Результаты (
украинский) 1:
Things weren't working out quite as Lazlo had expected. He'd been in London for six months now and all his early optimism had almost disappeared. None of the galleries were interested in his paintings and he was tired of carrying die same pictures from one buyer to the next. The response was always the same: a shake of the head, some comment about portraits not being fashionable these days and a suggestion to try somewhere else, usually somewhere he had already tried. He was beginning to lose hope and was thinking of going back home. It would be difficult, and he would have to face his parents saying 'I told you so', but at least he could find a steady job.He was sitting on a bench in a park one day considering this when he noticed a newspaper beside him. He glanced at it and the word 'artist" caught his eye. He picked the paper up and read more closely. It was a job advertisement. An advertising company was looking for a portrait artist to w7ork on a new advertising campaign. Lazlo ripped the advertisement out of the paper and started to look for a public phone. 'I won't be able to choose my subjects,' Lazlo thought to himself, 'but at least I'll be able to pay the rent, and that's a bit more important right now.' He spotted a phone, put a few coins in and dialed. After a few moments, a female voice answered. Lazlo explained who he was and that he was applying for the job. They arranged for him to go to their office the next day with some of his work. He went home excited and nervous.That night, he chose three paintings from the dozens in his flat that he thought showed what he was capable of. He selected a self-portrait he had done a few years before; he thought it showed a thoughtful side to his work. He also chose a portrait of an old man that he had met in a cafe. It was simple but clear, and Lazlo thought that maybe mat was the style they would want for an advertising campaign. The third one was a painting of his mother. It had always seemed to him that that picture captured a lot of feeling that was difficult to put into words. A lot of people thought it was the best portrait he had ever done, and Lazlo knew that if anything was going to impress them, that painting would.The next morning, he woke early and got ready. He rolled the pictures up, placed them in a large tube so that they wouldn't get damaged and set off towards the bus stop. There was a lot of traffic, but he arrived on time. When he got to the office, he saw mat another four people were waiting, each with a large tube of paintings just like his. The secretary asked him to take a seat.Lazlo сидів і чекав його ім'я буде називатися. Він знав, що багато залежить від на наступний півгодини або близько того. Роботу він може почати розібратися його життя може бути робить його мистецтво у вільний час. Він знав, що він би ніколи не повністю відмовитися від своєї мрії, але він також прийшов, щоб усвідомити, що йому довелося жити в реальному світі, талант не сплачувати рахунки. Без роботи він не буде вижити місяць; у нього було майже достатньо для дому квиток. Секретар зніме слухавку і була розмова коротка, тихий. Вона звернулася до Lazlo. "Ви можете піти даний час," сказала вона, посміхаючись.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..