько стрибки з гордістю і задоволення... (Вотсон Кронін) 40. Його очі на вікні, він натрапив на носках голими простір між у гаю і стіни. (Грін) 41. За спаданням, я знайшов Поліна сісти за стіл сніданок... (Ч. Бронте) 42. Але це прекрасні прогулянки у лісі. (Хемінгуей) 43. Його стопах Анастейша спуску зі сходів у публіки. (Мердок) 44. Вона сердиться, сама з собою повідомили її голос став хрипким. (Камінь) 45. Наглядача подивився на нього, майже перелякана, без переміщення, подивитися на фактичні реальні боляче надходять на його обличчі. (Джонс)
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
E%20вона%20знайшли%20його%20все-таки%20зафіксовано.%20(Гарді)4.%20I%20б не%20сказати%20таких%20а%20річ%20без%20, 20% впевнений.%20(Джеймс)5.%20%22ти%20є%20молодих%20, 20% ви%20б%20йти%20назад%20до 20% у 20% міст%20а%20краще%20себе%20без%20підйомних%20більш%20ніж%20в 20-20 повіки,%22%20він%20.%20вона%20не%20рухатися%20нахиліться%20злегка%20проти%20в%20стіни, 20% її%20озброєнь%20складчастим.%20(Фолкнер)6.%20Лежачи%20назад%20на 20%в%20м'%20сидіння, 20% - 20% тепла%20повітря%20летить%20о 20%його%20обличчя,%%%20Він%20пили%20знову%20від 20% до 20% блендера%20без%20уповільнення%20вниз.%20(Фолкнер)12%20Побачивши%20мене%20він%20стояв%20нерішучим,%20його%20очі%20темні%20а%20скорботні.%20(Hansford%20Джонсон)13.%20В%20ідею%20з 20% нікому%20витрачати%20його%20час%20був%20згубні%20до 20% його.%20(Драйзера)14.%20вона%20слухала%20до 20% у 20% постукування%20для%20а%20а%20до 20% вона%20нарешті%20отримали 20%, 20% буркотливий%20для%20, 20% порушується%20, коли%20вона%20відчув%20так%20 комфортабельних%20в 20-20 ліжка.%20(Колдуелл)15.%20а%20якщо%20викликають%20від%20а%20довго%20відстань,%20Сер%20Лоуренс%20galvanitically%20refixed%20його%20monocle.%20(Голсуорсі)16.%20, коли%20потопає%20в%20а%20книги, 20% вона%20був,%20а%20її%20 чоловік%20мали%20покласти%20, 20% її%20раб.%20(Cronin)17.%20Механічно%20він%20пішла%20до 20% у 20% телефону.%20Він%20знайшли%20в%20числа%20з%20труднощами,%20його%20очі%20, 20% туманного.%20(Голсуорсі)18.%20Він%20перестали%20сердито,%20а%20якщо%20вигляд%20для%20слова.%20(Mailer)19.%20, 20% свого%20 чоловік%20є%20лише%20а%20роботу%20для%20яких%20один%20 чоловік%20буде%20робити%20а%20а%20а%20іншу.%20, 20% моїх%20дружина%20є%20щось%20досить%20по-різному.%20(Шо)20.%20для%206%20 років%20...%20вона%20мали%20дивилися%20ці%20раб%20угрупуваннями%20, 20% штовхнув%20вздовж%20в%20дороги.%20(Камінь)21.%20від 20% десь%20до 20% у 20% задніх%20вони%20б%20почути%20а%20Обід%20жатки%20, 20%, 20% та%20а%20жіноче%20голос%20спів%20явно%20до%20а%20малих%20дитину.%20(Фолкнер)22.%20Потім%20прийшли%20в%20гучні%20дзвін%20з%20а%20дзвони,%20перегаром впереміш%20з%20в%20шум%20з 20% вогнепальної зброї,%20а%20в%20сенсація%20з 20%, що%20здійснюється%20над%20нерівномірного%20землі.%20(Діккенс)23.%20I%20виразно%20нагадав%20слухання%20хтось%20рухається%20про%20в 20-20-20, 20 лаунж%20на 20%введення%20після%20мій%20вранці%20ходити%20з%20Котик.%20(Кларк)24.%20Випалення%20в%20машина%2030-50%20мали%20частково%20deafened%20його.%20(Mailer)25.%20Хоча%20вони%20любив%20кожного%20інших,%20їх%20уми%20були%20як%20два%20 країн%20о 20%війни,%20з%20в%20Daily Telegraph%20дріт%20вниз%20а%20в%20рейки%20рвуться%20.%20(Грін)26.%20Nessie%20fiddled%20з%20її%20чайна ложка,%20скинула%20, 20% тоді%20почервоніла%20ганебно%20а%20хоча%20виявили%20в%20а%20wicked%20діяти.%20(Cronin)27.%20I%20отримали 20% у 20% на 20%, dinghy%20а%20знайшли%20Вільям%20а%20Крістофер%20сидить%20в 20-20, 20% з 06.04.20% погано temperedly%20о 20%1%20іншу.%20(Сніг)28.%%%20Етвуд,%20а%20ти%20не повинні%20розум%20мій%20приказка%20.%20(Priestley)%опитано 2036.%20Лаючи%20сам%20для%20не%20маючи%20дізналися%20до 20% диск%20а%20авто,%20він%20прокинулася%20до 20% Тоні%20а%20пронісся%20йому%20вниз%20до 20% у 20% гараж.%20(Баум)%5Е%2037 року.%20I%20б%20відчути%20в%20сенс%20з 20% царат%20зростає%20швидко.%20(Кларк).%5Е%2 038.%20це%20страшенно%20невтішними.%20(Піт Велпол)%2039 р.%20Дейла%20був%20біля%20стрибків%20з%20гордість%20а%20задоволення...%20(Cronin)40.%20його%20очі%20на 20%в%20вікна%%20майже%20насторожило,%20без%20рухається,%20а%20виглядають%20з 20% фактичного%20реального%20боляче%20приходу%20на 20%його%20обличчя.%20(Jones)
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