If pippi Longstocking were given the run of the New Tretyakov Gallery, перевод - If pippi Longstocking were given the run of the New Tretyakov Gallery, русский как сказать

If pippi Longstocking were given th

If pippi Longstocking were given the run of the New Tretyakov Gallery, the pig-tailed heroine would probably have
turned the marble foyer into a giant playground. And a new exhibition dedicated to her creator, Astrid Lindgren, aims
to dojust that, encouraging children to dress up, build huts, and generally celebrate the anarchic spirit ofthe Sweden
The exhibit called .,playing Is a Serious Business" places a 120-square-meter play area in the vestibule of the Sovietera
gallery. children tom the ages ofaround five to 1 1 are encouraged to try on beaver and princess costumes, and act
out scenes from Lindgren's stories. Adults are also welcome to join in the fun.
organized by the Swedish Embassy as a tribute to the writer who died two years ago, the exhibit is the fust of its kind
in the gallery of 20-th century art, where children are more usually escorted to see works such as "Another D Grade"
(opyat Dvoika), a genre scene popular in Soviet times, showing a little boy bringing back a bad mark to his distressed
..'We,re not afraid of doing this, because the space is very big and the games won't affect the main exhibition"' said
NoraTyan,the deputy head of the gallery's public relations department.
The theme of play also sits well with the gallery's collection of avana-garde art, Tyan said- "In principle, the art of the
20ft century has a playful character. It's not as serious as in the second half ofthe 19s century, for example, when art
was supposed to teach and improve your character"'
One of the activities for children will be taken directly from "Pippi Longstocking," where the heroine invents a game
with the rule that participants must move around a room without touching the floor. Young visitors can also listen to
recordings of Lindgren's stories inside a mock-up ffee, and build huts from pieces of wood and cloth'
,..We,re building the exhibition at the moment, and we see the children passing by, and they're very interested," said
Helen Larsson, the organi zer of thetraveling exhibition, speaking before the opening earlier this week' After its
Moscow premiere, the exhibit will tour Europe, visiting six cities, including London, Paris and Belgrade' and finally
returning to Sweden.
Lindgren became popular in Russia in the 1950s and 1960s, thanks to translations of her books "Karlsson-on-the-
Roof, and..pippi Longstocking". While "Pippi Longstocking" is better-known in the English-speaking world, in
..Karlsson-on-the-Roof, is the writer,s most fumous work in Russia, thanks to an inspired translation and an animated
film voiced by famous actors.
The original Karlsson book and its two sequels feature a small boy called Midge, or Malysh in Russian' who lives
with his strict nanny, and makes friends with Karlsson, a man with a propeller attached to his back who lives on the
roof of their apartment block and flies through the window to play'
.,All the people of my generation not only read the books but also listened to a record (with a dramatized version of
the Karlsson stories),"-recalled Tyan. "I always cried when Malysh was given a dog as a present' but not a real dog'
only a toy."
The exhibit includes screenings of a Swedish-made film about Lindgren and popular Russian film versions of her
book. There is also a related display of animal sculptures by contemporary artists, organized by the gallery' The more
.,serious,, side of Lindgren, s philosophy is covered in a display on the united Nations convention on the Rights of the
child, which sets in stone a child's right to "engage in play and recreation activities'"
While the sight of children running wild in the home of priceless paintings of Kazimir Malevich and Kuzma Petrov-
Vodkin might offend some, yelena Gerasimova, who heads a regular children's workshop at the gallery, saw the
exhibit as a breath of fresh air.
,,we have a lot of good pieces, but I think that we don't show them in quite correct way," she said' "we put on clever
faces and talk about futurism and cubism, and cubo-futurisrn, and that's not right' It seems to me that this exhibit will
help us. The museum needs to become more alive'
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
If pippi Longstocking were given the run of the New Tretyakov Gallery, the pig-tailed heroine would probably haveturned the marble foyer into a giant playground. And a new exhibition dedicated to her creator, Astrid Lindgren, aimsto dojust that, encouraging children to dress up, build huts, and generally celebrate the anarchic spirit ofthe Swedenwriter.The exhibit called .,playing Is a Serious Business" places a 120-square-meter play area in the vestibule of the Sovieteragallery. children tom the ages ofaround five to 1 1 are encouraged to try on beaver and princess costumes, and actout scenes from Lindgren's stories. Adults are also welcome to join in the fun.organized by the Swedish Embassy as a tribute to the writer who died two years ago, the exhibit is the fust of its kindin the gallery of 20-th century art, where children are more usually escorted to see works such as "Another D Grade"(opyat Dvoika), a genre scene popular in Soviet times, showing a little boy bringing back a bad mark to his distressedfamily...'We,re not afraid of doing this, because the space is very big and the games won't affect the main exhibition"' saidNoraTyan,the deputy head of the gallery's public relations department.The theme of play also sits well with the gallery's collection of avana-garde art, Tyan said- "In principle, the art of the20ft century has a playful character. It's not as serious as in the second half ofthe 19s century, for example, when artwas supposed to teach and improve your character"'One of the activities for children will be taken directly from "Pippi Longstocking," where the heroine invents a gamewith the rule that participants must move around a room without touching the floor. Young visitors can also listen torecordings of Lindgren's stories inside a mock-up ffee, and build huts from pieces of wood and cloth',..We,re building the exhibition at the moment, and we see the children passing by, and they're very interested," saidHelen Larsson, the organi zer of thetraveling exhibition, speaking before the opening earlier this week' After itsMoscow premiere, the exhibit will tour Europe, visiting six cities, including London, Paris and Belgrade' and finallyreturning to Sweden.Lindgren became popular in Russia in the 1950s and 1960s, thanks to translations of her books "Karlsson-on-the-Roof, and..pippi Longstocking". While "Pippi Longstocking" is better-known in the English-speaking world, in..Karlsson-on-the-Roof, is the writer,s most fumous work in Russia, thanks to an inspired translation and an animatedfilm voiced by famous actors.The original Karlsson book and its two sequels feature a small boy called Midge, or Malysh in Russian' who liveswith his strict nanny, and makes friends with Karlsson, a man with a propeller attached to his back who lives on theroof of their apartment block and flies through the window to play'.,All the people of my generation not only read the books but also listened to a record (with a dramatized version ofthe Karlsson stories),"-recalled Tyan. "I always cried when Malysh was given a dog as a present' but not a real dog'only a toy."The exhibit includes screenings of a Swedish-made film about Lindgren and popular Russian film versions of herbook. There is also a related display of animal sculptures by contemporary artists, organized by the gallery' The more.,serious,, side of Lindgren, s philosophy is covered in a display on the united Nations convention on the Rights of thechild, which sets in stone a child's right to "engage in play and recreation activities'"While the sight of children running wild in the home of priceless paintings of Kazimir Malevich and Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin might offend some, yelena Gerasimova, who heads a regular children's workshop at the gallery, saw theexhibit as a breath of fresh air.,,we have a lot of good pieces, but I think that we don't show them in quite correct way," she said' "we put on cleverfaces and talk about futurism and cubism, and cubo-futurisrn, and that's not right' It seems to me that this exhibit willhelp us. The museum needs to become more alive'
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
если пеппи длинныйчулок, имели пробег новые третьяковской галереи, свинохвостый героини, вероятно,
превратил мрамором фойе в гигантскую площадка.и новая выставка, посвященная ее создатель, астрид линдгрен, цели
на dojust, что поощрение детей одеваться, строить дома, и, как правило, праздновать анархического духа из швеции
выставку под названием.играть - это серьезный бизнес "мест в 120 кв. м. в вестибюль из sovietera
галереи.детей в том возрасте ofaround пять - 1 предлагается попробовать на бобра и принцесса костюмы, и закон
из сцены из линдгрен историй.взрослые, также могут принять участие в весело.
организованной посольством швеции как дань писателя, который умер два года назад,выставка является фуст своего рода
в галерее 20 - го века искусство, где дети более обычно сопровождают увидеть произведения, такие, как "другой D класса"
(opyat dvoika), жанр сцены популярные в советские времена, в которой мальчик вернуть плохой знак, чтобы его проблемных
.. ', не боятся делать это,
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