in England about 93 per cent of children attend state schools, which p перевод - in England about 93 per cent of children attend state schools, which p русский как сказать

in England about 93 per cent of chi

in England about 93 per cent of children attend state schools, which provide free
education. The other 7 per cent attend independent schools — private and public schools. Some of these schools are boarding schools where children live and study. If parents want to send their children to a private or a public school, they have to pay for their education. The most famous public schools are Eton,*Harrow* and Winchester.* For small children, there are state kinder gartens, private kindergartens and "nursery classes" in schools, which are optional. Secondary education is compulsory. It means all children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16. Most children start their education at the age of 5.Primary school may be divided into two parts: during the first two years reading, writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day. There is usually no written timetable. Much time is spent in modelling from clay or drawing reading and singing. In Year 3 the "real work" starts. The children have lessor in arithmetic, reading and composition. History, Geography, Nature Study Art and Music, PE, Swimming are also in the timetable. All schools follow lie same National Curriculum.* The children attend the primary school for 6 years .Comprehensive schools provide compulsory education for children between the ages of 11 and 16. Comprehensive schools offer 5-year courses to all pupils; there are no entrance examinations there. Some children enter grammar schools which also provide secondary education. If a pupil wants to study at a grammar school, he or she has to pass the 11+ exams. There are 10 subjects, which all children must study at secondary school, and there are some optional subjects that are different in different schools.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
в Англии около 93% детей посещают государственные школы, которые предоставляют бесплатно образование. 7% посещают независимые школы — частных и государственных школ. Некоторые из этих школ, интернатов, где дети живут и учатся. Если родители хотят отправлять своих детей в частные или государственные школы, они должны платить за их образование. Самые известные государственные школы являются Этон, * Хэрроу * и Winchester.* для маленьких детей, есть состояние Киндер gartens, частные детские сады и «детские классы» в школах, которые не являются обязательными. Среднее образование является обязательным. Это означает, что все дети должны посещать школу в возрасте от 5 до 16 лет. Большинство детей начать свое образование в возрасте 5 начальной школы можно разделить на две части: в течение первых двух лет чтения, письма и арифметики преподаются около 20 минут в день. Обычно нет никакого письменного графика. Много времени тратится в моделировании из глины или рисование, чтение и пение. В 3-м году начинается «настоящая работа». Дети имеют арендодателю в арифметике, чтению и композиции. История, география, изучения природы искусства и музыки, PE, плавательный находятся также в расписании. Все школы следуют ли же национальной Curriculum.* дети посещают начальную школу на 6 лет. Общеобразовательные школы обеспечивают обязательное образование для детей в возрасте от 11 до 16. Общеобразовательные школы предлагают курсы 5 лет для всех учащихся; Есть нет вступительных экзаменов там. Некоторые дети начинают грамматические школы, которые также обеспечивают среднее образование. Если ученик хочет учиться в школе грамматики, он или она должен пройти экзамены 11 +. 10 предметов, которые все дети должны учиться в средней школе, и некоторые факультативные предметы, которые отличаются в разных школах.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
в Англии около in England about 93 per cent of children attend state schools, which provide free
образование Остальные education. The other 7 per cent attend independent schools - — частные и государственные школы private and public schools. Some of these schools are boarding schools where children live and study. If parents want to send their children to a private or a public school, they have to pay for their education. The most famous public schools are Eton,*Harrow* and Winchester.* For small children, there are state kinder gartens, private kindergartens and "nursery classes" in schools, which are optional. Secondary education is compulsory. It means all children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16. Most children start their education at the age of 5.Primary school may be divided into two parts: during the first two years reading, writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day. There is usually no written timetable. Much time is spent in modelling from clay or drawing reading and singing. In Year 3 the "real work" starts. The children have lessor in arithmetic, reading and composition. History, Geography, Nature Study Art and Music, PE, Swimming are also in the timetable. All schools follow lie same National Curriculum.* The children attend the primary school for 6 years .Comprehensive schools provide compulsory education for children between the ages of 11 and 16. Comprehensive schools offer 5-year courses to all pupils; there are no entrance examinations there. Some children enter grammar schools which also provide secondary education. If a pupil wants to study at a grammar school, he or she has to pass the 11+ exams. There are 10 subjects, which all children must study at secondary school, and there are some optional subjects that are different in different schools.
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