Passepartout began thinking very seriously about the strange chance th перевод - Passepartout began thinking very seriously about the strange chance th русский как сказать

Passepartout began thinking very se

Passepartout began thinking very seriously about the strange chance that kept Fix with them. And it really was surprising. Here was this very kind gentleman whom they met first at Suez, sailing on the Mongolia, getting off at Bombay where he was to stay, then appearing on the Rangoon on his way to Hong Kong. In fact, here he was following Mr Fogg step by step. It was worth thinking about. It was most strange. Passepartout felt sure that Fix would leave Hong Kong at the same time as Mr Fogg, and probably by the same steamer. Passepartout would never guess the real reason for which Mr Fogg was being followed. He would never imagine that Mr Fogg was followed round the world as a robber. But as all people like to find an explanation of everything, Passepartout found an explanation that seemed very reasonable. Fix, he was sure, had been sent by members of the Reform Club to see that the journey was carried out fairly and according to the agreement.
"It must be that!" said the good fellow, proud at his cleverness. "He has been sent secretly to make sure that Mr Fogg is not playing any tricks. That is not right. Ah! Gentlemen of the Reform Club, you will be sorry for your behaviour!" Pleased with his discovery, Passepartout made up his mind to say nothing to Mr Fogg about it, fearing that his feelings would be hurt at the distrust shown by his friends. But he promised himself to have little jokes on the subject with Mr Fix. He would pretend that he thought Mr Fix to be a travel agent from the Shipping Company.
On Wednesday afternoon, October 30th, the Rangoon passed through the Straits of Malacca, which separate the island of Sumatra from the country of the Malays. Beautiful little islands, with their mountainsides, hid the view of Sumatra from the passengers.
At four o'clock the next morning the Rangoon, arriving half a day earlier than usual, stopped at Singapore to take in more coal. Mr Fogg marked this gain in his notebook and this time went on shore to go for a short walk. Fix, who distrusted every action of Fogg's, followed him secretly. Passepartout, who was amused to see him doing this, went on shore to buy some fruit. After a pleasant walk of two hours among the woods and hills, Mr Fogg came back to the town, and at ten o'clock got on board the boat — with the detective, who, of course, had never lost sight of him. At eleven o'clock the Rangoon steamed out of Singapore.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Passepartout began thinking very seriously about the strange chance that kept Fix with them. And it really was surprising. Here was this very kind gentleman whom they met first at Suez, sailing on the Mongolia, getting off at Bombay where he was to stay, then appearing on the Rangoon on his way to Hong Kong. In fact, here he was following Mr Fogg step by step. It was worth thinking about. It was most strange. Passepartout felt sure that Fix would leave Hong Kong at the same time as Mr Fogg, and probably by the same steamer. Passepartout would never guess the real reason for which Mr Fogg was being followed. He would never imagine that Mr Fogg was followed round the world as a robber. But as all people like to find an explanation of everything, Passepartout found an explanation that seemed very reasonable. Fix, he was sure, had been sent by members of the Reform Club to see that the journey was carried out fairly and according to the agreement. "It must be that!" said the good fellow, proud at his cleverness. "He has been sent secretly to make sure that Mr Fogg is not playing any tricks. That is not right. Ah! Gentlemen of the Reform Club, you will be sorry for your behaviour!" Pleased with his discovery, Passepartout made up his mind to say nothing to Mr Fogg about it, fearing that his feelings would be hurt at the distrust shown by his friends. But he promised himself to have little jokes on the subject with Mr Fix. He would pretend that he thought Mr Fix to be a travel agent from the Shipping Company. On Wednesday afternoon, October 30th, the Rangoon passed through the Straits of Malacca, which separate the island of Sumatra from the country of the Malays. Beautiful little islands, with their mountainsides, hid the view of Sumatra from the passengers. At four o'clock the next morning the Rangoon, arriving half a day earlier than usual, stopped at Singapore to take in more coal. Mr Fogg marked this gain in his notebook and this time went on shore to go for a short walk. Fix, who distrusted every action of Fogg's, followed him secretly. Passepartout, who was amused to see him doing this, went on shore to buy some fruit. After a pleasant walk of two hours among the woods and hills, Mr Fogg came back to the town, and at ten o'clock got on board the boat — with the detective, who, of course, had never lost sight of him. At eleven o'clock the Rangoon steamed out of Singapore.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
паспарту начал очень серьезно подумала о странном шанс, что все исправить с ними.и это действительно удивительно.вот это очень добрый человек, которых они встретились впервые в суэц, плавание в монголии, выхожу на бомбей, где он должен был остаться, тогда, фигурирующие в рангун на пути в гонконг.в самом деле, здесь он был после мистер фогг, шаг за шагом.это стоит подумать.это было самое странное.паспарту уверен, что исправить будет выехать из гонконга, в то время как мистер фогг, и, вероятно, к тому же пароход.паспарту никогда не думаю, реальная причина, по которой мистер фогг преследовали.он бы никогда не представить, что мистер фогг был по всему миру, как грабитель.но, как и все люди, как найти объяснение всему, паспарту нашли объяснение, которое представляется весьма разумным.исправь, он уверен, что были направлены членам клуба реформы, чтобы путешествие было проведено объективно и в соответствии с договором."это должна быть!"говорит, молодец, гордится тем, что на его ум ".он был послан тайно, чтобы убедиться, что мистер фогг не выполняет трюки.это не так.ах!господа реформы клуба, вам будет жаль ваше поведение! "с удовлетворением отмечает свое открытие, паспарту решился сказать ничего, мистер фогг об этом, опасаясь, что его чувства пострадает на недоверие со стороны своих друзей.но он обещал сам мало шутки по этому вопросу с г - ном исправить.он будет делать вид, что он думал, что мистер фикс в качестве агента от судоходной компании.во второй половине дня в среду, 30 октября в рангуне, прошел через малаккский пролив, который отделяет остров суматра из страны малайцы.прекрасный маленький острова, с гор, спрятал мнению суматры от пассажиров.в четыре часа утра в рангуне, прибыв на полдня раньше, чем обычно, остановился в сингапур, чтобы принять больше угля.мистер фогг отметили это получить в свой ноутбук и на этот раз пошли на берег, чтобы немного пройтись.установить, кто не доверяют каждое действие фогг, а затем его тайно.паспарту, который был удивлен видеть его здесь, пошли на берег, чтобы купить фруктов.после пешей прогулки по два часа среди леса и горы, мистер фогг вернулся в город, и в десять часов вечера у нас на борту лодки - с детективом, который, конечно, не потеряли его.в 11 часов в рангуне булочки из сингапура.
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