The word psychology comes from two Greek words:

The word psychology comes from two

The word psychology comes from two Greek words: "Psyche" mean­ing "mind" or "soul" and "Logos" meaning "study of. Therefore, psy­chology means "study of the mind". There are many modern definitions of the term. One of them belongs to Atkinson, who defined psychology as "the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes". However, psychologists always disagreed not only about the definition of psychol­ogy, but also about what they should study and how they should do it.

The year 1879 is considered to be the start of psychology as a sepa­rate discipline. It was the date when Wilhelm Wundt created the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany. Americans disagree and think that William James was the "founding father of psychology" be­cause in 1875 he started teaching a course on the relationship between physiology and psychology at Harvard University. In 1890 he wrote a book "Principles of psychology" which was a very important step in the history of psychology.

Structuralism was the first approach in psychology. It was described by Wundt who thought that the object of psychological investigation should be the conscious mind. According to Wundt, the mind should be studied by introspection (looking at one's own mental experience) in order to break down into its components such as images, sensations and feelings.

Functionalism was developed by William James who thought that the workings of the mind are functional. The mind works to survive and adapt. So we should investigate what behaviour and thoughts are for.

At the turn of the 19th century two powerful approaches appeared. One of them is psychoanalysis developed by Sigmund Freud in Austria. Freud wrote that the proper object of psychological investigation should be the unconscious mind and that our behaviour is determined by processes that we are not aware of.

Behaviourism, introduced by John Watson, was the most important of all approaches that investigated "minds" and proposed that psychol­ogy should investigate only observable behaviour if it wanted to be an objective science. This approach dominated experimental psychology until 1950's when a strong interest in the 'mind' developed in the form of the cognitive and humanistic approaches. Representatives of these approaches argued that behaviourism ignored all the most important and interesting things that go on in our heads.

Cognitive psychology investigates the mind by using computer in­formation processing ideas to arrive at models of how our brain works and then apply scientific methods to confirm these models. The cogni­tive approach was successful and is a very dominant one in psychology today.

The Humanistic approach has had less of an impact on psychology because it adapted less scientific view of the human mind. Humanistic psychologists argued that psychology should focus on each individual's conscious experience and aims in life.

The biological approach has advanced evolutionary, physiological and genetic explanation for human behaviour throughout the history of psychology.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The word psychology comes from two Greek words: "Psyche" mean­ing "mind" or "soul" and "Logos" meaning "study of. Therefore, psy­chology means "study of the mind". There are many modern definitions of the term. One of them belongs to Atkinson, who defined psychology as "the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes". However, psychologists always disagreed not only about the definition of psychol­ogy, but also about what they should study and how they should do it. The year 1879 is considered to be the start of psychology as a sepa­rate discipline. It was the date when Wilhelm Wundt created the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany. Americans disagree and think that William James was the "founding father of psychology" be­cause in 1875 he started teaching a course on the relationship between physiology and psychology at Harvard University. In 1890 he wrote a book "Principles of psychology" which was a very important step in the history of psychology. Structuralism was the first approach in psychology. It was described by Wundt who thought that the object of psychological investigation should be the conscious mind. According to Wundt, the mind should be studied by introspection (looking at one's own mental experience) in order to break down into its components such as images, sensations and feelings. Functionalism was developed by William James who thought that the workings of the mind are functional. The mind works to survive and adapt. So we should investigate what behaviour and thoughts are for. At the turn of the 19th century two powerful approaches appeared. One of them is psychoanalysis developed by Sigmund Freud in Austria. Freud wrote that the proper object of psychological investigation should be the unconscious mind and that our behaviour is determined by processes that we are not aware of. Behaviourism, introduced by John Watson, was the most important of all approaches that investigated "minds" and proposed that psychol­ogy should investigate only observable behaviour if it wanted to be an objective science. This approach dominated experimental psychology until 1950's when a strong interest in the 'mind' developed in the form of the cognitive and humanistic approaches. Representatives of these approaches argued that behaviourism ignored all the most important and interesting things that go on in our heads. Cognitive psychology investigates the mind by using computer in­formation processing ideas to arrive at models of how our brain works and then apply scientific methods to confirm these models. The cogni­tive approach was successful and is a very dominant one in psychology today. The Humanistic approach has had less of an impact on psychology because it adapted less scientific view of the human mind. Humanistic psychologists argued that psychology should focus on each individual's conscious experience and aims in life. The biological approach has advanced evolutionary, physiological and genetic explanation for human behaviour throughout the history of psychology.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
слово "происходит от двух греческих слов:" психея "означает - ING" против "или" душа "и" логос "означает" исследование.поэтому - - chology означает "изучение разума".многие современные определения этого термина.одна из них принадлежит аткинсон, который определяется психологии "научные исследования поведения и психических процессов".однако психологи всегда не согласились не только по поводу определения psychol - ogy, но также и о том, что они должны учиться, и как они должны это сделать.в 1879 года считается началом психологии как SEPA - уровень дисциплины.это был день, когда вильгельм вундт создал первый психологии лаборатории в лейпциге (германия).американцы не согласен и считает, что уильям джеймс был "основатель психологии" - потому что в 1875 году он начал преподавать курс по взаимосвязи между физиологии и психологии в гарвардском университете.в 1890 году он написал книгу "принципы психологии", которая является очень важным шагом в истории психологии.структурализм был первый подход в психологии.он описал вундт, кто думал, что объектом психологического исследования должны быть сознание.по словам вундт, разум должен быть изучен самоанализа (глядя на собственного психического опыта), с тем чтобы сломать в ее компонентов, таких как изображения, ощущения и чувства.функционализм был разработан уильям джеймс, который считал, что работы не функционируют.мозг работает, чтобы выжить и приспособиться.так что мы должны изучить, какие действия и мысли.на рубеже XIX века два мощных подходов представляется.один из них - это психоанализ, разработанные зигмунда фрейда в австрии.фрейд написал, что надлежащее объект психологического исследования должны быть сознание и что наше поведение определяется процессы, мы не знаем.behaviourism, представленный джон уотсон, является наиболее важным из всех подходов, что расследование "разум", и предложил psychol - ogy следует расследовать только видимая поведения, если она хочет быть объективным науки.этот подход преобладает экспериментальной психологии до 1950 года, когда большой интерес к "мнение" разработана в виде когнитивных и гуманистических подходов.представители этих подходов, утверждал, что behaviourism проигнорировал все самые важные и интересные вещи, которые пошли в наши головы.когнитивная психология расследует ум, используя компьютер - формирование обработки идеи приехать на модели, как наш мозг работает и затем применять научные методы подтверждения этих моделей.в cogni - tive подход был успешным и очень доминировал в психологии сегодня.гуманистический подход имеет меньшее влияние на психологию, потому что он адаптировал менее научный взгляд человеческого разума.психологи утверждают, что психология гуманистического следует сосредоточить внимание на каждого человека в сознательном опыте и цели в жизни.биологические подхода продвинулась эволюционный, физиологические и генетическое объяснение поведения человека на протяжении всей истории психологии.
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