6. VOLGOGRAD.  Of many towns and cities of our motherland there are so перевод - 6. VOLGOGRAD.  Of many towns and cities of our motherland there are so русский как сказать

6. VOLGOGRAD. Of many towns and ci

Of many towns and cities of our motherland there are some that like a
mirror have reflected the character of our people. Among them the heroic city
of Volgograd is something of a legend. It has a dramatic age-long history.
Volgograd has changed its name three times: Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad and
The city was founded in 1589 as a fortress guarding the trade route along
the Volga. It took its first name Tsaritsyn from the island on which it was
originally built known as Sary-chin or Yellow Sands to the Tatars.
At the beginning of the 17th century Tsaritsyn was burnt to the ground and
then rebuilt on the right bank of the river to strengthen the south-eastern
boundaries of the country and protect the Volga trade route. Till the end of the
18th century it served as a bastion against the aggressive nomadic tribes.
Tsaritsyn witnessed the Cossack freemen and peasants rise against the tsarism
under the leadership of Yemelyan Pugachov.
Later the destiny of our state was decided at the walls of the city twice -
back in the years of the Civil War and during the Great Patriotic war. During
the Civil War in 1918 Tsaritsyn played an important role as a military, strategic
and economic centre of the country.
After the Civil War the provincial town of Tsaritsyn (re-named Stalingrad
in 1925) developed very rapidly. By 1940 Stalingrad was already a big
industrial and cultural centre. On the eve of the Second World War it produced
40 percent of the country's tractors, over 30 percent of high-grade steel. It had
126 factories and plants, vast residential districts, many schools, libraries,
theatres. By then the city's population had grown to about half a million. The
peaceful life of the city was interrupted by the war.
It was one of the most severe fightings in the world history. The nazis
dropped on the city a total of one million bombs weighing 100000 tons and
fired several million artillery and mortar shell at it. But the defenders of the Volga stronghold fought to the last ditch and held out. The Stalingrad battle
ended on February, 2 1943 in a defeat of the surrounded nazi army 330000
The victory over the nazi hordes made the hero-city world famous. The
battle of Stalingrad largely determined the outcome of the war. Here on the
banks of the Volga the defeat of fascism began. But the victory was won at a
high price: thousands of young lives destroyed, thousands of hopes shattered,
thousands of books unread and unwritten, thousands of tasks undone.
For the peoples of the world Stalingrad is a symbol of heroism and selfsacrifice,
a monument to the struggle for peace and combat glory.
After the last shot of the battle had been fired and the gunpowder smoke
dispersed, a chaos of destruction revealed itself.
But in a short period of time a modern town was reborn from the ruins to
appear in all its majestic beauty. The city stretches for more than seventy
kilometres along a high right bank of the Volga. It's population today is over
1 mln people. Volgograd is one of the biggest industrial, cultural and scientific
centers in Russia. There are more than 150 industrial enterprises. Volgograd
higher and specialised secondary educational establishments are attended by
more than 40000 students. The city boasts of a professional drama theatre, a
musical comedy theatre, a puppet theatre, a circus, the Palace of sports, the
Central Concert Hall, a Symphony orchestra, a Philarmonic society, a
Planetarium, Fine Arts Museum, a television centre, a lot of cinemas, an art
school, many palaces of culture and clubs, libraries, children music schools,
stadiums and sports grounds.
Volgograd is rich in the traditions of military glory. Many years have gone. But everybody pays tribute of respect to the defenders of our hero-city. On the
Victory Day, the 9th of May, and on the 2nd of February, when the victory at
Stalingrad is celebrated, meetings with
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6. ВОЛГОГРАД. Из многих городов и городов нашей Родины есть некоторые, как зеркала отражают характер нашего народа. Среди них Героический Город Волгоград является чем-то вроде легенды. Она имеет драматической вековой историей. Волгоград изменила свое название три раза: Царицын, Сталинград и Волгоград. Город был основан в 1589 году как крепость, охранявших торговый путь по Волга. Он принял свое первое название Царицын от острова, на котором было Первоначально построен известный как Сары подбородок или желтые пески татар. В начале XVII века Царицын был сожжен и затем перестроен на правом берегу реки для укрепления Юго Восточной границы страны и охраны Волжского торгового пути. До конца 18-го века он служил как бастион против агрессивных кочевых племен. Царицын стал свидетелем Казацкая Вольница и крестьян подъем против царизма под руководством Емельян Пугачев. Позже была решена судьба нашего государства на стенах города дважды- еще в годы гражданской войны и во время Великой Отечественной войны. Во время Гражданская война в 1918 году Царицын сыграл важную роль в качестве военных, стратегические и экономический центр страны. После гражданской войны провинциальный город Царицын (переименована под Сталинградом в 1925 году) очень быстро развивается. К 1940 году Сталинград был уже большой промышленный и культурный центр. Накануне второй мировой войны оно произвело 40 percent of the country's tractors, over 30 percent of high-grade steel. It had 126 factories and plants, vast residential districts, many schools, libraries, theatres. By then the city's population had grown to about half a million. The peaceful life of the city was interrupted by the war. It was one of the most severe fightings in the world history. The nazis dropped on the city a total of one million bombs weighing 100000 tons and fired several million artillery and mortar shell at it. But the defenders of the Volga stronghold fought to the last ditch and held out. The Stalingrad battle ended on February, 2 1943 in a defeat of the surrounded nazi army 330000 strong. The victory over the nazi hordes made the hero-city world famous. The battle of Stalingrad largely determined the outcome of the war. Here on the banks of the Volga the defeat of fascism began. But the victory was won at a high price: thousands of young lives destroyed, thousands of hopes shattered, thousands of books unread and unwritten, thousands of tasks undone. For the peoples of the world Stalingrad is a symbol of heroism and selfsacrifice, a monument to the struggle for peace and combat glory. After the last shot of the battle had been fired and the gunpowder smoke dispersed, a chaos of destruction revealed itself. But in a short period of time a modern town was reborn from the ruins to appear in all its majestic beauty. The city stretches for more than seventy kilometres along a high right bank of the Volga. It's population today is over 1 mln people. Volgograd is one of the biggest industrial, cultural and scientific centers in Russia. There are more than 150 industrial enterprises. Volgograd higher and specialised secondary educational establishments are attended by more than 40000 students. The city boasts of a professional drama theatre, a musical comedy theatre, a puppet theatre, a circus, the Palace of sports, the Central Concert Hall, a Symphony orchestra, a Philarmonic society, a Planetarium, Fine Arts Museum, a television centre, a lot of cinemas, an art school, many palaces of culture and clubs, libraries, children music schools, stadiums and sports grounds. Volgograd is rich in the traditions of military glory. Many years have gone. But everybody pays tribute of respect to the defenders of our hero-city. On the Victory Day, the 9th of May, and on the 2nd of February, when the victory at Stalingrad is celebrated, meetings with
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