Shakespeare’s works are often published in one book, and it’s not a ve перевод - Shakespeare’s works are often published in one book, and it’s not a ve русский как сказать

Shakespeare’s works are often publi

Shakespeare’s works are often published in one book, and it’s not a very large one. Perhaps some may wonder why Shakespeare is valued as one of the world’s greatest poets. It would be very difficult to give a brief explanation. But open any of his plays and read and you’ll immediately see why people regard him as the greatest playwright who has ever lived. For one thing, when Shakespeare has said a thing, it seems impossible that it could ever be said better.Shakespeare's language is indeed the language of life.His experience as an actor and his poetical genius made his plays the most wonderful ones ever written.

2.Shakespeare’s plays are also wonderfully interesting. His historic works tell the stories of the early English kings: of poor, weak Richard II, clever Henry IV, and brave Henry V. Others tell the tragic stories of the ancient world: the murder of Julius Caesar; Mark Antony, the Roman general, who lost the empire through his own weakness and foolish actions. Other plays recount the tales of imaginary characters: of Portia, the noble lady who saved the life of her husband’s friend; of Othello, who murdered his wife after listening to the lies of an evil man.William Shakespeare was born more than four hundred year ago,but his plays are still performen and will be performrd for many years to come.

3 All his plays are about
   people well known in


4 Shakespeare could give
   a true-life impression
   of characters.

Shakespeare seemed to know human nature through and though. The characters in his plays seem like living, with their weaknesses, people. There are many heroes among them, fine soldiers, and not too clever countrymen, tender ladies, and tigers in women’s clothing. Shakespeare seemed to be able to show us almost every kind of man and woman, good and bad, and to know how to touch all our feelings, from sad to joyous. We cannot help feeling sorry when we see poor old King Lear walking around in the storm, made mad by the cruelty of his two daughters; and we must laugh at the misadventures of the fat and funny knight Falstaff.
5 Shakespeare portrayed
   his friends and  
   neighbours in his plays.

6 Shakespeare’s plays
   teach   people to be
     kinder to each other.  

Last of all, though Shakespeare wrote his plays only for the amusement of those who went to see them, they contain many good morals and ethical lessons, which can help those who read them to be better, wiser and happier. It is pleasant to think that  The Tempest, probably the last play that Shakespeare wrote, ends with a scene in which those who have been wronged forgive those who have wronged them. Even in the final scene of his final play, the great poet, or “the Bard” as he is fondly called, wished good will to all.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Shakespeare’s works are often published in one book, and it’s not a very large one. Perhaps some may wonder why Shakespeare is valued as one of the world’s greatest poets. It would be very difficult to give a brief explanation. But open any of his plays and read and you’ll immediately see why people regard him as the greatest playwright who has ever lived. For one thing, when Shakespeare has said a thing, it seems impossible that it could ever be said better.Shakespeare's language is indeed the language of life.His experience as an actor and his poetical genius made his plays the most wonderful ones ever written.2.Shakespeare’s plays are also wonderfully interesting. His historic works tell the stories of the early English kings: of poor, weak Richard II, clever Henry IV, and brave Henry V. Others tell the tragic stories of the ancient world: the murder of Julius Caesar; Mark Antony, the Roman general, who lost the empire through his own weakness and foolish actions. Other plays recount the tales of imaginary characters: of Portia, the noble lady who saved the life of her husband’s friend; of Othello, who murdered his wife after listening to the lies of an evil man.William Shakespeare was born more than four hundred year ago,but his plays are still performen and will be performrd for many years to come.3 All his plays are about people well known in history. 4 Shakespeare could give a true-life impression of characters.Shakespeare seemed to know human nature through and though. The characters in his plays seem like living, with their weaknesses, people. There are many heroes among them, fine soldiers, and not too clever countrymen, tender ladies, and tigers in women’s clothing. Shakespeare seemed to be able to show us almost every kind of man and woman, good and bad, and to know how to touch all our feelings, from sad to joyous. We cannot help feeling sorry when we see poor old King Lear walking around in the storm, made mad by the cruelty of his two daughters; and we must laugh at the misadventures of the fat and funny knight Falstaff.5 Shakespeare portrayed his friends and neighbours in his plays. 6 Shakespeare’s plays teach people to be kinder to each other. Last of all, though Shakespeare wrote his plays only for the amusement of those who went to see them, they contain many good morals and ethical lessons, which can help those who read them to be better, wiser and happier. It is pleasant to think that The Tempest, probably the last play that Shakespeare wrote, ends with a scene in which those who have been wronged forgive those who have wronged them. Even in the final scene of his final play, the great poet, or “the Bard” as he is fondly called, wished good will to all.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Работы Шекспира часто публикуются в одной книге, и это не очень большой. Возможно , некоторые из них могут задаться вопросом, почему Шекспир оценивается как один из величайших поэтов мира. Было бы очень трудно дать краткое объяснение. Но открыть любой из его пьес и читать , и вы сразу увидите , почему люди считают его величайшим драматургом , который когда - либо жил. С одной стороны, когда Шекспир сказал вещь, это кажется невозможным , что он мог сказать языком better.Shakespeare является действительно язык опыта life.His как актер и его поэтический гений сделал его пьесы самые замечательные из них когда - либо написанных.

пьесы 2.Shakespeare также являются удивительно интересными. Его исторические работы рассказывают истории о ранних английских королей: плохой, слабый Ричард II, Генрих IV умный, и храбрые Генри V. Другие рассказывают трагические истории древнего мира: убийство Юлия Цезаря; Марк Антоний, римский генерал, который потерял империю через свою собственную слабость и безрассудные поступки. Другие пьесы рассказывают сказки о воображаемых персонажей: из Порции, благородной леди , которая спасла жизнь друга ее мужа; Отелло, который убил свою жену после того, как слушать ложь злой man.William Шекспира родился более четырехсот лет назад, но его пьесы до сих пор performen и будет performrd в течение многих последующих лет.

3 Все его пьесы об
   люди хорошо известны в


4 Шекспир мог дать
   истинно-жизнь впечатление

Шекспир , казалось, знал человеческую природу через и хотя. Герои его пьес выглядеть как живой, со своими слабостями, люди. Есть много героев среди них, прекрасные солдаты, и не слишком умные земляки, нежные дамы, и тигры в женской одежде. Шекспир , казалось, быть в состоянии показать нам почти каждый вид мужчины и женщины, хорошие и плохие, и знать , как коснуться всех наших чувств, от грустно радостней. Мы не можем жалеть , когда мы видим , бедный старый король Лир ходит в шторм, сделанный с ума от жестокости своих двух дочерей; и мы должны смеяться над злоключениях жира и смешной рыцарь Фальстаф.
5 Шекспир изобразил
   своих друзей и  
   соседей в его пьес.

6 пьесы Шекспира
   научить людей быть
     добрее друг к другу.  

Последний из всех, хотя Шекспир писал свои пьесы только для развлечение тех , кто ходил к ним, они содержат много хороших мораль и этические уроки, которые могут помочь тем , кто читает их , чтобы быть лучше, мудрее и счастливее. Приятно думать , что Бури, вероятно, последняя игра , что Шекспир писал, заканчивается сценой , в которой те , кто был обижен прощать тех , кто обидел их. Даже в финальной сцене его последнего спектакля, великий поэт, или "Бард" , как его ласково называют, пожелал доброй воли всем.
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