MOUNT ST HELENSIn the spring and summer of 1980 a volcano named Mount  перевод - MOUNT ST HELENSIn the spring and summer of 1980 a volcano named Mount  русский как сказать

MOUNT ST HELENSIn the spring and su

In the spring and summer of 1980 a volcano named Mount St Helens suddenly and violently awoke after 120 years of inactivity. The volcano is located in the Cascade Range about 120 km south of Seattle, Washington.. On March 27 a huge new crater opened at the top of Mount St Helens, and steam and smoke poured out for the first time memory. The emissions continued sporadically for the next 51 days.
May 18 brought an enormous and devastating blast that drew the attention of all Americans on the erupting volcano. An earthquake registering about 5 on the Richter scale shook the north slope of the mountain. Gases within the mountain suddenly escaped with a force great enough to send a column of steam and volcanic ash 21,300 m into the air. No lava erupted, but the blast blew away the entire north slope of the once cone-shaped volcano. Trees in the way of the blast were blown down like match sticks. Torrents of boiling mud and water, traveling at over 320 kilometers an hour, flowed down the mountain into the Toutle River and eventually into the Columbia River. Seventy people died or were declared missing because of the blast. More than ll million fish died in the heated water of the rivers. Thousands of birds and animals also died.
Prevailing winds picked up volcanic ash from the eruption and carried it eastward across the Cascades. The ash-choked skies reduced visibility to zero in Yakima, Washington, and other nearby cities. Road and rail traffic came to a standstill. Airplane travel within a radius of several hundred miles was canceled. A 5-centimeter layer of ash blanketed the land as far away as ldaho. Smaller particles stayed aloft in the air surrounding the entire earth during the next 17 days.
Mount St Helens looked like a completely different place, when after four more big blasts, it finally became quiet. It had a different shape, a lower elevation, and upper slopes that were totally devastated. Yet life began to return to the mountain immediately. Within a week, spiders busily spun webs. By the end of the summer ferns, other ground covers, and even trees sprouted from the ashes.
Peace and quiet once again prevail in the scenic Cascade Range. But the mountains, located on the North American plate, lie directly above the descending edge of the Juan de Fuca plate. Will it happen again? Geologists fear that another eruption will occur somewhere in the Cascades in the near future.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
MOUNT ST HELENSIn the spring and summer of 1980 a volcano named Mount St Helens suddenly and violently awoke after 120 years of inactivity. The volcano is located in the Cascade Range about 120 km south of Seattle, Washington.. On March 27 a huge new crater opened at the top of Mount St Helens, and steam and smoke poured out for the first time memory. The emissions continued sporadically for the next 51 days.May 18 brought an enormous and devastating blast that drew the attention of all Americans on the erupting volcano. An earthquake registering about 5 on the Richter scale shook the north slope of the mountain. Gases within the mountain suddenly escaped with a force great enough to send a column of steam and volcanic ash 21,300 m into the air. No lava erupted, but the blast blew away the entire north slope of the once cone-shaped volcano. Trees in the way of the blast were blown down like match sticks. Torrents of boiling mud and water, traveling at over 320 kilometers an hour, flowed down the mountain into the Toutle River and eventually into the Columbia River. Seventy people died or were declared missing because of the blast. More than ll million fish died in the heated water of the rivers. Thousands of birds and animals also died. Prevailing winds picked up volcanic ash from the eruption and carried it eastward across the Cascades. The ash-choked skies reduced visibility to zero in Yakima, Washington, and other nearby cities. Road and rail traffic came to a standstill. Airplane travel within a radius of several hundred miles was canceled. A 5-centimeter layer of ash blanketed the land as far away as ldaho. Smaller particles stayed aloft in the air surrounding the entire earth during the next 17 days. Mount St Helens looked like a completely different place, when after four more big blasts, it finally became quiet. It had a different shape, a lower elevation, and upper slopes that were totally devastated. Yet life began to return to the mountain immediately. Within a week, spiders busily spun webs. By the end of the summer ferns, other ground covers, and even trees sprouted from the ashes. Peace and quiet once again prevail in the scenic Cascade Range. But the mountains, located on the North American plate, lie directly above the descending edge of the Juan de Fuca plate. Will it happen again? Geologists fear that another eruption will occur somewhere in the Cascades in the near future.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
сент - хеленсвесной и летом 1980 года вулкан по имени сент - хеленс неожиданно и резко проснулся через 120 лет простоя.вулкан расположен в каскаде диапазон около 120 км к югу от сиэтл, вашингтон.27 марта огромный новый кратер открыл в верхней части сент - хеленс, и пара и дыма вылил впервые память.выбросы продолжались спорадически на следующий 51 дня.18 мая к огромной и разрушительного взрыва, который обратил внимание всех американцев на извергается вулкан.землетрясение зарегистрировали около 5 баллов по шкале рихтера потрясли северном склоне горы.газов в горном неожиданно сбежал в силу большой достаточно направить столб пара и 21 300 долл м вулканического пепла в воздухе.не лава вспыхнул, но взрыв унес жизни всего северного склона, как cone-shaped вулкана.деревья во время взрыва были свалился, как матч палками.потоки грязи и воды, кипятить, путешествуя на более 320 километров в час, потекли вниз с горы в toutle река и в конечном счете в колумбия.семьдесят человек погибли или были объявлены пропавшими без вести вследствие взрыва.более 11 миллионов рыб умер в горячей воды реки.тысячи птиц и животных и умер.ветры, подобрал вулканический пепел от вулкана и провели его на восток через каскады.пепел душил небо ограниченной видимости до нуля в якима и других близлежащих городов.автомобильных и железнодорожных перевозок зашли в тупик.самолет поездки в радиусе нескольких сотен километров был отменён.а 5-centimeter слой пепла засыпан землей, как далеко в ldaho.более мелкие частицы оставались в воздухе, в воздухе вокруг всей земли в течение 17 дней.сент - хеленс выглядит совершенно по - другому, когда после четырех большой звуков, он, наконец, стало тихо.это были разные формы, меньшую высоту, и верхние склоны, которые были полностью разрушены.но жизнь начала возвращаться к горе, немедленно.в течение недели, пауки, деловито развернулся на сетях.к концу лета папоротники, других местах обложки, и даже деревья ростки из пепла.мир и спокойствие в очередной раз верх в живописных каскадные горы.но горы, расположенный на северо - американская плита, находиться непосредственно над по краю плита хуан де фука.это случится снова?геологи опасаются, что другого вулкана будет происходить где - то на достижения в ближайшем будущем.
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