The list of people employed by a company is known bay the payroll. The перевод - The list of people employed by a company is known bay the payroll. The русский как сказать

The list of people employed by a co

The list of people employed by a company is known bay the payroll. The payroll is usually divided up as follows:

· Monthly-paid staff

· Weekly-paid staff

· Hourly-paid staff

Office staff are either monthly or weekly paid and the money they get is called salaries, which are usually set.

Workers are either weekly or hourly paid and they get set wages. Many companies often operate a bonus system for monthly and weekly-paid staff. The bonus is usually paid against certain work done.

The amount of the bonus payment is worked out from the employees job cards.

Hourly-paid staff are usually on the clock. Under this system each worker has a clock number and a clock card. He records his hours of work on the clock card by inserting it into what is literally a clock.

A device in the clock stamps the card with the time. At the end of each week the clock cards (are collected by the timekeepers. The cards are checked and then passed on to the Wages Office. In the Wages Office the wages and overtime are calculated.

When monthly or weekly paid staff work overtime they are also paid overtime.

Employees are sometimes paid in cash or by cheque. But direct payments into the employee's bank accounts are becoming more and more popular.

As a rule employees get pay advices for the paid period. The advice stales the earnings all the deductions and the total amount payable. The deductions usually include National Wealth Insurance contributions.Auditors and their reports
Auditors are usually independent certified accounts who review the financial records of a company . These reviews are called audits . They are usually performed at fixed intervals - quarterly , semi - annually or annually . Some large companies maintain a The list of people employed by a company is blown fay the payroll. The payroll is usually divided up as follows:

· Monthly-paid staff

· Weekly-paid staff

· Hourly-paid staff

Office staff are either monthly or weekly paid and the money they get is called salaries, which are usually set.

Workers are either weekly or hourly paid and they get set wages. Many companies often operate a bonus system for monthly and weekly-paid staff. The bonus is usually paid against certain work done.

The amount of the bonus payment is worked out from the employees job cards.

Hourly-paid staff are usually on the clock. Under this system each worker has a clock number and a clock card. He records his hours of work on the clock card by inserting it into what is literally a clock.

A device in the clock stamps the card with the time. At the end of each week the clock cards (are collected by the timekeepers. The cards are checked and then passed on to the Wages Office. In the Wages Office the wages and overtime are calculated.

When monthly or weekly paid staff work overtime they are also paid overtime.

Employees are sometimes paid in cash or by cheque. But direct payments into the employee's bank accounts are becoming more and more popular.

As a rule employees get pay advices for the paid period. The advice stales the earnings all the deductions and the total amount payable. The deductions usually include National Wealth Insurance contributions. internal audit by their own accounting departments . These auditors are called internal auditors .
Not so many years ago the presence of an auditor suggested that a company was having financial difficulties or that irregularities had been discovered in the records . Currently , however , outside audits are a normal and regular part of business practice .
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Список людей, занятых в компании известно Бэй заработной платы. Заработная плата обычно делится следующим образом:· Ежемесячно оплачиваемых сотрудников· Еженедельные оплачиваемых сотрудников· Почасовой платные сотрудникиСотрудники отделения являются либо ежемесячно или еженедельно платные и деньги, которые они получают, называется зарплаты, которые обычно задаются.Рабочие еженедельно или почасовой платные и они получают заработную плату. Многие компании часто работают система бонусов для ежемесячных и еженедельных оплачиваемых сотрудников. Бонус, как правило, выплачивается против определенной работы.Сумма платежа бонус работал от карт работу сотрудников.Почасовой платные сотрудники, как правило, на часах. В рамках этой системы каждый работник имеет количество часов и часов карты. Он записывает его часов работы на карточке часов, вставив его в то, что буквально часы.Устройство в часы марки карты со временем. В конце каждой недели часы карты (собираются хронометристов. Карты проверяются и затем передаются на заработной плате управления. В офисе заработной платы рассчитывается заработная плата и сверхурочные.Когда работать сверхурочно, ежемесячно или еженедельно оплачиваемых сотрудников они также выплачиваются сверхурочные.Работники иногда выплаты наличными или чеком. Но прямые выплаты на банковские счета работника становятся все более и более популярным.Как правило сотрудники получают вознаграждения советы оплаченного периода. Советы stales доходы всех отчислений и общая сумма оплачивается. Вычеты, как правило, включают национальные богатства страховые взносы. Аудиторы и их докладыAuditors are usually independent certified accounts who review the financial records of a company . These reviews are called audits . They are usually performed at fixed intervals - quarterly , semi - annually or annually . Some large companies maintain a The list of people employed by a company is blown fay the payroll. The payroll is usually divided up as follows:· Monthly-paid staff· Weekly-paid staff· Hourly-paid staffOffice staff are either monthly or weekly paid and the money they get is called salaries, which are usually set.Workers are either weekly or hourly paid and they get set wages. Many companies often operate a bonus system for monthly and weekly-paid staff. The bonus is usually paid against certain work done.The amount of the bonus payment is worked out from the employees job cards.Hourly-paid staff are usually on the clock. Under this system each worker has a clock number and a clock card. He records his hours of work on the clock card by inserting it into what is literally a clock.A device in the clock stamps the card with the time. At the end of each week the clock cards (are collected by the timekeepers. The cards are checked and then passed on to the Wages Office. In the Wages Office the wages and overtime are calculated.When monthly or weekly paid staff work overtime they are also paid overtime.Employees are sometimes paid in cash or by cheque. But direct payments into the employee's bank accounts are becoming more and more popular.As a rule employees get pay advices for the paid period. The advice stales the earnings all the deductions and the total amount payable. The deductions usually include National Wealth Insurance contributions. internal audit by their own accounting departments . These auditors are called internal auditors . Not so many years ago the presence of an auditor suggested that a company was having financial difficulties or that irregularities had been discovered in the records . Currently , however , outside audits are a normal and regular part of business practice .
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