131. It was a pleasure to have known Dr. Albert Schweitzer. 2. I ’ve s перевод - 131. It was a pleasure to have known Dr. Albert Schweitzer. 2. I ’ve s русский как сказать

131. It was a pleasure to have know

131. It was a pleasure to have known Dr. Albert Schweitzer.
2. I ’ve seen that new James Bond picture. It is a real blockbuster. It’s bloody wonderful!
3. Among the top priorities that the future president has set himself are halting inflation or curbing crime.
4. Unemployment is soul-destroying at any age, but when our society denies young people the right to work, it commits a particularly heinous crime.
5. There was widespread hostility yesterday when the details became known of the plan to “play at Monopoly” in developing a new maxi Piccadilly Circus.
6. In Northern Ireland the Tories carry on in the same disastrous and bloodthirsty way as they have had for the past 50-60 years.
7. The economic editor of The Times wrote yesterday, “It seems inevitable that we will face a prolonged period of high unemployment, vicious inflation and increasingly bitter social division.”
8. Facts and figures about the escalation of crime are fired remorselessly at the public, but what it wants to know is why. Has some deep inner change taken place in the moral make-up and sensibility of America?
9. The long-suffering British housewife needs a bottomless purse to cope with this scale of inflation.
10. But since they came into power the trend has been up, up, up and the pace seems to be accelerating.
11. He never waked till near noon, and, looking round him, saw an eager little face peering in at the door.
12. The snake does not kill for a thrill.
13. There was no answer, only the tapping on the window, once more repeated, fierce and sharp.
14. Her fierce glance became furious as she directed it from Renny’s face to Ernest’s.
15. They were narrow, startling eyes that looked like jewells in this light.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
131. It was a pleasure to have known Dr. Albert Schweitzer. 2. I ’ve seen that new James Bond picture. It is a real blockbuster. It’s bloody wonderful! 3. Among the top priorities that the future president has set himself are halting inflation or curbing crime. 4. Unemployment is soul-destroying at any age, but when our society denies young people the right to work, it commits a particularly heinous crime. 5. There was widespread hostility yesterday when the details became known of the plan to “play at Monopoly” in developing a new maxi Piccadilly Circus. 6. In Northern Ireland the Tories carry on in the same disastrous and bloodthirsty way as they have had for the past 50-60 years. 7. The economic editor of The Times wrote yesterday, “It seems inevitable that we will face a prolonged period of high unemployment, vicious inflation and increasingly bitter social division.” 8. Facts and figures about the escalation of crime are fired remorselessly at the public, but what it wants to know is why. Has some deep inner change taken place in the moral make-up and sensibility of America? 9. The long-suffering British housewife needs a bottomless purse to cope with this scale of inflation. 10. But since they came into power the trend has been up, up, up and the pace seems to be accelerating. 11. He never waked till near noon, and, looking round him, saw an eager little face peering in at the door. 12. The snake does not kill for a thrill. 13. There was no answer, only the tapping on the window, once more repeated, fierce and sharp. 14. Her fierce glance became furious as she directed it from Renny’s face to Ernest’s. 15. They were narrow, startling eyes that looked like jewells in this light.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
131.было очень приятно быть известно, доктор альберт швейцер.2.я видел, что нового джеймса бонда, картины.это настоящий блокбастер.это просто чудесно!3.среди приоритетных задач, что будущий президент поставил себе сдерживания инфляции или борьба с преступностью.4.безработица уничтожает душу в любом возрасте, но когда наше общество отрицает, молодых людей, право на труд, он совершает особо тяжкое преступление.5.существует широко распространенную враждебность вчера, когда стало известно о детали плана "играть в монополию" в разработке новой макси пикадилли.6.в северной ирландии тори продолжайте в том же катастрофическим и кровожадным, как они провели за последние 50 - 60 лет.7.экономический редактор Times написал вчера ", представляется неизбежным, что мы столкнемся с длительного периода высокой безработицы, инфляции и обострением социальных отдел порочный".8.цифры и факты по поводу эскалации преступности уволены remorselessly на публику, но то, что он хочет знать, почему.есть глубокие внутренние изменения, происходящие в моральный облик и восприятие америки?9.многострадальный британские домохозяйки нужен бездонный кошелек, чтобы справиться с этой шкалы инфляции.10.но с тех пор, как они пришли к власти, наметилась тенденция наверх и темп похоже ускоряется.11.он не ушел, пока около полудня и, оглядываясь вокруг него, увидел бы маленькое личико, заглядывая в дверь.12.змея не убивать ради адреналина.13.ответа не было, только опираясь на окно, вновь, жестокой и резко.14.ее свирепый взгляд стал в ярости, как она в это лицо к ренни, эрнест.15.они были узкие, потрясающие глаза, что выглядит, как jewells в этом свете.
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