A different perspective.A wood might look like a random group of trees перевод - A different perspective.A wood might look like a random group of trees латышский как сказать

A different perspective.A wood migh

A different perspective.
A wood might look like a random group of trees, but if you take a few steps to the side, you can see that all the trees are in rows. Sometimes we are standing in the wrong place to see an obvious answer. We have to deliberately take a different point of view before we have a chance of creating a radical solution.______1Instead of looking at the scene from your view, try looking at it from the perspective of a customer, a child, an artist, a martian and so on.
What would you do if you had to study a river valley? You could look up and down the valley, you could look at it from the riverside or from each hillside. You could take a boat down the river.
_____2Each giver you a different view of the valley. Why not do the same with a business problem? Karen Brady became the Managing Director of Birmingham City football club at the age of 23. It was making huge losses but over the following ten years she transformed it into a thriving and profitable club. Her success is largely because she took a different point of view from the men who traditionally run the game. She saw the club as an events company. She applied new marketing methods to fill seats and sell affinity products, such as insurance to the fans._____3
Lindsay Owen-Jones brought a new perspective when he became CEO of the French group L´Oreal, and has achieved remarkable growth. L´Oreal has a different point of view from consumer goods companies such as Unilever, which also sell cosmetics. Owen-Jones explains.___4The consumer is guided by product performance. Is it pleasurable, imaginative and beautiful? Is this what I want at this moment in time?
The great innovators did not take the traditional view and develop existing idea. ______5If we look at problems from new directions then we have unlimited possibilities for innovation.
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Citas perspektīvas.Malkas koku izlases grupu varētu izskatīties, bet, ja esat lietojis pāris soļus uz pusi, var redzēt, ka visi koki ir rindās. Dažreiz mēs stāvam nepareizā vietā redzēt acīmredzamas atbildi. Mums ir apzināti pieņemt cita skatu punkta, pirms mums ir iespēja radīt radikālas solution.___1Instead paraudzīties uz skatuves no jūsu domām, mēģiniet aplūkojot to klients, bērnam, mākslinieks, martian viedokļa un tā tālāk.Ko tu darītu, ja jums nācās pētīt upes ielejā Paskatās augšup un lejup ielejā, jūs varētu apskatīt no riverside vai katra nogāzē. Jūs varētu ņemt laivu lejup pa upi.___2Each giver jūs savādāku skatu uz ieleju. Kāpēc nevar darīt to pašu ar biznesa problēmu? Karen Brady 23 gadu vecumā kļuva par Managing Birmingemas pilsētas futbola klubs. Tas bija pieņemšanas milzīgus zaudējumus, bet desmit gados viņa tā pārvērtās par plaukstošu un rentabla klubs. Viņas panākumi ir lielā mērā tāpēc, ka viņa paņēma cita skatu punkta, no vīriešiem, kuri tradicionāli vada spēli. Viņa redzēja klubs kā notikumus uzņēmumam. Viņa piemēro jaunu tirdzniecības metodes, lai aizpildītu sēdekļi un pārdot radniecības produktus, piemēram, apdrošināšanas fans.___3Lindsay Owen-Jones brought a new perspective when he became CEO of the French group L´Oreal, and has achieved remarkable growth. L´Oreal has a different point of view from consumer goods companies such as Unilever, which also sell cosmetics. Owen-Jones explains.___4The consumer is guided by product performance. Is it pleasurable, imaginative and beautiful? Is this what I want at this moment in time?The great innovators did not take the traditional view and develop existing idea. ______5If we look at problems from new directions then we have unlimited possibilities for innovation.
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