Результаты (
русский) 1:
THE STORY OF MERRYMIND"ONCE upon a time there lived in the north country a certain poor man and his wife, who had two cornfields, three cows, five sheep, and thirteen children. Twelve of these children were called by names common in the north country–Hardhead, Stiffneck, Tightfingers, and the like; but when the thirteenth came to be named, either the poor man and his wife could remember no other name, or something in the child's look made them think it proper, for they called him Merrymind, which the neighbors thought a strange name, and very much above their station: however, as they showed no other signs of pride, the neighbors let that pass. Their thirteen children grew taller and stronger every year, and they had hard work to keep them in bread; but when the youngest was old enough to look after his father's sheep, there happened the great fair, to which everybody in the north country went, because it came only once in seven years. It was held on midsummer day,–not in any town or village, but on a green plain, lying between a broad river and a high hill, where it was said the fairies used to dance in old and merry times.«Торговцев и дилеров всех видов переполненном в которые справедливо от далеко и рядом. Было ничего, не известных в Северной стране, которая не может купить или продать в нем и ни старый, ни молодой были готовы идти домой без обтекателя. Бедный человек, который владел этой большой семьи могли себе позволить их мало тратить таким образом; но как ярмарки произошло только один раз в семь лет, он не будет показывать бедных духом. Таким образом называя их о нем, он открыл коженной мешок, в котором его сбережения были сохранены и дал каждый из тринадцати Серебряный Пенни.«Мальчики и девочки никогда раньше не имел так много карманных денег; и, интересно, что они должны покупать, они одеты сами в их праздник одежду и с их отцом и матерью на ярмарку. Когда они пришли около земли, что Иванов день утром, киосков, нагромождать с всевозможными товарами, от имбиря хлеб вверх, палатки для удовольствия и пируют, Паяцы, танцоры веревку и толпа соседей и посторонних, все в их лучших нарядах, эти простые люди думают их Северная страна ярмарка лучших зрелище в мире. День носили прочь, видя чудеса и в чате со старыми друзьями. Это удивительно, как далеко серебряные гроши пошел в те дни; но перед вечер двенадцать из тринадцати довольно избавился от своих денег. Один купил пару латунные пряжки, другой малиновый riband, третий зеленой подвязки; отец купил трубочного табака, мать рогом табакерки – в короткие, все обеспечены сами обтекатели Кроме Merrymind."The cause of the silver penny remaining in his pocket was that he had set his heart upon a fiddle; and fiddles enough there were in the fair–small and large, plain and painted: he looked at and priced the most of them, but there was not one that came within the compass of a silver penny. His father and mother warned him to make haste with his purchase, for they must all go home at sunset because the way was long."The sun was getting low and red upon the hill, the fair was growing thin, for many dealers had packed up their stalls and departed; but there was a mossy hollow in the great hill-side, to which the outskirts of the fair had reached, and Merrymind thought he would see what might be there. The first thing was a stall of fiddles, kept by a young merchant from a far country, who had many customers, his goods being fine and new; but hard by sat a little gray-haired man, at whom everybody had laughed that day, because he had nothing on his stall but one old dingy fiddle, and all its strings were broken. Nevertheless, the little man sat as stately, and cried, 'Fiddles to sell!' as if he had the best stall in the fair.
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