Результаты (
русский) 1:
Лучше быть здесь рано, особенно по субботам. Поднимая тангажа чайника – свистит, вместе с слабым hiss от маленький голубой кемпинг плита. Двадцать лет, что плита, нашли квитанцию в ящике на днях — сделка на четыре пятьдесят фунтов, но он всегда платит, чтобы повесить на квитанции. Сегодня это суббота. 8-30, которые сотрудники все приехали я не слышу их непосредственно, но мягкий, далекие голоса лифтов, поднимаясь и опускаясь отдать их.Конечно, есть обычные меры времени, не так? Даже период перед Рождеством и во время продажи, которые следуют, процедура все еще там, хотя время тянется и контракты как общественный приливами и отливами через здание, как непредсказуемый Тайд-процедура будет по-прежнему будет там, замаскированный, под поверхностью, откат. Как управление ритуально вытащить свои волосы, утолщаются их артерий, лаять на их coworkers и вновь приоритетность их приоритетов — за ним будет ждать все обычные. Все здесь есть раб его, даже если они двигаться дальше, выйти замуж, умирают... всегда будет чтобы освоить, чтобы поработить другие. Я тоже раб рутины..., но я не возражаю.Я смотрю на длинный белый конверт с моим именем, аккуратно напечатана в центре, его края, слегка завитые как будто для отмахнуться от окружающих армии беспорядок на столе. Нарушителя. Посторонний объект.I go down the stairs and open the main doors. Can’t keep the public waiting. Today is much like any other day. In amongst the structure of routine women drift like ghosts amid the lingerie, touching here, feeling there while husbands linger on the periphery of their erratic orbits, faces masked with bored indifference; in the homeware section, tweed-skirted ladies lift the lids on teapots; sniff, like careful poodles at bowls of Pot Porri, turn everything upside down to check the price and replace it quickly at the approach of an eager assistant. The sun streams through the plate glass windows in great broad beams, igniting every chrome fitting, while tired and wayward children are narrowly missed by my trolley’s wheels.At 11 o’clock I go to the meeting with Mr. Radcliffe, the manager. He is a fat man, and the smallest motion on his part induces him to break into a sweat. He sits across the desk from me with the air of a man who has never dared to look a day in the eye. He speaks quickly and a little pompously, his eyes drifting toward the clock on the wall more often than my face. He says his words carefully, as though trying to pull each one down with the gravity of his tone. He endeavours to grant some words such as ‘free time’, ‘benefit package’, ‘pension fund’, ‘hobbies’ and ‘exemplary service’ an even greater weight of importance, but succeeds only in sweating some more as he glances to the clock.In the staff canteen at lunchtime I see Mr. Radcliffe again as he orders a main course and two sweets, but this is not an unusual occurrence as far as I am aware. I don’t often come here, preferring to eat in my room upstairs, there I can read uninterrupted. But today I choose the canteen, although even here I am isolated to an island table set for six — that’s fine. I am not so naive to be unaware that I have a certain reputation here — a kind of gruff aloofness. I don’t actually believe this is part of my nature… or at least it neverUsed to be. I like to be my own man, that’s all. I’ve little time for idle gossip. Years ago, when the new, young starters would arrive in June or July, I was more sociable. They would plague me for tips on the horses, or pop up to my ‘office’ for a skive or a cup of tea. But it all got a little out of hand. I no longer had any peace. So I became a little testy with them, and my annoyance soon became more organised. I became unpredictable and aggressive, this became a bit of a game, then a habit, and in the end… finally… me.It’s dusk now and the store is quiet again. The kettle rocks gently on the metal frame of the stove. I glance around my room; the rows of books and piles of magazines, the ancient portable television, the radio. I have very few real possessions. What, really, does one man need? I’ve brought the things little by little from the flat. Now I think I have all that is required. I suppose, on occasion, they have suspected I stay here through the night, but that doesn’t bother me. It was a relief to let the flat go completely, I never felt at home there.I have taken the retirement letter from its envelope and dropped it onto the worn lino. Now it lies there like a broken kite. I will sit here; wait until the mice come out from their hidden places to nibble at its corners and eat its words.
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