Mohler shrugged uncomfortably. “I was not privy to exactly what it was перевод - Mohler shrugged uncomfortably. “I was not privy to exactly what it was русский как сказать

Mohler shrugged uncomfortably. “I w

Mohler shrugged uncomfortably. “I was not privy to exactly what it was he did. He did not discuss
such matters with me–I was only his scribe. I do know, though, that he liked to study old documents.
At least, that was what I most often saw him doing. I started early in the morning recording prophecy
in the books, here, and he usually came in later. He did a lot of his work in here at night after I was
The old man lifted an arm out toward a large desk off to the side of the pedestals that held the
books of prophecy. The disorderly desk was piled with everything from decorated bone objects and
simple candlesticks to rulers and dividers to papers and stacks of old scrolls. A fat candle in a silver
stand rested on top of a stack of worn ledgers. By the way layers of candle wax dribbled down all
over one side of the ledgers, their importance appeared to have been nothing more than as a stand to
elevate candles.
“Sometimes he would go over to the books and read prophecy I had recorded. I assumed that he
did that when I was gone as well, but I can’t actually say for sure. I can’t say that I ever saw him
paying close attention, though. I think he merely scanned them, looking for anything that might
warrant more of his attention later.
“When I was here he occasionally liked to play chess”–the scribe gestured to a small stand with a
board set with black and white game pieces–“over there.” He turned back. “Mostly, though, he worked
there, at his desk.”
Standing behind the broad desk, Richard noticed that the closest pedestal, the one not far away on
the other side of the desk, was the one holding the book that Mohler said contained prophecies about
the House of Rahl. Just beyond that book of prophecy, rising up behind it, Hannis Arc would have had
a good view of the stuffed bear standing up on its hind legs to tower over the book. The man probably
liked the symbolism. In that light, the placement of objects in the room was beginning to make a little
more sense.
Hannis Arc seemed to be a man fixated on symbology.
The books of prophecy around the room were immense, not only physically, but also in that there
were collectively thousands upon thousands of pages contained in them. The thought of studying all
of those books to try to find out what Hannis Arc had been up to, or to find a hint that might be helpful
in stopping him, was daunting. Small numbers of prophecies were difficult enough to consider. The
numbers here were overwhelming. But he didn’t think that prophecies collected in such a suspect
manner were really what had occupied Hannis Arc.
Richard turned his attention back to the desk and unrolled a brittle, ancient-looking scroll lying to
the side of the desk. The vellum was stained with what looked to be centuries of dirt and dark, ringed
stains from mugs and candles used as weights to hold it open.
Richard was stunned by what he saw written in faded ink.
Nicci did a double take when she saw the look on his face. “What is it? What do you see?”
Richard could only stare at the scroll covered with a complex tapestry of lines connecting
constellations of elements that made up the language of Creation. He moved to the side a little as
Nicci and Kahlan rushed around the desk to have a look for themselves at what had captured his
“That’s the language of Creation used by Regula,” Kahlan said. “The omen machine gives
prophecies in that language.”
Richard nodded as he scanned the symbols, already trying to work out the translations. “It’s also
the same language used by Naja Moon to leave messages in the caves in Stroyza.”
“I wonder if that means they date back to the time of the great war, the time when Naja and
Emperor Sulachan were alive,” Kahlan said as she leaned in, frowning at the scroll Richard held
spread open on the desk. “What does this say?”
Rather than answering her, he straightened and looked over at Mohler. “Are there any more of
these scrolls? Ones written in this same language?”
Mohler stretched his neck to glance across the desk and look down at the scroll. He appeared to
recognize it.
“Yes, there are some more of them.” He pointed. “There is another one of them, there, in that pile.
It’s that darker one. Bishop Arc called them Cerulean scrolls.”
“Cerulean scrolls?” Richard asked. “You’re sure?”
“Yes, that’s right. He could read them, but I can’t. He spent a great deal of his time working with
them. Whenever a new one came in he spent all his waking time with it for weeks, but that was a rare
event. He was very protective of them.
“Years ago he used to study every detail of the new prophecies that I recorded for him. Although
he would still come over from time to time and scan the newest entries I had made, over the years his
interest in the books of prophecy dwindled until he became almost entirely focused on the scrolls.
“Sometimes he used those instruments on the Cerulean scrolls, doing some kind of measuring and
such. If he worked late into the night and left them out, then in the morning when I came in I would put
them away for him, but other than that I never had anything to do with them.”
Kahlan looked up from the scroll. “Do you know what ‘Cerulean’ means?”
Mohler shook his head. “That was what he called them, but he never told me the meaning of the
“It’s an ancient word,” Richard said. “It means ‘celestial.’”
Nicci’s brow twitched. “Celestial?”
Richard grunted confirmation as he idly pinched his lower lip, deep in thought about the things he
had seen in the room where Hannis Arc spent most of his time. The place contained dusty artifacts
from ages ago, most appearing to predate Hannis Arc’s time. While the place was chiefly dedicated to
cataloging and recording prophecy, the man hadn’t bothered to open all the newly arrived divinations.
Since he apparently didn’t read them closely, it would seem that Hannis Arc wasn’t all that interested
in prophecy. Or possibly he understood that the kind of ungifted prediction that arrived daily at the
citadel was not true prophecy and largely useless.
It appeared that the Cerulean scrolls were the center of his focus. Richard wondered if perhaps
Hannis Arc was only seeking out prophecy as a pretext to send people in what was really a search for
scrolls or books written in the language of Creation. The Dark Lands, after all, seemed to be rich with
history from the time of the great war. The caves at Stroyza were covered with information from that
“Sometimes,” Mohler said, “when I arrived in the morning to record prophecies that had come in
overnight, Bishop Arc would still be in here working on a new Cerulean scroll and I would notice,
then, that he had acquired more of those strange tattoos. Bishop Arc didn’t like me to speak unless
spoken to, so I never asked about them. When we played chess I didn’t like to look upon those
frightening symbols tattooed all over him.”
Nicci hooked a long lock of blond hair behind her ear as she leaned over to get a better look at the
scroll on the desk. “Was he good at chess?”
Mohler nodded. “Oh yes. He was a master at it.”
“So then there are more of these kind of scrolls, with symbols like this one here?” Richard asked
as he impatiently waved a finger at the scroll. “These Cerulean scrolls–there are more of them?”
Mohler seemed a little bewildered by Richard’s interest in old scrolls. “That’s right. Some are
written in languages that are slightly different but are similar enough. All of them are kept over
there.” He gestured to a cabinet against the stone wall. “Let me show you, Lord Rahl.”
The man shuffled across the room, weaving his way between a display of a family of stuffed
beavers to one side, and a marble statue of a woman in a filmy robe that left nothing to the
imagination on his other side.
Richard noticed that from his desk, Hannis Arc would not have been able to see the statue very
well, but he would have had a clear view of the scene with the beavers, all busily at work chewing tree
trunks and reducing them to sticks and small logs to use in their dam building so they could control
the flow of a stream.
When he reached the cabinet, Mohler opened the tall, carved door to reveal a grid of cubbyholes,
almost every one of them holding at least one scroll, some stuffed with several. They looked as
ancient as the one on the desk. Many had dark, crumbling edges. A quick appraisal suggested that
there were probably close to a hundred Cerulean scrolls in the cabinet.
Richard pulled one of them out and carefully unrolled it to have a look. It began with azimuth
angles that he didn’t recognize. Those celestial observations, he suspected, were meant to show star
positions. Richard wasn’t entirely sure how, but he suspected that it might be a way of establishing
chronology, a key element that prophecy lacked. In that light, the scrolls made prophecy look
amateurish and incomplete. It seemed to have been an advanced technique, the mastery of which had
been lost over time.
Right at the beginning, after the information about azimuth angles, Richard saw symbols that spoke
about prophecy, except that they weren’t giving prophecy. Rather, they spoke of prophecy itself,
almost as if it were a living thing.
In a strange way, they were revealing prophecy, but only in an oblique manner as they spoke of
specific prophecies, using what they said to explain the central subject of the scroll. What, exactly, the
subject of the scroll might be, Richard wasn’t entirely sure just yet.
Since in the language of Creation each of the symbols formed a complete concept, similar to an
entire written sentence, rather than merely a word in a different language, it would take more time to
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Mohler пожал неудобно. «Я не был причастен к точно, что это было, что он сделал. Он не обсуждатьтакие вопросы со мной-я был только его писец. Я знаю, однако, что он любил, чтобы изучить старые документы. #3 По крайней мере, это было то, что я чаще всего видел его делать. Я начал рано утром записи пророчествов книгах, здесь и он обычно вышел позже. Он сделал много его работ здесь ночью, после того, как я былпошли.» #4 Старик снять руку в сторону большой стол на стороне тумбы, которые держаликниги пророчества. Беспорядочное стол был свалили все от оформленных кости объектов ипростые подсвечники правителей и разделители для документов и стеки старых свитков. Свечу жира в серебрестенд лежит на вершине стека изношенные бухгалтерских книг. Кстати по капле вниз все слои воскболее чем одной стороне бухгалтерских книг, их важность, как представляется, ничего больше, чем как подставка дляПоднимите свечи. #5 «Иногда он будет перейти к книгам и читал пророчество, записанный. Я предположил, что онсделал это, когда я ушел, как хорошо, но я действительно не могу сказать наверняка. Я не могу сказать, что я когда-либо видел егоуделяя пристальное внимание, хотя. Я думаю, что он просто отсканировал их, ищет что-нибудь, что можеттребуют больше внимания его позже. #6 «Когда я был здесь он иногда любил играть в шахматы»-писец gestured к небольшой стенд сСовет набор с черный и белый игры штук – «там.» Он повернул обратно. «В основном, хотя, он работалтам на его стол.» #7 Стоя за широкий стол, Ричард заметил, что ближайший пьедестал, не далеко отс другой стороны стола, был один холдинг в книге, что Mohler сказал содержатся пророчества оДом РАЛ. Просто за эту книгу пророчества, поднимая вверх позади него имел бы исполняющая дугихороший вид чучело медведя, стоя на лапах возвышаться над книгой. Человек вероятнопонравилась символизм. В этом свете сделать немного начинает размещение объектов в комнатебольше смысла. #8 Исполняющая дуги, как представляется, быть мужчиной, зациклена на символику. #9 Книги пророчества вокруг комнаты были огромными, не только физически, но и в том, чтоколлективно были тысячи и тысячи страниц, содержащихся в них. Мысль о изучения всехиз тех книг, чтобы попытаться выяснить, какие исполняющая Arc были до, или найти подсказку, которая может быть полезнаостановить его, была сложной. Небольшое количество пророчеств были достаточно сложно рассматривать. ВНомера здесь было подавляющим. Но он не думаю, что пророчества собраны в такой подозреваемыйобразом были действительно что занимали исполняющая дуги. #10 Ричард обратил свое внимание обратно на стол и сворачивали ломкие, древний вид прокрутки, лежащих вна стороне стола. Пергамент был окрашенных с что посмотрел быть столетий грязи и темные, кольчатойпятна от кружки и свечи, используемых в качестве весов, чтобы держать ее открытой. #11 Ричард был потрясен увиденным выцветшими чернилами. #12 Никки сделал двойное взятие когда она увидела смотреть на его лице. «Что это? Что вы видите?» #13 Ричард может только смотреть на прокрутки, покрытая сложными гобелен линий, соединяющихсозвездия элементов, которые составляют языком творения. Он перешел на сторону немного какНикки и Кэлен бросился вокруг стола, чтобы взглянуть на то, что захватила его для себявнимание. #14 «Это язык создания используется с Regula»,-сказал Кэлен. «Машина предзнаменования даетПророчества в этом языке.» #15 Ричард кивнул, как он отсканировал символы, уже пытаются выработать переводов. «Это такжеже язык, используемый Naja Луны оставить сообщения в пещерах в Stroyza.» #16 «Я интересую если это означает, что они восходят к временам Великой войны, время когда Naja иИмператор Sulachan живы», Кэлен говорит, как она наклонилась, хмурится на прокрутки, которые занимали Ричардраспространение открытых на столе. «Что это сказать?» #17 Вместо того, чтобы ответить на нее, он выпрямился и посмотрел на Mohler. «Есть большеЭти свитки? Те, написанные на этом же языке?» #18 Mohler протянул его шею, чтобы заглянуть через стол и смотреть вниз на прокрутки. Он появилсяпризнать это. #19 «Да, есть несколько из них.» Он указал. «Есть еще один из них, там, в этой куче. #20 Это что темнее. Епископ дуги назвал их Церулеан свитки.» #21 «Церулеан свитки?» Ричард спросил. «Вы уверены?» #22 «Да, это право. Он мог читать их, но я не могу. Он провел большую часть своего времени работе сих. Всякий раз, когда новый пришли он провел все свое бодрствования время с ним в течение недель, но это был редкийсобытие. Он был очень защитные из них. #23 «Лет назад он используется для изучения каждой детали новой пророчества, которые я записал для него. ХотяОн будет по-прежнему время от времени приехать и проверять новые записи блога, я сделал, с годами егоинтерес в книгах пророчества сократилось до тех пор, пока он стал почти полностью сосредоточена на свитки. #24 «Иногда он использовал эти документы на Церулеан свитки, делать какие-то измерения итакие. Если он работал поздно в ночу и оставил их вне, то утром, когда я пришел в я бы поставилих прочь для него, но Кроме этого я никогда не имел ничего с ними делать.» #25 Кэлен посмотрел вверх от прокрутки. «Вы знаете, что означает «Церулеан»?» #26 Mohler покачал головой. «Что было, что он назвал их, но он никогда не сказал мне смыслслово". #27 «Это древнее слово»,-сказал Ричард. «Это означает «Небесные».» #28 Никки в лоб дернулся. «Небесные»? #29 Ричард хрюкнул подтверждение как он праздно ущипнул его нижней губы, глубоко в мысли о том, что онвидел в комнате, где исполняющая дуги провел большую часть своего времени. Место содержится пыльной артефактыfrom ages ago, most appearing to predate Hannis Arc’s time. While the place was chiefly dedicated tocataloging and recording prophecy, the man hadn’t bothered to open all the newly arrived divinations. #30 Since he apparently didn’t read them closely, it would seem that Hannis Arc wasn’t all that interestedin prophecy. Or possibly he understood that the kind of ungifted prediction that arrived daily at thecitadel was not true prophecy and largely useless. #31 It appeared that the Cerulean scrolls were the center of his focus. Richard wondered if perhapsHannis Arc was only seeking out prophecy as a pretext to send people in what was really a search forscrolls or books written in the language of Creation. The Dark Lands, after all, seemed to be rich withhistory from the time of the great war. The caves at Stroyza were covered with information from thattime. #32 “Sometimes,” Mohler said, “when I arrived in the morning to record prophecies that had come inovernight, Bishop Arc would still be in here working on a new Cerulean scroll and I would notice,then, that he had acquired more of those strange tattoos. Bishop Arc didn’t like me to speak unlessspoken to, so I never asked about them. When we played chess I didn’t like to look upon thosefrightening symbols tattooed all over him.” #33 Nicci hooked a long lock of blond hair behind her ear as she leaned over to get a better look at thescroll on the desk. “Was he good at chess?” #34 Mohler nodded. “Oh yes. He was a master at it.” #35 “So then there are more of these kind of scrolls, with symbols like this one here?” Richard askedas he impatiently waved a finger at the scroll. “These Cerulean scrolls–there are more of them?” #36 Mohler seemed a little bewildered by Richard’s interest in old scrolls. “That’s right. Some arewritten in languages that are slightly different but are similar enough. All of them are kept overthere.” He gestured to a cabinet against the stone wall. “Let me show you, Lord Rahl.” #37 The man shuffled across the room, weaving his way between a display of a family of stuffedbeavers to one side, and a marble statue of a woman in a filmy robe that left nothing to theimagination on his other side. #38 Richard noticed that from his desk, Hannis Arc would not have been able to see the statue verywell, but he would have had a clear view of the scene with the beavers, all busily at work chewing treetrunks and reducing them to sticks and small logs to use in their dam building so they could controlthe flow of a stream. #39 When he reached the cabinet, Mohler opened the tall, carved door to reveal a grid of cubbyholes,almost every one of them holding at least one scroll, some stuffed with several. They looked asancient as the one on the desk. Many had dark, crumbling edges. A quick appraisal suggested thatthere were probably close to a hundred Cerulean scrolls in the cabinet. #40 Richard pulled one of them out and carefully unrolled it to have a look. It began with azimuthangles that he didn’t recognize. Those celestial observations, he suspected, were meant to show starpositions. Richard wasn’t entirely sure how, but he suspected that it might be a way of establishingchronology, a key element that prophecy lacked. In that light, the scrolls made prophecy lookamateurish and incomplete. It seemed to have been an advanced technique, the mastery of which hadbeen lost over time. #41 Right at the beginning, after the information about azimuth angles, Richard saw symbols that spokeabout prophecy, except that they weren’t giving prophecy. Rather, they spoke of prophecy itself,almost as if it were a living thing. #42 In a strange way, they were revealing prophecy, but only in an oblique manner as they spoke ofspecific prophecies, using what they said to explain the central subject of the scroll. What, exactly, thesubject of the scroll might be, Richard wasn’t entirely sure just yet. #43 Since in the language of Creation each of the symbols formed a complete concept, similar to anentire written sentence, rather than merely a word in a different language, it would take more time towork
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]

mohler пожал плечами дискомфортно."я не был посвящен именно то, что он сделал.он не обсуждать
такие вопросы со мной – я была только его писаря.я знаю, что он любил изучать старые документы.
# 3: по крайней мере, это то, что я часто видел его там.я начал рано утром запись пророчество
в книгах, здесь, и обычно он пришел позже.он много сделал свою работу здесь, в ночь после того, как я был "нет".
# 4
старик поднял руку к большой стол сбоку от подставки, которые провели
книги пророчества.беспорядочный стол был сложили все - от оформлены кости объектов и
простой подсвечники для правителей и циркуль на документы и складывает старые свитки.жирный свечи в серебро.стоять лежит поверх стопки носил книг.кстати, слой свечной воск dribbled всю
над одной части книг, их важность, как представляется, было не больше, чем как стенд для
ставить свечи.
# 5: "иногда он будет идти на книги и читал пророчество, я записал.я предположил, что он "сделал это, когда я ушла, но я вообще - то не может сказать наверняка.я не могу сказать, что я когда - либо видел его
уделяет пристальное внимание, хотя.я думаю, он просто их просканировали, ищешь что - нибудь, что может
требуют более его внимание позже.
# 6: "когда я был здесь, он иногда любил играть в шахматы" - писарь gestured небольшой стенд с
совет с черным и белым игру куски - "там", он повернулся."в основном, хотя он работал: там, на столе."
# 7
стоит за широкий стол, ричард заметил, что ближайший пьедестал, не далеко от
другой стороны стола, держала книгу, что mohler говорит, содержит пророчества о
дом ралов.просто после этой книги пророчества, пошел за ним, hannis дуги должны были
хорошо видеть чучело медведя, стоя на задних лапах в башне за книгу.
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