TEXT: An English man’s Diary (by. Stephanie Andrews)1. An Englishman’s перевод - TEXT: An English man’s Diary (by. Stephanie Andrews)1. An Englishman’s русский как сказать

TEXT: An English man’s Diary (by. S

TEXT: An English man’s Diary (by. Stephanie Andrews)
1. An Englishman’s day - and who can describe it better than an Englishman’s wife? It begins when he sits down to breakfast with his morning newspaper.
2. As he looks through the headlines there is nothing he likes better than his favourite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar (porridge if he lives in the North), fried bacon and eggs, marmalades on toast and tea (with milk of course) or coffee.
3. He in fact gets such a meal if there is enough money in the family to buy it.
4. After breakfast, except on Saturdays and Sundays which are holidays, he goes to work by train, tube, bus, car, motor scooter, motor bike or walks there. He leaves home at about 7.30.
5. At offices or factories there is a tea or coffee break at eleven. Then at midday everything stops for lunch. Most offices and shops close for an hour from one to two.
6. Englishmen are fond of good plain food, and they usually want to know what they eat. They like beefsteaks, chops, roast beef, fried fish and chipped potatoes.
7. There are usually two courses in the mid-day meal - a meat course with a lot of vegetables, a sweet dish, perhaps fruit pudding with tea or coffee to finish.
8. Then back to work again with another break in the middle of the afternoon, once again for tea or coffee, sometimes with a cake or biscuit.
9. The working day finishes at any time between four and six. When an Englishman gets home he likes to inspect his garden before the evening meal: tea, dinner or supper. When his evening meal is over, the Englishman may do a little gardening and then have a walk to the “local” (the nearest beerhouse) for a ‘‘quick one” (an alcoholic drink). There are a lot of people at the "local” and he can play darts, dominoes, billiards or discuss the weather, the local events or the


10. current situation. But if the Englishman stays at home, he may listen to the radio, watch television, talk or read.
Then at any time between 10 and 12 he has his “night-cap” - a drink with a snack - and then goes to bed ready for tomorrow.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
TEXT: An English man’s Diary (by. Stephanie Andrews)1. An Englishman’s day - and who can describe it better than an Englishman’s wife? It begins when he sits down to breakfast with his morning newspaper.2. As he looks through the headlines there is nothing he likes better than his favourite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar (porridge if he lives in the North), fried bacon and eggs, marmalades on toast and tea (with milk of course) or coffee.3. He in fact gets such a meal if there is enough money in the family to buy it.4. After breakfast, except on Saturdays and Sundays which are holidays, he goes to work by train, tube, bus, car, motor scooter, motor bike or walks there. He leaves home at about 7.30.5. At offices or factories there is a tea or coffee break at eleven. Then at midday everything stops for lunch. Most offices and shops close for an hour from one to two.6. Englishmen are fond of good plain food, and they usually want to know what they eat. They like beefsteaks, chops, roast beef, fried fish and chipped potatoes.7. There are usually two courses in the mid-day meal - a meat course with a lot of vegetables, a sweet dish, perhaps fruit pudding with tea or coffee to finish.8. Then back to work again with another break in the middle of the afternoon, once again for tea or coffee, sometimes with a cake or biscuit.9. The working day finishes at any time between four and six. When an Englishman gets home he likes to inspect his garden before the evening meal: tea, dinner or supper. When his evening meal is over, the Englishman may do a little gardening and then have a walk to the “local” (the nearest beerhouse) for a ‘‘quick one” (an alcoholic drink). There are a lot of people at the "local” and he can play darts, dominoes, billiards or discuss the weather, the local events or the 4310. current situation. But if the Englishman stays at home, he may listen to the radio, watch television, talk or read.Then at any time between 10 and 12 he has his “night-cap” - a drink with a snack - and then goes to bed ready for tomorrow.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
TEXT: An English man’s Diary (by. Stephanie Andrews)
1. An Englishman’s day - and who can describe it better than an Englishman’s wife? It begins when he sits down to breakfast with his morning newspaper.
2. As he looks through the headlines there is nothing he likes better than his favourite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar (porridge if he lives in the North), fried bacon and eggs, marmalades on toast and tea (with milk of course) or coffee.
3. He in fact gets such a meal if there is enough money in the family to buy it.
4. After breakfast, except on Saturdays and Sundays which are holidays, he goes to work by train, tube, bus, car, motor scooter, motor bike or walks there. He leaves home at about 7.30.
5. At offices or factories there is a tea or coffee break at eleven. Then at midday everything stops for lunch. Most offices and shops close for an hour from one to two.
6. Englishmen are fond of good plain food, and they usually want to know what they eat. They like beefsteaks, chops, roast beef, fried fish and chipped potatoes.
7. There are usually two courses in the mid-day meal - a meat course with a lot of vegetables, a sweet dish, perhaps fruit pudding with tea or coffee to finish.
8. Then back to work again with another break in the middle of the afternoon, once again for tea or coffee, sometimes with a cake or biscuit.
9. The working day finishes at any time between four and six. When an Englishman gets home he likes to inspect his garden before the evening meal: tea, dinner or supper. When his evening meal is over, the Englishman may do a little gardening and then have a walk to the “local” (the nearest beerhouse) for a ‘‘quick one” (an alcoholic drink). There are a lot of people at the "local” and he can play darts, dominoes, billiards or discuss the weather, the local events or the


10. current situation. But if the Englishman stays at home, he may listen to the radio, watch television, talk or read.
Then at any time between 10 and 12 he has his “night-cap” - a drink with a snack - and then goes to bed ready for tomorrow.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
текст: английский человек дневник.стефани Andrews)1.англичанин, день - и кто может описать его лучше, чем он англичанин, жена?она начинается, когда он садится на завтрак с утренней газеты.2.как он смотрит в заголовки, нет ничего лучше, чем он любит его любимый завтрак кукурузные хлопья с молоком и сахаром (каши, если он живёт на севере), жареные яйца и бекон, передается на тосты, чай с молоком, конечно), или кофе.3.он фактически становится такой обед, если есть достаточно денег в семье, чтобы купить его.4.после завтрака, только по субботам и воскресеньям, которые праздники, он ездит на работу на поезда, метро, автобусе, автомобиле, двигатель скутера, мотоциклом или ходит там.он уходит из дома примерно в 7.30.5.в отделениях или фабрики есть чай или кофе - брейк в одиннадцать.тогда в полдень все останавливается на обед.большинство офисов и магазинов почти на час от одного до двух.6.англичане любят хорошо простую пищу, и они, как правило, хочу знать, что они едят.они, как beefsteaks, отбивные, ростбиф, жареную рыбу и выбоины картофеля.7.обычно два курса в середине дня пищу - мясо, конечно, много овощей, сладкие блюда, возможно, фруктовый пудинг с чая или кофе, чтобы закончить.8.потом вернулся снова работать с другим перерыв в середине дня, вновь на чай или кофе, иногда с торт или печенье.9.рабочий день заканчивается в любое время между 4 и 6.когда англичанин вернется домой, он любит проверять свой сад перед ужином: чай, обед или ужин.когда его ужин окончен, англичанин, возможно, немного садоводством и затем прогуляться по "местные" (ближайший beerhouse) для "'quick" (алкоголь).есть много людей, на "местных", и он может играть в дартс, домино, бильярд или обсуждать погоду, местных событий или4310.в нынешней ситуации.но если англичанин остается дома, он может слушать радио и смотреть телевизор, говорить и читать.тогда в любое время между 10 и 12 его "вечером глава" - напиток с закусками -, а затем отправится в постель на завтра.
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