In the 1960s, vehicles were equipped with oil pressure, fuel level, an перевод - In the 1960s, vehicles were equipped with oil pressure, fuel level, an русский как сказать

In the 1960s, vehicles were equippe

In the 1960s, vehicles were equipped with oil pressure, fuel level, and temperature coolant sensors. Their outputs were connected to analogue gauges or "idiot" lights. As we entered the 1970s and emissions became a driving factor, more sensors were added to help control the powertrain. With the addition of the catalytic converter, electronic ignition, and fuel injection came a number of sensors required to help maintain tight air/fuel control and exhaust emissions. In 1980s, safety became a factor with antilock brakes and airbags.
Today sensors are everywhere. In the powertrain area, sensors are used to measure the temperature and pressure of most of the fluids (air temperature, manifold absolute pressure, coolant temperature, and fuel injection pressure). Speed and position sensors are connected to most moving parts (vehicle speed, throttle position, camshaft, crankshaft, transmission shift position, EGR valve position, and transmission speed sensors). Others measure knock, engine load, engine misfire, and oxygen level in the exhaust. Climate control requires the use of various sensors in the air conditioning system to determine refrigerant pres¬sure and temperature and interior air temperature.
Sensors have been added to the interior to determine seat position. With the addition of antilock braking and suspension control a number of sensors have been added to determine wheel speed, ride height, and tyre pressure. As airbags were added for frontal and side impact, more crash sensors and accelerometers were added to control airbag deployment. As the concern for front seat passengers has grown so has the need for sensors to determine if the passenger airbag needs to deploy. Occupant position sensors, passenger weight sensors, and others have been developed to ensure the correct deployment of the front passenger airbag. Other sensors are being added as car manufacturers add side impact bags, roof airbags, and sophisticated side impact head protection airbags.
As engineers have moved beyond antilock braking and traction control into electronic stability control, more sensors are required. Yaw rate, steering wheel angle, and collision avoidance sensors, such as radar sensors or sensors to determine the proximity of other vehicles, will be added. Additional sensors to help control or determine lateral acceleration, speed of each wheel, and engine torque will be needed.
Control of the vehicle's braking system is tied into the stability control system. The first oil pressure and coolant temperature sensors were set up to work independently of each other. In fact some of them were nothing more than switches that were activated at certain maximum or minimum levels. As more sensors become electronic or digital, they are interconnected and their output is used for more than one vehicle system. Thus sensor manufacturers are searching for better ways to design and manufacture sensors.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
In the 1960s, vehicles were equipped with oil pressure, fuel level, and temperature coolant sensors. Their outputs were connected to analogue gauges or "idiot" lights. As we entered the 1970s and emissions became a driving factor, more sensors were added to help control the powertrain. With the addition of the catalytic converter, electronic ignition, and fuel injection came a number of sensors required to help maintain tight air/fuel control and exhaust emissions. In 1980s, safety became a factor with antilock brakes and airbags.Today sensors are everywhere. In the powertrain area, sensors are used to measure the temperature and pressure of most of the fluids (air temperature, manifold absolute pressure, coolant temperature, and fuel injection pressure). Speed and position sensors are connected to most moving parts (vehicle speed, throttle position, camshaft, crankshaft, transmission shift position, EGR valve position, and transmission speed sensors). Others measure knock, engine load, engine misfire, and oxygen level in the exhaust. Climate control requires the use of various sensors in the air conditioning system to determine refrigerant pres¬sure and temperature and interior air temperature.Датчики были добавлены к интерьеру для определения положения сиденья. С добавлением антиблокировочная тормозов и подвески контроля, добавлен ряд датчиков для определения скорости колеса, ездить высоты и давления в шинах. Как подушки безопасности были добавлены для фронтальной и боковой удар, больше датчиков столкновения и акселерометры были добавлены для управления подушек безопасности. С ростом озабоченности для пассажиров передних сидений так имеет потребность для датчиков определить, если Подушка безопасности пассажира необходимо развернуть. Жилец датчики, датчики веса пассажира и другие были разработаны для обеспечения правильного развертывания подушки безопасности переднего пассажира. Другие датчики добавляются как производители автомобилей добавляют побочные воздействия мешки, крыши подушки безопасности и сложные побочные воздействия защиты головы подушки безопасности.Как инженеры вышли за рамки антиблокировочная тормозов и контроля тяги в электронная система контроля устойчивости, необходимы дополнительные датчики. Рыскания скорость, угол рулевого колеса и датчики предотвращения столкновений, таких как радиолокационные датчики или датчики для определения близости других транспортных средств, будут добавлены. Потребуются дополнительные датчики для контроля или определить боковое ускорение, скорость каждого колеса и крутящий момент двигателя.Контроль тормозной системы транспортного средства привязаны в систему контроля стабильности. Первые датчики температуры масла давления и охлаждающей жидкости были созданы для работы независимо друг от друга. На самом деле некоторые из них были не более чем переключатели, которые были активированы при определенных максимального или минимального уровня. Поскольку больше датчиков электронной или цифровой, они взаимосвязаны, и их выход используется для более чем одной системы транспортного средства. Таким образом датчик производители ищут лучшие способы проектирования и изготовления датчиков.
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