The problem of health always worried people. It has been in the center перевод - The problem of health always worried people. It has been in the center украинский как сказать

The problem of health always worrie

The problem of health always worried people. It has been in the center of attention of the scientists since ancient times. Perhaps, of all unpleasant things people hate diseases most of all. In theory we know well what we should do to be healthy, but in practice there is hardly a man who has no problems with his health. Sometimes people, who are very busy aren't thoughtful enough about their health. Of course, much has been done to put an end to a great number of diseases and epidemics. The scientists have already found cures for many diseases, afflicting people. But still we are suffering from many of them. One of the diseases which disappeared at all is a smallpox. It's a terrible virus disease. First we can read about it in ancient Egyptians manuscripts, which were written nearly 6000 years ago, in ancient documents of China and India. Abu Ali Ebu Sina was the first man who gave detail description of smallpox. Nobody knows the exact time of it's appearing in Europe. There were great epidemics in Italy, France and in a lot of others. In the 17-18 centuries in Europe every year 10 million died. In the 16 century smallpox came to American continent with Spanish colonists and caused terrible epidemics among the Indians. Later this disease came to Australia. Smallpox killed a lot people and Edward Jenner invented vaccination from it. It was a very great invention – the first vaccination in the world. This disease disappeared at all and in December 1979 the fact in liquidation of it was confirmed. I must say, that I seldom fall ill. I go in for sports, try to spend a couple of hours in the open air every day and do all that kinds of things in order to keep fit. But, unfortunately, I fell ill in winter. It was rather cold outside and I probably caught the infection. When I came home I felt that I had a sore-throat. I made hot tea with honey, but it didn't help. At last I decided to go to the doctor. I went there with my friend, for I felt very bad indeed. When we came, a doctor, a kind-hearted middle-aged woman in a white gown, offered me to sit down and asked me what I complained of. I had a terrible headache and sore throat and it ached me to swallow. Besides, I was constantly sneezing and coughing. It turned out that I was running a high temperature. The doctor examined my throat, sounded my heart and lungs, had my blood pressure tested. She said it was flu and prescribed some pills and mixture - I had to take medicine 3 times a day before meals and to stay in bed for a week until full recovery. The recovery was slow. I slept badly, had no appetite. I suffered from a slight, but irritating cough which as a rule became worse at night. I followed all the doctor's instructions and in a week I was cured. It was a real pleasure to fell strong and healthy again. Really, all is well, that ends well.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
The problem of health always worried people. It has been in the center of attention of the scientists since ancient times. Perhaps, of all unpleasant things people hate diseases most of all. In theory we know well what we should do to be healthy, but in practice there is hardly a man who has no problems with his health. Sometimes people, who are very busy aren't thoughtful enough about their health. Of course, much has been done to put an end to a great number of diseases and epidemics. The scientists have already found cures for many diseases, afflicting people. But still we are suffering from many of them. One of the diseases which disappeared at all is a smallpox. It's a terrible virus disease. First we can read about it in ancient Egyptians manuscripts, which were written nearly 6000 years ago, in ancient documents of China and India. Abu Ali Ebu Sina was the first man who gave detail description of smallpox. Nobody knows the exact time of it's appearing in Europe. There were great epidemics in Italy, France and in a lot of others. In the 17-18 centuries in Europe every year 10 million died. In the 16 century smallpox came to American continent with Spanish colonists and caused terrible epidemics among the Indians. Later this disease came to Australia. Smallpox killed a lot people and Edward Jenner invented vaccination from it. It was a very great invention – the first vaccination in the world. This disease disappeared at all and in December 1979 the fact in liquidation of it was confirmed. I must say, that I seldom fall ill. I go in for sports, try to spend a couple of hours in the open air every day and do all that kinds of things in order to keep fit. But, unfortunately, I fell ill in winter. It was rather cold outside and I probably caught the infection. When I came home I felt that I had a sore-throat. I made hot tea with honey, but it didn't help. At last I decided to go to the doctor. I went there with my friend, for I felt very bad indeed. When we came, a doctor, a kind-hearted middle-aged woman in a white gown, offered me to sit down and asked me what I complained of. I had a terrible headache and sore throat and it ached me to swallow. Besides, I was constantly sneezing and coughing. It turned out that I was running a high temperature. The doctor examined my throat, sounded my heart and lungs, had my blood pressure tested. She said it was flu and prescribed some pills and mixture - I had to take medicine 3 times a day before meals and to stay in bed for a week until full recovery. The recovery was slow. I slept badly, had no appetite. I suffered from a slight, but irritating cough which as a rule became worse at night. I followed all the doctor's instructions and in a week I was cured. It was a real pleasure to fell strong and healthy again. Really, all is well, that ends well.
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
Проблеми охорони здоров'я завжди хвилююся людей. Вона була в центрі уваги вчених з давніх часів. Напевно, всі неприємні речі люди ненавидіти захворювань. Теоретично ми добре знаємо що ми повинні зробити, щоб бути здоровим, але на практиці навряд чи знайдеться людина, яка не має проблеми зі здоров'ям. Іноді люди,Проблеми охорони здоров'я завжди хвилююся людей. Вона була в центрі уваги вчених з давніх часів. Напевно, всі неприємні речі люди ненавидіти захворювань. Теоретично ми добре знаємо що ми повинні зробити, щоб бути здоровим, але на практиці навряд чи знайдеться людина, яка не має проблеми зі здоров'ям. Іноді люди,Хто є дуже зайнятий не продумані досить про своє здоров'я. Звичайно, багато чого вже зроблено поставити крапку на велику кількість хвороб і епідемії. Вчені вже виявили лікує для багатьох захворювань, дошкуляли йому скаргами люди. Але все одно ми страждають від багатьох з них. Одним із захворюваннями, що взагалі зник є в світі ліквідовано натуральну віспу. "Це страшна вірусних захворювань.Спочатку ми можемо про це читав у древніх єгиптян рукописи, які були написані майже 6000 років тому, у старовинних документів з Китаю та Індії. Абу-Алі ebu сина стала першою людиною, яка дала деталі опис натуральну віспу. Ніхто не знає про точний час це з'являтися в Європі. Були великі епідемії в Італії, Франції та багато інших.У 17-18 століттях у Європі щорічно 10 млн. загинуло. В 16 столітті в світі ліквідовано натуральну віспу прийшов до американського континенту з іспанської колоністів і викликала страшний епідемії серед індійці. Пізніше цього захворювання прийшли до Австралії. Натуральну віспу загинуло багато людей і Едвард Jenner винайшли щеплення від неї. Це був дуже великий винахід - перший вакцинації в світі.Це захворювання взагалі зник і в грудні 1979 року. у ліквідації було підтверджено. Треба сказати, що я рідко хворіти. Займаюся спортом, постарайтеся провести пару годин на свіжому повітрі кожен день і робити все, що усякою всячиною в гарній. Але, на жаль, я не захворів взимку. Це було досить холодно поза і зловила я напевно інфекції.Прийшовши додому, я відчув, що я мав хворе-горло. Я гарячий чай з медом, але це не допомогло. Нарешті я вирішила піти до лікаря. Я пішов туди з мого друга, я відчула себе дуже поганий. Коли ми прийшли, лікар, прекраснодушні жінка середніх років у білому халат, запропонував мені сісти і запитав мене, що я поскаржився на. Мені приснився страшний біль і ангіни і ломило мене ковтати.Крім того, я постійно чхаєте та чхання. Виявилося, що я дружила з високою температурою. Лікар розглядала горлі, звучали мої серця, легенів, моя кров'яний тиск. Вона сказала, що була грип та прописані деякі таблетки і суміш - мені довелося взяти медицини 3 рази на день до їжі, щоб залишатися в ліжку на тиждень до цілковитого одужання. Відновлення повільно. Я спав погано,Не мали апетит. Я дуже страждала від незначне, але від кашлю дратівливі як правило став ще гірше вночі. Я стежив за всі вказівки лікаря та на тиждень я могла зцілитися. Це було справжнє задоволення від впав міцні і здорові знову. Насправді, все добре, що добре закінчується.
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