Результаты (
украинский) 1:
Впевненість лабораторії Ви вистачає впевненості? Чи вважаєте ви, безсилі, підкреслив, тривожно, коли вони стикаються з проблемою? Кожен міг робити з трохи більше впевненості, в одній або декількох областях життя. Спробуйте ці вправи довіри, і ви побачите різницю в тижнів. 30 секунд комерційногоОстанній перші враження. Чи подобається нам це чи не ця фраза є в значній мірі вірно. Що робить цю вправу, це дозволить вам бути в управління ті перші припущень і професійні судження, які інші люди роблять. Це може якщо все зроблено добре, дати вам владу, щоб бути в елементі керування.Зазвичай потрібно чужий 30 секунд прийти до тривалих висновки про іншу людину. Шляхом створення 30 секунд комерційного про себе не тільки стануть більш самосвідомість, ви також побачите такий вплив, що внесені до оточуючих і як її можна змінити, якщо потрібно.Вам буде потрібно 5 хвилин, ручку і чистий аркуш паперу. Ці 5 хвилин спробуйте думати про і список, всі ваші кращі атрибути і якостями. Мета, щоб отримати через ті риси, що ви дійсно відчуваєте визначити ваші і відділив вас від інших людей. Ваша наступне завдання-повернути всю цю інформацію в презентації, або оголошення, саме 30 секунд. Для цього перед дзеркалом або з близьким другом. Якщо ви знайшли себе випадково блукаючи відзначає, що ви повинні були покласти вниз то ви може бути повинні подивитися на отримання чіткого враження від себе. Це не походили природно, але воно може бути в. Варто практикуючих комерційних 30 секунд, поки невпевненістю прийняла заднє сидіння. Уникнути фраз на зразок "ОК", досить good′ і ' я думаю, що інші бачать мене, як... ' Спробуйте подивитися вгору, а не вниз і дати, що всі важливі посмішкою. В ідеалі, ви хочете, щоб бути в змозі зосередитися на ваших заслуги, а не будь-які недоліки.Це стане в нагоді коли, на вечірці давайте говорити, хтось просить вас те, що ви робите для життя. Якщо у вас є впевненим, оптимістичною відповісти, то той, хто ви говорити з буде отримати гарне враження про вас.Розповідати історії народноїDo you sometimes feel that the world carries on around you while barely acknowledging your existence? One of the common causes of depression and a lack of confidence is based on the feeling that our lives are of little consequence to those around us. This exercise is excellent if you want to raise someone's self-esteem without them realising that's what you are doing. This is not to say that after you have done it once you cannot repeat it. It will still work even when they know what you are doing.In pairs, one person asks the other person their story. This can be specific. For example 'What did you do today?', 'Tell me about your father', 'How was school?' or even 'How do you feel?'. The person listening has to do just that - listen. Do not try and find a point in the conversation that is going to be an opening for you to start telling your own story. For example when the 'storyteller' says something like 'I have had an awful day' do not jump in with 'You've had a bad day. Let me tell you about my day...' After the 'storyteller' has finished, the listener should then 'report' their story back to them. It is amazing how this exercise can give people an enormous feeling of worth and belonging. It is particularly good for relationships; getting couples to understand and communicate with each other. It can be a very powerful experience, especially if the 'storyteller' has spent most of their life not being heard.Let It Flow Every one of us has, at some point in our lives, felt like we ruled the world, and it is possible to tap into that feeling whenever you want.All you have to do is remember a moment when you were supremely confident. It doesn't matter where you were or what you were doing. Once you have got the sensation of confidence then close your eyes and start to let that feeling increase. Now picture where you would like to carry this confidence with you. This may be to a party, a public speaking situation, playing sport, a job interview or just everyday living. Picture yourself in this situation, then start to increase that feeling of confidence even more.Physically feel where the sensation of confidence is coming from. Is it from your stomach, your head, your hands? Now start to throw this sensation around your body, running from your head to your feet and back up again. Increase the feeling even more. You may want to start counting from 1 to 10, raising the feeling of confidence in your body with each number.Now you are overflowing with confidence, and about to explode. What do you do? This is the clever part. What you need to do is think of an 'anchor'. The anchor is a physical gesture - anything from punching the air to giving your thigh a pinch.You should perform this anchor when you are at the point of 'maximum confidence'. You should follow this process a few times to get the hang of it as well as make it more effective. What it will enable you to do is to trigger off that feeling of confidence whenever you want. So if you are going into an interview and need a boost of confidence it could simply be a case of pinching your thigh and bingo - in you go ready to conquer the world.Be your Own HeroApart from being a lot of fun this is a chance for people to rehearse undeveloped ability and fulfil their potential. You will need at least 2 people to perform this exercise.Try to think of someone who has characteristics that you admire or wish you had. Your hero may be real, fictional, dead or alive. Think why you admire them. What are the specific qualities that you look up to?Imagine how your hero might behave on a very simple level, for example how might they walk round a room. Try and emulate them. Once you have established how your hero moves think of a phrase that your hero might say. Take on the persona of your hero and have a chat with somebody. What would your hero say and how would they behave? Next think of a scenario from the past that did not go as well as you would have liked, for example a problem you experienced at work or at home, a struggle with learning or motivation. Working with a friend, play out the scenario as you remember it happening, including the negative outcome. What would you have liked to do differently? Re-enact the situation but his time as your hero. Focus on the superior human qualities that your character has, and let them dictate your reactions. Was the outcome positive this time? If so, enjoy the feeling of release as well as success. Then ask yourself whether you were just acting as your hero or if you were uncovering hidden attributes in your own personality. You will see that making a change is not so difficult, and that by acting as our heroes we can become more like them.
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