The Pacific Paradise Tour took us to California, on the west coast of  перевод - The Pacific Paradise Tour took us to California, on the west coast of  русский как сказать

The Pacific Paradise Tour took us t

The Pacific Paradise Tour took us to California, on the west coast of the United States, and to the Hawaiian islands in the Pacific Ocean. With beautiful country-
side, exciting cities and fantastic beaches, this holiday had everything.
The first place we stopped at was San Francisco, in northern California. This city is famous for its cable cars-and it certainly needs them because San Francisco is extremely hilly and has some very steep roads! By the sea, next to the fishing boats, there are the fishing restaurants. Here we enjoyed watching the street actors
and musicians as we ate delicious fresh fish. One thing we’ll never forget is the
Golden Gate Bridge, which is very big and beautiful.
The next city on the tour was Los Angeles. This city is very exciting and has
some very famous attractions. The nearby beaches are long and sandy and the mountains outside the city are high and dry. We visited the beach where they were
filming Baywatch. We also went to Disneyland where we saw E.T. and shook hands with Mickey Mouse. After that they took us to Hollywood to see the houses of the stars who have made a lot of films- and a lot of money!
The last place we visited in California was San Diego, a city with sun, sand, sea and all kinds of watersports. We went to the San Diego Zoo which is one of the world’s largest zoos. We also visited Mexico, which is only a short drive away
from San Diego.
Finally, we went to Hawaii. It’s paradise! We sat on golden beaches with green palm trees and watched amazing red sunsets. We also saw colourful fish at
Sea Life Park and went snorkeling in Hanauma Bay. In the evenings we enjoyed
the lively clubs, bars and ice-cream parlours. Best of all, we ate fantastic Hawaiian
food while watching Hawaiian people performing traditional Polynesian dances.
This holiday was fantastic. So when you have time, get on the first plane to the west coast of The United States and have the time of your life
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The Pacific Paradise Tour took us to California, on the west coast of the United States, and to the Hawaiian islands in the Pacific Ocean. With beautiful country-side, exciting cities and fantastic beaches, this holiday had everything. The first place we stopped at was San Francisco, in northern California. This city is famous for its cable cars-and it certainly needs them because San Francisco is extremely hilly and has some very steep roads! By the sea, next to the fishing boats, there are the fishing restaurants. Here we enjoyed watching the street actorsand musicians as we ate delicious fresh fish. One thing we’ll never forget is the Golden Gate Bridge, which is very big and beautiful. The next city on the tour was Los Angeles. This city is very exciting and has some very famous attractions. The nearby beaches are long and sandy and the mountains outside the city are high and dry. We visited the beach where they werefilming Baywatch. We also went to Disneyland where we saw E.T. and shook hands with Mickey Mouse. After that they took us to Hollywood to see the houses of the stars who have made a lot of films- and a lot of money! The last place we visited in California was San Diego, a city with sun, sand, sea and all kinds of watersports. We went to the San Diego Zoo which is one of the world’s largest zoos. We also visited Mexico, which is only a short drive awayfrom San Diego. Finally, we went to Hawaii. It’s paradise! We sat on golden beaches with green palm trees and watched amazing red sunsets. We also saw colourful fish at Sea Life Park and went snorkeling in Hanauma Bay. In the evenings we enjoyedthe lively clubs, bars and ice-cream parlours. Best of all, we ate fantastic Hawaiianfood while watching Hawaiian people performing traditional Polynesian dances. This holiday was fantastic. So when you have time, get on the first plane to the west coast of The United States and have the time of your life
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
тихого океана рай тура взяли нас в калифорнии, на западном побережье соединенных штатов и гавайских островов в тихом океане.с прекрасной стране -стороны, захватывающих городов и фантастическими пляжами, этот праздник уже все.первое место, мы остановились на сан - франциско, в северной калифорнии.этот город славится своими канатные дороги, и он, безусловно, нуждается в их, потому что в сан - франциско очень холмистая и очень крутые дороги!на берегу моря, рядом с рыболовецких судов, есть промысел ресторанов.здесь нам понравилось смотреть на улице субъектови музыканты, как мы ели вкусные свежей рыбы.единственное, что мы никогда не забудем этомост золотые ворота, которые очень большой и красивый.следующий город на гастроли были в лос - анджелесе.этот город очень захватывает инекоторые очень известные достопримечательности.недалеко от пляжей, длинные и сэнди и горы за пределами города являются высокими и сухой.мы побывали на пляже, где они былисъемки "спасатели малибу".мы также отправился в диснейленд, где мы видели. и пожали друг другу руки с микки маус.после этого они забрали нас в голливуд, чтобы дома звезд, которые сделали много фильмов - и много денег!последний раз мы посетили в калифорнии была в сан - диего, город, солнце, песок, море и все виды водного спорта.мы ходили в зоопарк сан - диего, который является одним из крупнейших в мире зоопарки.мы также посетил мексику, который расположен всего в нескольких минутах ездыиз сан - диего.наконец, мы отправились на гавайи.это рай!мы сидели на золотые пляжи с зелеными пальмы и смотрел потрясающе красный закат.мы также видели разноцветные рыбы наморская жизнь парка и пошел с маской в hanauma бэй.по вечерам мы пользовалисьоживленные клубы, бары и мороженое салонов.лучше всех, мы ели фантастика гавайских острововпитание во время просмотра гавайцев выполнения традиционных полинезийских танцев.этот праздник был фантастический.поэтому, когда есть время, попасть на первый самолет на западном побережье соединенных штатов и есть время в твоей жизни.
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