I was taught to read early and I'm mad about books. My favourite autho перевод - I was taught to read early and I'm mad about books. My favourite autho русский как сказать

I was taught to read early and I'm

I was taught to read early and I'm mad about books. My favourite author is Philip Pullman. He is a remarkable contemporary writer. Philip Pullman is a master of many genres. He has written historical fiction, horror stories, fairy tales, and fantasy fiction. Pullman is very imaginative. He uses his vivid imagination to develop fabulous plots. Philip Pullman uses very rich, inventive language. He creates and explores his own wonderful fantasy worlds. I particularly enjoy Philip Pullman's Dark Materials. They are really clever because they are based on scientific ideas. I enjoy reading his historical thrillers which are set in Victorian England and present the adventures of Sally Lockhart, a brave and clever young woman. Philip Pullman's books have everything: suspense, drama, action, and they are really fun to read. His books are so suspenseful that you can't stop
reading. And the characters are great. I encourage everyone to read his books. I was happy to learn that he was chosen as the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award
winner in 2005.
Sarah, 15

My favourite authors are J. K. Rowling, J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, and many others. I enjoy reading these authors for their interesting views on fantasy and their vivid imagination. They are so creative and descriptive,. The first great
fantasy worlds were created by Tolkien and Lewis. J. K. Rowling is a master of
suspense and her stories are full of mystery and adventure. She is an outstanding
storyteller. Her books are thrilling, exciting, suspenseful, descriptive, and emotional. J. K. Rowling's books have been published in the USA, Russia, Italy, France, Japan, Germany, and in other countries. J. K. Rowling chooses wonderful settings for her stories and describes everything so vividly. She created a truthful fantasy world that works in parallel to our own. As well as Harry we go to school, play sports, make and lose friends. Harry Potter books are full of surprises and jokes which make them more exciting every minute. I would recommend these books to
everyone who has a very good imagination.
Christopher, 15
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
I was taught to read early and I'm mad about books. My favourite author is Philip Pullman. He is a remarkable contemporary writer. Philip Pullman is a master of many genres. He has written historical fiction, horror stories, fairy tales, and fantasy fiction. Pullman is very imaginative. He uses his vivid imagination to develop fabulous plots. Philip Pullman uses very rich, inventive language. He creates and explores his own wonderful fantasy worlds. I particularly enjoy Philip Pullman's Dark Materials. They are really clever because they are based on scientific ideas. I enjoy reading his historical thrillers which are set in Victorian England and present the adventures of Sally Lockhart, a brave and clever young woman. Philip Pullman's books have everything: suspense, drama, action, and they are really fun to read. His books are so suspenseful that you can't stop reading. And the characters are great. I encourage everyone to read his books. I was happy to learn that he was chosen as the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award winner in 2005. Sarah, 15 My favourite authors are J. K. Rowling, J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, and many others. I enjoy reading these authors for their interesting views on fantasy and their vivid imagination. They are so creative and descriptive,. The first great fantasy worlds were created by Tolkien and Lewis. J. K. Rowling is a master of suspense and her stories are full of mystery and adventure. She is an outstanding storyteller. Her books are thrilling, exciting, suspenseful, descriptive, and emotional. J. K. Rowling's books have been published in the USA, Russia, Italy, France, Japan, Germany, and in other countries. J. K. Rowling chooses wonderful settings for her stories and describes everything so vividly. She created a truthful fantasy world that works in parallel to our own. As well as Harry we go to school, play sports, make and lose friends. Harry Potter books are full of surprises and jokes which make them more exciting every minute. I would recommend these books to everyone who has a very good imagination. Christopher, 15
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
меня учили читать рано, и я без ума от книг.мой любимый автор филип пулман.он - замечательный современный писатель.филип пулман - мастер многих жанров.он направил исторической фантастики, ужаса рассказы, сказки и фантазии фантастики.Pullman очень творчески.он использует свое яркое воображение разработать сказочные участков.филип пулман использует очень богатые, изобретательный язык.он создает, а также его прекрасные миры фэнтези.я особенно нравится филип пулман темной материалов.они очень умные, потому что они основаны на научных идей.мне нравится читать его исторических триллеры, которые изложены в викторианской англии и настоящего приключения салли локхарт, смелый и умный молодой женщиной.филип пулман книги есть все: интриги, драма, действие, и они очень забавно читать.его книги настолько напряженная, что вы не можете остановитьчтение.и герои великой.я призываю всех читать его книги.я была рада узнать, что он был выбран в качестве премия имени астрид линдгренпобедитель в 2005 году.сара, 15мои любимые авторы роулинг, джоан, толкин, джон рональд руэл, с. с., льюис, и многие другие.мне нравится читать этих авторов за их интересные взгляды на фантазию и яркое воображение.они так творчески и описательный характер.первый большоймиры фэнтези были созданы толкиена и льюис.роулинг, джоан - мастерсаспенс и ее истории полную загадок и приключений.она является выдающимсярассказчик.ее книги волнующе, интересно, увлекательно, описательных и эмоциональные.роулинг, джоан книги были опубликованы в сша, россии, италии, франции, японии, германии и в других странах.роулинг, джоан выбирает прекрасно настройки для её истории и описывает все так ярко.она создала "мире фантазий, который работает параллельно с нами.а также гарри нам идти в школу, спортом, и терять друзей.гарри поттер книги полны сюрпризов и шутки, которые делают их более захватывающе, каждую минуту.я бы рекомендовал этих книгкаждый, кто имеет очень хорошее воображение.кристофер, 15
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