Результаты (
русский) 1:
Молодой король был одинок в своей красивой комнате во дворце. Ему было всего шестнадцать летСтарый и он был дикими глазами, как животное из леса. Старый король слуг нашли его влес. В то время мальчик считает, что он был сыном бедных лесником. Он былвоспитанный лесник. Но теперь он знал, что он был ребенком старого королядочь.Дочь короля женился на обычный человек, художник. Он рисовал картины настены великой церкви, где были коронованы цари. Но однажды он исчез, оставивфотографии незаконченной. Неделя старый ребенок был доставлен от стороны его матери во времяона спала. Лесника и его жена не имели детей, и ребенок был дан им.Принцесса умерла.Когда старый король умирает, он сказал: «мое сердце тяжело, потому что я сделал страшныйвещь. Корона не должна проходить вдали от моей семьи. Принесите мои дочери ребенка отлес. Он будет королем после меня.'Когда мальчик был доставлен во дворец, он показал странная любовь к красивойвещи. Он дал счастливый Крик, когда он увидел его тонкой новую одежду и богатые драгоценности. Он быстроснял старое пальто, что он носил в лесу. Он шел через дворец из комнаты дляномер, глядя на все.Богатый человек пришел к молодой король один день. Он нашел его на колени передкрасивая картинка из Венеции. На другой день люди искали царя в течение нескольких часов.Они, наконец, нашли его в маленькой комнате в северной части дворца. Он смотрит наформа греческого бога Адониса, вырезать в драгоценный камень.В постели в ту ночь, молодой король думал о красивой одежды для его особый день— Золотой Пальто и jewelled корону. Люди работали день и ночь, чтобы закончитьодежду во времени. Молодой царь представлял себя в Великой Церкви, одетый, как король.Его глаза закрыты, и он заснул. Как он спал, он мечтал.Он мечтал, что он стоял в комнате невысокое. Вокруг него были тканью мейкерработа. Только немного дневного света пришел через узкие окна. Мужские лица были бледныеи тонкие. Маленькие дети работали с ними. Они были слабыми и голодных и их малопожали друг другу руки.Молодой царь пошел смотреть, один из создателей ткани. Человек сердито посмотрел на него.«Почему вы смотрите меня?»,-сказал он. «Наш работодатель просим вас следить за нами?»«Кто является вашим работодателем?» спросил молодого короля."Это человек, как я. Но в отличие от меня, он носит хорошую одежду. И хотя я голоден, онЕсть слишком много пищи.»«Вы не являетесь рабом,» сказал молодой король. «Ваш работодатель не владеет вас».«Богатые сделать бедные их рабов,» ответил ткань мейкера. «Мы должны работать нажить. Но они нам платят слишком мало, и мы умираем. Мужчины звоните нам бесплатно, но мы рабы. Но этивещи не имеет значения для вас. Ты не один из нас: ваше лицо слишком счастлив.» – 8 –– 9 –Он отвернулся и продолжил свою работу. Тогда молодой царь увидел, что ткань мейкераwas making gold cloth. He felt a sudden fear.‘Who are you making that cloth for?’ he asked.‘I am making it for the crowning of the young king.’The young king woke up with a loud cry. He was in his own room in the palace.Through the window, he saw the golden moon hanging in the sky.The young king fell asleep again and dreamed. He dreamed that he was on a ship.Hundreds of slaves were working on the ship. They were wearing only simple cloths roundtheir waists, and each man was tied to the man next to him. The hot sun shone down onthem without pity. A man ran up and down between the slaves. He hit them until the bloodcame. ‘Work faster!’ he ordered.At last the ship stopped near some land. The seamen took one of the youngest slaves,tied a stone to his feet and let him down over the side of the ship. After some time theypulled him out of the water. He had a pearl in his right hand. The seamen took it from him,then pushed him back into the water.The young slave came up again and again; each time he brought with him a beautifulpearl. The seamen put the pearls in a green bag.Then the slave came up for the last time. This time he brought the best pearl of all. Itwas shaped like the full moon and it was brighter than the morning star. But the face of theslave was strangely white. He fell down on the ship, and blood came from his ears andmouth.‘Dead?’ cried one of the seamen. ‘Throw the body into the sea.’ He looked at the pearl.‘This will be for the crowning of the young king.’When the young king heard this, he woke up with a great cry. Through the window, thestars were growing weak and daylight was coming.The young king fell asleep again and dreamed. He was walking through a dark forest fullof strange fruit and flowers. He continued walking until he came out of the forest. There hesaw a great crowd of men, working in a dry river. They were making large holes in theground and breaking the rocks with tools.The young king turned and saw an old man standing behind him, with a mirror in hishand.‘Who are these men?’ he asked.‘The people in the walled cities have no food, and little water,’ said the old man. ‘Butthese men are working in the river to find-’‘What are they trying to find?’‘Jewels — for a king’s crown,’ said the old man.‘For which king?’‘Look in the mirror and you will see him.’The young king looked in the mirror and saw his own face. He woke up with a greatcry. Bright sunlight was shining into the room, and in the garden outside birds were singingin the trees. – 10 –Government officers came into the young king’s room and greeted him. Servants broughtthe coat made of gold cloth. Other servants placed the crown and fine jewels in front ofhim.The young king looked at the lovely things. They were very beautiful. But heremembered his dreams, and said, ‘Take them away. I will not wear them.’The government officers were very surprised. Some of them thought that he wasjoking. They laughed.He spoke to them again: ‘Take these things away. I will not wear them. This cloth wasmade by the white hands of pain. There is blood in the jewels and death in the heart of thepearl.’ And he told them his three dreams.When the men heard this, they said to him, ‘You do not know what you are saying. Adream is only a dream — it is not real. We cannot worry about the people who work for us.And if you do not wear these clothes and this crown, you will not look like a king. How willthe people know that you are king?’‘Perhaps you are right,’ answered the young king. ‘But I will not wear this coat and Iwill not wear this crown. I did not wear fine clothes when I came into the palace. I will goout of the palace in the same way. Go, all of you. Only this boy may stay.’The government officers and the servants left. Only one servant, a boy, stayed withthe king. The young king opened a big box and took out a rough coat. This was his coat inthe days when he watched animals on the hillside for the forester. The young king alsotook out a stick from the forest.The boy said, ‘Sir, where is your crown?’The young king cut a piece from a wild rose that grew near the window. He made itinto a circle and put it on his head.‘This will be my crown,’ he said.The young king left his room. The government officers were waiting for him. He got upon his horse and rode out through the great gates of the palace towards the church. Theboy ran with him.The people in the streets laughed. ‘This is not the king,’ they said as he rode pastthem. He stopped and answered, ‘I am the king.’ And he told them his three dreams.A man came out of the crowd and spoke angrily to him: ‘The life of the poor comesfrom the fine things that rich people use. When we make these things, we can buy bread.Go back to your palace and put on your kings clothes. Why are you worrying about us?’‘Aren’t rich people and poor people brothers?’ asked the young king. His eyes filledwith tears as he rode through the angry cries of the people. The boy became afraid andleft him.At the great gate of the church, the soldiers tried to stop him. ‘Only the king can comein here,’ they said to him.‘I am the king,’ he answered angrily, and he pushed through them.The most important priest in the church was waiting to crown the new king. He saw theyoung king in his poor clothes, and he went to meet him.‘My son,’ he said. ‘Is this how a king dresses? What crown shall I crown you with? Thisshould be a day of great happiness.’‘Can happiness wear what sadness and pain have made?’ said the king, and he toldthe High Priest his dreams. – 11 –‘I am an old man,’ answered the High Priest. ‘I know that many wrong things are donein the world. But God has made us this way, and He is wiser than you. The weight of thisworld’s suffering is too heavy for one man.’‘Can you say that in this house of God!’ said the young king. He walked past the HighPriest and went down on his knees.Suddenly a loud noise came from the street outside. The government officers cameinto the church, shouting, ‘Where is this dreamer of dreams? Where is the king who isdressed as a servant? He cannot be our king!’The young king stood up and turned sadly towards them. Then sunlight shone downthrough the coloured glass of the church windows. It changed his coat into a coat that wasmore beautiful than one of gold cloth. From the dead stick, white flowers grew that weremore beautiful than pearls. The wild roses on his head shone brighter than jewels.He stood there dressed as a king. The light of God filled the place and there wasmusic and singing. The people fell on their knees.The High Priest laid his hands on the young king’s head. Someone has crowned youwho is greater than me,’ he said, and he went down on his knees in front of his king.
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