a. how you understood these phra1) the princess had hardly reached wom перевод - a. how you understood these phra1) the princess had hardly reached wom русский как сказать

a. how you understood these phra1)

a. how you understood these phra

1) the princess had hardly reached womanhood

2) the girl
humble or
4) at the height of the talk and entertainment

5) to find out her (the prineess's) background;

6) in the scuffle she (the princess) pulled the prince'


his hand


7) the land of ladles and paddles;

8) leave us to our sorrows;

9) this old sinner and daughter of shame

10) they flung the old woman over a tall cliff into the w

4. B. Say in what context these phrases are used in the story.
Describe these parts of the story in detail:

1) The matchmakers' travels

2) The princess's escape.

3) The princess's life and obligations in the sultan's palace.
4) The first feast at the wizard's palace

6) The second feast at the wizard's palace.
6) The prince's journey to find Juleidah.
7) Juleidah's meeting her father again.

a) Prepare and act out the dialogues between:
the king and the aker:

b) the king and his c) the about the princess's wedding
d) the sultan's daughter
and the princess;
e) the wife and the slave sultan's wife and the princess;

f) the sultan's wife and her g) the princess and her father in the palace where Juleidah lived
with her husband.
A. is Egyptian legend tale(s) very well known have reminded you of some
Princess Europe. are they?
er" and
B. Point out the similarities and differences between the legend "The
in the suit 7. The princess is clearly erell
villain or vietim?
a heroine, and
speak about them.
8. Look at the but do you see father
pictures how her and describe the 16
episodes in the story they
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
a. how you understood these phra1) the princess had hardly reached womanhood2) the girlhumble or 4) at the height of the talk and entertainment5) to find out her (the prineess's) background;6) in the scuffle she (the princess) pulled the prince'rihis handBan7) the land of ladles and paddles;8) leave us to our sorrows;9) this old sinner and daughter of shame10) they flung the old woman over a tall cliff into the w4. B. Say in what context these phrases are used in the story.Describe these parts of the story in detail:1) The matchmakers' travels2) The princess's escape.3) The princess's life and obligations in the sultan's palace.4) The first feast at the wizard's palace6) The second feast at the wizard's palace.6) The prince's journey to find Juleidah.7) Juleidah's meeting her father again.a) Prepare and act out the dialogues between:the king and the aker:b) the king and his c) the about the princess's weddingd) the sultan's daughterand the princess;e) the wife and the slave sultan's wife and the princess;f) the sultan's wife and her g) the princess and her father in the palace where Juleidah livedwith her husband.A. is Egyptian legend tale(s) very well known have reminded you of somefairyPrincess Europe. are they?er" and B. Point out the similarities and differences between the legend "Thein the suit 7. The princess is clearly erellvillain or vietim?a heroine, andspeak about them.8. Посмотрите на но вы видите отцафотографии как ее и описать 16эпизоды в истории они
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
а как вы поняли, эти пхра1) принцесса едва достигли женственности2) девушкаскромный или4) на высоте разговоры и развлечения5), чтобы узнать ее (prineess) справочная информация;6) в интернете она (княгиня) "принц"риего рукапан7) землю дамы и дефибриллятор.8) оставить нас к горе.9) этот старый грешник, и дочь.10) они облили старуха более высокий утес в W4.в. говорят, в связи с чем эти слова используются в истории.опишите эти части история в деталях:1) сводников "путешествие2) принцессы сбежать.3) принцесса жизни и обязательств в дворца султана.4) первый праздник на волшебника, дворец6) второй праздник на мастера дворцом.6) принца в путешествие, чтобы найти juleidah.7) juleidah заседания отец снова.а) подготовить и закон из диалогов между:король и акер:b) короля и его c) о свадьбе принцессыd) султана.и принцесса;e) жена и рабом султан жены и принцесса;f) султана жену и ее g) принцесса и ее отца в juleidah дворца, где жилс мужем.а. - египетские легенда сигнал (ы) очень хорошо известны напомнили тебе некоторыефеяпринцесса европы.они?- "иb) указать, сходства и различия между легендой "в костюме 7.принцесса, очевидно, erellзлодей или vietim?героиня, иговорить о них.8.посмотри, ты видел отцафотографии, как ее и описать 16эпизодов в истории они
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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