A) All the laboratories of inorganic chemistry are almost alike. These перевод - A) All the laboratories of inorganic chemistry are almost alike. These русский как сказать

A) All the laboratories of inorgani

A) All the laboratories of inorganic chemistry are almost alike. These are large
rooms where both students and research-workers carry out their experimental work.
Modern laboratories of inorganic as well as organic and analytical chemistry are
provided with gas and running water. Every laboratory is to be provided with a
ventilating hood for the escape of both harmful and unpleasant vapours and odours.
Every laboratory has to be lit up very well.
There are many laboratory benches with a great number of drawers in every
laboratory. Different apparatus devices as well as materials are to be kept in them.
Besides we can see many shelves and cases for containers with chemicals.
On every laboratory bench one can see test-tubes, flasks, beakers, funnels,
dishes, weighing bottles. All this glassware should be kept in good order.
Various burners serve for producing flames. Bunsen burner is to be mentioned
among them. Different crucibles are to be employed when heating of solution and
igniting of materials are to be carried out. Crucibles are usually made of quartz,
porcelain and iron. In addition to these crucibles, there are platinum crucibles in some
laboratories, but they are used very seldom.
B) Every laboratory should be equipped with different kinds of apparatus. Everything
in the laboratory is to have its definite place.
Experiments in the Laboratory Many experiments can be carried out in the laboratory
of inorganic chemistry. Thus, if we want to obtain hydrogen chloride (HCL) which is
often referred to as a hydrochloric acid gas, it is necessary to pour some sulphuric
acid through a tube over the crystal of sodium chloride, in a flask. The fiask is to be
heated. On warming the fiask, the hydrogen chloride is expelled as a colourless gas
with a suffocating odour. It produces heavy clouds of white fumes when it comes in
contact with the moist air of the room.
It is soluble and it cannot be collected over water as are oxygen and hydrogen. It is
much heavier than the air and may be passed through a glass tube to the bottle. If we
dissolve some of the gas in water, the solution has a sour taste, reddens blue litmus,
reacts with zinc, etc.: it is hydrochloric acid. When all the sodium chloride originally
present in the flask has been transformed, the reaction is complete. The flask then
contains a salt called sodium acid sulphate (NaHSO4) together, with unchanged
excess of sulphuric acid.
Nitric acid may be prepared by the reaction of concentrated sulphuric acid with
sodium nitrate. In the laboratory method, a mixture of sodium nitrate and
concentrated sulphuric acid is heated in a glass retort. Nitric acid is boiled out of the
mixture and is condensed: NaNO3 + H2SO4 = HNO3+ NaHSO4
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
A) All the laboratories of inorganic chemistry are almost alike. These are largerooms where both students and research-workers carry out their experimental work.Modern laboratories of inorganic as well as organic and analytical chemistry areprovided with gas and running water. Every laboratory is to be provided with aventilating hood for the escape of both harmful and unpleasant vapours and odours.Every laboratory has to be lit up very well.There are many laboratory benches with a great number of drawers in everylaboratory. Different apparatus devices as well as materials are to be kept in them.Besides we can see many shelves and cases for containers with chemicals.On every laboratory bench one can see test-tubes, flasks, beakers, funnels,evaporatingdishes, weighing bottles. All this glassware should be kept in good order.Various burners serve for producing flames. Bunsen burner is to be mentionedamong them. Different crucibles are to be employed when heating of solution andigniting of materials are to be carried out. Crucibles are usually made of quartz,porcelain and iron. In addition to these crucibles, there are platinum crucibles in somelaboratories, but they are used very seldom.B) Every laboratory should be equipped with different kinds of apparatus. Everythingin the laboratory is to have its definite place.Experiments in the Laboratory Many experiments can be carried out in the laboratoryof inorganic chemistry. Thus, if we want to obtain hydrogen chloride (HCL) which isoften referred to as a hydrochloric acid gas, it is necessary to pour some sulphuricacid through a tube over the crystal of sodium chloride, in a flask. The fiask is to beheated. On warming the fiask, the hydrogen chloride is expelled as a colourless gaswith a suffocating odour. It produces heavy clouds of white fumes when it comes incontact with the moist air of the room.It is soluble and it cannot be collected over water as are oxygen and hydrogen. It ismuch heavier than the air and may be passed through a glass tube to the bottle. If wedissolve some of the gas in water, the solution has a sour taste, reddens blue litmus,reacts with zinc, etc.: it is hydrochloric acid. When all the sodium chloride originallypresent in the flask has been transformed, the reaction is complete. The flask thencontains a salt called sodium acid sulphate (NaHSO4) together, with unchangedexcess of sulphuric acid.Nitric acid may be prepared by the reaction of concentrated sulphuric acid withsodium nitrate. In the laboratory method, a mixture of sodium nitrate andconcentrated sulphuric acid is heated in a glass retort. Nitric acid is boiled out of themixture and is condensed: NaNO3 + H2SO4 = HNO3+ NaHSO420
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
a) все лаборатории неорганической химии почти одинаково.это крупныеномера, где студенты и научные работники выполняют свои опыты.современные лаборатории, а также органических и неорганических аналитической химии -обеспечены газ и водопровод.каждая лаборатория должна предоставляться свентиляции капот для побега и вредным и неприятных паров и запахов.каждая лаборатория должна быть светится, очень хорошо.многие лаборатории скамейки с большим количеством ящики в каждомлаборатория.различные приборы устройства, а также материалы будут храниться в них.кроме того, мы видим много полки и случаях для контейнеров с химическим веществам.на скамейке все лаборатории можно увидеть пробирки, фляги, бокалы, воронки,испаренияблюда, весом в бутылки.вся эта посуда должна быть в порядке.различными горелки служить для производства пламя.горелка бунзена необходимо упомянутьсреди них.различные тиглей, должны применяться в тех случаях, когда отопление решения иразжигая материалов осуществляется.2, как правило, сделаны из кварца,фарфор и железо.помимо этих тиглей, есть платина тиглей в некоторыхлаборатории, но они применяются весьма редко.b) каждая лаборатория должна быть оснащена различных видов оборудования.всев лаборатории есть свои определенные места.эксперименты в лаборатории много экспериментов, могут осуществляться в лабораториинеорганической химии.таким образом, если мы хотим получить хлористый водород (HCl), который являетсячасто называют соляной кислоты, газ, необходимо pour сернойкислота через трубку за кристалл хлорида натрия, в колбу.в fiask будетнагревается.по fiask потепления, хлористый водород был выслан в бесцветный газс удушающего запаха.он производит тяжелые тучи белого дыма, когда он приходит вконтакт с влажный воздух в комнате.он растворяется и он не может быть собрано более воды, кислорода и водорода.этогораздо тяжелее воздуха и, может быть, прошла через стеклянную трубку на бутылку.если мыраспустить часть газа в воде, решение имеет кислый вкус, reddens голубой лакмус,вступает в реакцию с цинком и т.п.: это соляная кислота.когда все хлористый натрий, первоначальнов настоящее время в колбу трансформировался, реакция.колба, затемсодержит соли натрия сульфат (nahso4 называется кислоты) вместе с неизменнойпревышение серной кислоты.азотная кислота может быть подготовлен реакция концентрированную серную кислоту снитрат натрия.в лаборатории метод, смеси нитрата натрия иконцентрированную серную кислоту нагревается в стакан, отвечу.азотная кислота варится изсмесь и конденсируется: nano3 + H2SO4 = HNO3 + nahso420
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