THE FATHER OF ASTRONAUTICSKonstantin Tsiolkovsky was a cheerful, eccen перевод - THE FATHER OF ASTRONAUTICSKonstantin Tsiolkovsky was a cheerful, eccen русский как сказать


Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was a cheerful, eccentric, self-educated genius. Deaf from scarlet fever at childhood, he had no formal schooling. But he was a natural mathematician, a practical inventor, a writer of science fiction and a research worker. He was born in 1857 in Kaluga. In March, 1883 Tsiolkovsky completed an extraordinary work Free Space, on how it was possible to orbit a sputnik around the Earth. This was probably the first use of the word “sputnik”.
He discussed how to create sputniks and the speed of their movement in orbit. Sixty-two years later, when the first sputnik was launched, it orbited at a height of about 300 versts and its speed reached eight versts a second, as the old scientist had told.
This self-taught scientist was not interested only in the theory of space travel. In 1878 he constructed a primitive centrifuge to test-on chickens and mice-the effect of acceleration and overloading on living organisms.
At this time, too, he sketched instruments which could simulate conditions of weightlessness on the ground. Now all these sketches and manuscripts are in his museum-home at Kaluga, about 1—miles west of Moscow.
In his work on the effects of speed he developed the principle of hermetically sealed space capsules similar to the one used by Gagarin. Experiment on stresses on the human body is still carried today.
In 1903 Tsiolkovsky published the Scientific Review on Space Research by Jet Engines, a work which is widely read today by specialistics in this field.
In his modest cottage at Kaluga, in the time he could spare from teaching mathematics at a local school, he carried out his scientific work, but he was poorly paid and had no money to finance experiments. His life changed with the revolution, and practically everything he wrote saw the light of day. The principles for multi-stage rockets were describes by Tsiolkovsky. On his 75th birthday meetings were held throughout the Soviet Union to honour him the “Red Banner of Labour”. He died in 1935 confident that his lifetime’s work would be realized
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
THE FATHER OF ASTRONAUTICSKonstantin Tsiolkovsky was a cheerful, eccentric, self-educated genius. Deaf from scarlet fever at childhood, he had no formal schooling. But he was a natural mathematician, a practical inventor, a writer of science fiction and a research worker. He was born in 1857 in Kaluga. In March, 1883 Tsiolkovsky completed an extraordinary work Free Space, on how it was possible to orbit a sputnik around the Earth. This was probably the first use of the word “sputnik”.He discussed how to create sputniks and the speed of their movement in orbit. Sixty-two years later, when the first sputnik was launched, it orbited at a height of about 300 versts and its speed reached eight versts a second, as the old scientist had told.This self-taught scientist was not interested only in the theory of space travel. In 1878 he constructed a primitive centrifuge to test-on chickens and mice-the effect of acceleration and overloading on living organisms.At this time, too, he sketched instruments which could simulate conditions of weightlessness on the ground. Now all these sketches and manuscripts are in his museum-home at Kaluga, about 1—miles west of Moscow.In his work on the effects of speed he developed the principle of hermetically sealed space capsules similar to the one used by Gagarin. Experiment on stresses on the human body is still carried today.In 1903 Tsiolkovsky published the Scientific Review on Space Research by Jet Engines, a work which is widely read today by specialistics in this field.In his modest cottage at Kaluga, in the time he could spare from teaching mathematics at a local school, he carried out his scientific work, but he was poorly paid and had no money to finance experiments. His life changed with the revolution, and practically everything he wrote saw the light of day. The principles for multi-stage rockets were describes by Tsiolkovsky. On his 75th birthday meetings were held throughout the Soviet Union to honour him the “Red Banner of Labour”. He died in 1935 confident that his lifetime’s work would be realized
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
отец астронавтикиконстантин эдуардович циолковский был веселый, эксцентричный, само образование гений.глухой от скарлатины в детстве, он не имеет формального школьного образования.но он был естественным, математик, практический изобретатель, писатель, научной фантастики и научный работник.он родился в 1857 году в калуге.в марте, 1883 циолковский провела огромную работу, свободного пространства, о том, как можно было с орбиты спутника вокруг земли.это был, пожалуй, впервые использовать слово "спутник".он рассказал о том, как создать sputniks и скорость их движения на орбите.шестьдесят два года спустя, когда первый спутник был запущен, его на орбиту на высоте около 300 верст и его скорость достигла восьми верст, во - вторых, как старый ученый рассказал.это - самоучка, ученый не был заинтересован только в теории космических путешествий.в 1878 году он построил примитивные центрифуги для испытания на кур и мышей, эффект ускорения и перегрузки на живые организмы.в это время тоже, он охарактеризовал документов, которые могли бы имитации невесомости на земле.теперь все эти рисунки и рукописи в его музее домой в калужской, о 1-miles к западу от москвы.в его работе о воздействии скорости он разработал принцип герметично космической капсулы, аналогичной той, которая используется в гагарин.эксперимент по подчеркивает на человеческий организм еще не провели сегодня.в 1903 году циолковский опубликованы научного обзора по исследованию космического пространства с реактивными двигателями, а работа, которая широко читайте сегодня specialistics в этой области.в своем скромном коттедже в калужской области, в то время он может избавить от преподавания математики в местной школе, он осуществил свою научную работу, но он плохо оплачиваемых и нет денег на финансирование экспериментов.его жизнь изменилась с революцией, и практически все, что он написал увидела свет.принципы ракеты были описаны в многоступенчатую циолковский.на его 75 - летие были проведены встречи на всей территории советского союза, чтобы почтить его память "трудового красного знамени".он умер в 1935 году, уверены в том, что его жизни будет осуществляться
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