James Bond got back to his hotel room at midnight. The windows were cl перевод - James Bond got back to his hotel room at midnight. The windows were cl русский как сказать

James Bond got back to his hotel ro

James Bond got back to his hotel room at midnight. The windows were closed and the air-conditioning was on. Bond switched it off and opened the windows. His heart was still thumping in his chest. He breathed in the air with relief, then he had a shower and went to bed.

At 3.30 he was dreaming, not very peacefully, of three black-coated men with red eyes and angry white teeth. Suddenly, he woke up. He listened. There was a noise. It was comming from the window. Someone was moving behind the curtain. James Bond took his gun from under his pillow, got quietly out of bed, and crept slowly along the wall towards the window. Someone was breathing heavily behind the curtain. Bond pulled it back with one quick movement. Golden hair shone in the moonlight.

'Mary Goodnight!' Bond cursed. 'What the hell are you doing here?'

'Quick, James! Help me in!' Mary whispered urgently.

Bond put down his gun and tried to pull her through the open window. At the last moment the window banged shut with a noise like a gunshot. Bond cursed again.

Mary Goodnight whispered, 'I'm terribly sorry, James!'

'Sh! Sh! said Bond. He quickly led her across the room to the bathroom. First he turned on the light, then the shower. They sat down together on the side of the bath.

Bond asked again. 'What the hell are you doing here? What's the matter?'

'James, I was so worried, A 'Most Immediate' message came from HQ this evening. A top KGB man, using the name Hendriks, is staying in this hotel. He knows you're here. He's looking for you!'

'I know,' said Bond. 'Hendriks is here all right. So is a gunman called Scaramanga. Mary, did HQ say if they have a description of me?'

'No, they don't. They just have your name, Secret Agent James Bond.'

'Thanks, Mary. Now, I must get you out of here. Don't worry about me, just tell HQ that you gave me the message, OK?'

'OK, James.' Mary Goodnight stood up and looked into his eyes. 'Please take care, James.'

'Sure, sure.' Bond turned off the shower and opened the bathroom door. 'Now, come on!'

Suddenly a voice came from the darkness of the bedroom. 'This is not your lucky day, Mr Bond. Come here both of you and put your hands up!'

Scaramanga walked to the door and turned on the lights. His golden gun was pointing straight at James Bond.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
James Bond got back to his hotel room at midnight. The windows were closed and the air-conditioning was on. Bond switched it off and opened the windows. His heart was still thumping in his chest. He breathed in the air with relief, then he had a shower and went to bed.At 3.30 he was dreaming, not very peacefully, of three black-coated men with red eyes and angry white teeth. Suddenly, he woke up. He listened. There was a noise. It was comming from the window. Someone was moving behind the curtain. James Bond took his gun from under his pillow, got quietly out of bed, and crept slowly along the wall towards the window. Someone was breathing heavily behind the curtain. Bond pulled it back with one quick movement. Golden hair shone in the moonlight.'Mary Goodnight!' Bond cursed. 'What the hell are you doing here?''Quick, James! Help me in!' Mary whispered urgently.Bond put down his gun and tried to pull her through the open window. At the last moment the window banged shut with a noise like a gunshot. Bond cursed again.Mary Goodnight whispered, 'I'm terribly sorry, James!''Sh! Sh! said Bond. He quickly led her across the room to the bathroom. First he turned on the light, then the shower. They sat down together on the side of the bath. Bond asked again. 'What the hell are you doing here? What's the matter?''James, I was so worried, A 'Most Immediate' message came from HQ this evening. A top KGB man, using the name Hendriks, is staying in this hotel. He knows you're here. He's looking for you!''I know,' said Bond. 'Hendriks is here all right. So is a gunman called Scaramanga. Mary, did HQ say if they have a description of me?''No, they don't. They just have your name, Secret Agent James Bond.''Thanks, Mary. Now, I must get you out of here. Don't worry about me, just tell HQ that you gave me the message, OK?''OK, James.' Mary Goodnight stood up and looked into his eyes. 'Please take care, James.''Sure, sure.' Bond turned off the shower and opened the bathroom door. 'Now, come on!'Suddenly a voice came from the darkness of the bedroom. 'This is not your lucky day, Mr Bond. Come here both of you and put your hands up!'Scaramanga walked to the door and turned on the lights. His golden gun was pointing straight at James Bond.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
джеймс бонд вернулся в его номер в полночь.окна были закрыты, и кондиционер был.бонд выключила его и открыли окна.его сердце было по - прежнему скачет в груди.он вдохнул воздух при помощи, то он принимал душ и пошла спать.в 3.30 он спал, не очень мирно, три черных из мужчин с красными глазами и злой, белые зубы.вдруг, он проснулся.он слушал.этот шум.его прибытие из окна.кто - то идет за занавесом.джеймс бонд, взял пистолет из - под подушкой, тут тихо из постели и бочком медленно вдоль стены к окну.кто - то тяжело дышит за занавесом.бонд вытащил обратно с одним быстрым движением.золотые волосы сияли в лунном свете."мэри, спокойной ночи!"бонд проклят.что, черт возьми, ты здесь делаешь? ""быстро, джеймс!помоги мне! "мэри, это срочно.бонд, опусти пистолет и попытался вытащить ее через открытое окно.в последний момент в окно, тоже не с шумом, как выстрел.бонд навеки.мэри, спокойной ночи, прошептал: "мне очень жаль, джеймс!- тсс!тсс!говорит, бонд.он быстро привел ее в комнате для ванной.сначала он включил свет, затем душ.они сидели вместе на стороне ванну.бонд снова спрашивает, ".что, черт возьми, ты здесь делаешь?в чем дело? "джеймс, я так волновался, "непосредственно" пришло сообщение из штаба в этот вечер.одним из кгб, с именем, хендрикс, остановился в этом отеле.он знает, что ты здесь.он искал тебя! ""я знаю", - сказал бонд ".хендрикс, здесь все в порядке.это боевик "scaramanga.мэри, ты - сказал, если у них есть описание меня? "- нет, они не знают. они только ваше имя, секретного агента джеймса бонда ".- спасибо, мэри.теперь, я должен вытащить тебя отсюда.не волнуйся обо мне, скажи, что ты дала мне сообщение штаба, хорошо?"хорошо, джеймс. - спокойной ночи, встал и посмотрел ему в глаза".пожалуйста, позаботься, джеймс."конечно, конечно." бонд выключить душ и открыл дверь в ванную.теперь, давай! "вдруг раздался голос из тьмы в спальне.это не твой счастливый день, мистер бонд.иди сюда, вы оба, руки вверх! "scaramanga подошел к двери и включил свет.его золотой пистолет указывали прямо на джеймса бонда.
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