Результаты (
украинский) 1:
1Male: Let's plant a tree in the back garden. It will be great for wildlife and it will give us some shade in the summer. Female: Oh, I don't know. Won't it be expensive, and a lot of hard work? Male: Not really. I'll do all the digging. It'll look great when it's done trust me. You're always talking about ways to help the environment well, this is a really good way to start. Female: Oh, OK, then. What kind of tree shall we get?2Male: What are you going to do about your car? It broke down again yesterday, didn't it? Female: Yes. I'm not sure what to do. I could sell it and buy a bike. Or I could try and fix it one more time. Male: You know it will only break down again. It always does! Female: You're right. I'll sell it. That way I'll get fit and help the environment at the same time!3Male: I went to he bottle bank today, and guess what? It was completely full! Female: Oh thats a shame. Did you have o bring all the glass home again? Male: Yes. There was a sign saying not o leave anything on the ground. I really don't understand - why they can't empty it more often. What's the point of hawing a bottle bank if you can't put any bottles into it?Female: You're right. Maybe you should write a letter.4Female: I think nuclear power stations are the best way to make energy because they don't make any pollution. Male: That's not true. Just think about the waste they produce. Some of it is dangerous for thousands of years. Жінки: Існують безпечних способів зберегти його зараз - вони можуть купити його глибоко під землею. Самець: Ну, я не думаю, що це безпечно - я хотів би бачити більше електроенергії, що вживаються від вітру і сонця. 5Чоловічий: Ви отримаєте цю книгу про навколишнє середовище, я запитав вас, щоб купити для мене?Жінки: Ой, вибачте. Я зовсім про це забув. Що це називається? Самець: Як врятувати планету. Він коштує E8.99 і ви можете отримати її з Wetherby в книжковий магазин. Жіночий: ОК. Я отримаю це для вас завтра коли я йду до міста.
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