47. Teenagers who commit crimes ... be treated as adults and sentenced перевод - 47. Teenagers who commit crimes ... be treated as adults and sentenced русский как сказать

47. Teenagers who commit crimes ...

47. Teenagers who commit crimes ... be treated as adults and sentenced to significant punishment.

a. would b. should c. ought to

48. The Senate and the House of Representatives ... approve a bill for it to become a law.

a. had to b. must c. was to

49. Excuse me, ... you tell me the way to the Houses of Parliament, please?

a. could b. may c. will

50. ... you come and sit down?

a. Could b. Are c. Won’t

51. ... you like a cup of coffee?

a. Should b. Would c. Could

52. I ... mind a drink, if you had one.

a. shouldn’t b. wouldn’t c. haven’t

53. There are (мало) foreign students in our Institute.

a. few b. a few c. some d. a lot of

54. Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is on the second.

a. my b. me c. mine d. I

55. Whose map is this? It’s (его).

a. him b. his c. he d. hers

56. (Кто из) of the students is painting the slogan?

a. some b. which c. who d. why

57. Their Institute is in N. street, (наш) is in the centre of the city.

a. our b. we c. ours d. us

58. Give me (какой-нибудь) magazine, please.

a. few b. some c. a few d. any

59. Say it (повторите), please.

a. again b. through c. to d. only

60. Ask (его) about his new flat.

a. him b. his c. her d. he

61. (Его) daughter is seven years old.

a. he b. his c. him d. her

62. (Ее) parents are pensioners.

a. his b. her c. she d. their

63. Tom is telling (нам) about his work.

a. them b. we c. our d. us

64. Show (им) the plan of our work.

a. they b. their c. them d. as

65. The room is large but (ее) windows are not large.

a. their b. its c. her d. our

66. Tell us (несколько) words about your studies.

a. few b. many c. a few d. little

67. She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons.

a. my b. our c. his d. her

68. There are (несколько) ties in the box.

a. few b. no c. any d. some

69. (Почему) are you late?

a. why b. because c. who d. what

70. (Их) children are at home.

a. them b. their c. they d. our

71. His children are so nice. I am fond of (их).

a. them b. their c. they d. him

72. Are there ... students in the reading-room?

a. any b. no c. some d. not any

73. There are not ... conveniences in the house.

a. some b. no c. any d. much

74. Is there ... bread on the plate?

a. few b. any c. many d. some

75. There is not ... ink in my pen.

a. any b. many c. some d. few

76. Tom has no mother. ... mother is dead.

a. us b. him c. his d. her

77. Peter is fond of reading. Give these books to ... .

a. his b. her c. him d. he

78. The students are in the classroom. Let’s go there and tell ... about our plans.

a. they b. their c. them d. theirs

79. The park is so beautiful and ... trees are so high.

a. his b. their c. its d. him

80. We are answering ... questions.

a. ours b. him c. them d. their

81. These books are good. Let’s give ... to the children.

a. theirs b. their c. them d. him

Выбрать антоним (слово, противоположное по значению).

82. busy

a. free b. white c. comfortable

83. to give

a. to put b. to take c. to show

84. to go out

a. to come in b. to come c. to go

85. low

a. comfortable b. high c. modern

86. to stand up

a. to sit b. to sit down c. to stand

87. to be over

a. to begin b. to say again c. to be late

88. there

a. in front of b. here c. around

89. much

a. a lot of b. little c. few

90. small

a. many b. large c. little

91. many

a. few b. a few c. little

92. В книжном шкафу много книг.

a. There are few English books in the bookcase.

b. The English books are in the bookcase.

c. There are a lot of English books in the bookcase.

93. В нашем городе нет заводов.

a. There are some plants in our town.

b. There aren’t any plants in our town.

с. Those plants are not in our town.

94. He выходите, пожалуйста.

a. Come in, please.

b. Don’t go out, please.

c. Let’s go out.

95. Давайте ответим на их вопросы.

a. Let’s answer their questions.

b. Don’t answer their questions.

c. We are not answering their questions.

96. Пусть она отошлет письмо своему брату.

a. Let’s send her a letter from her brother.

b. Let her send a letter to her brother.

c. Don’t send her a letter from her brother.

97. На полке лежит какой-то журнал.

a. The magazine is on the shelf.

b. There is some magazine on the shelf.

c. Is there any magazine on the shelf?

98. Памятник находится в центре города.

a. There is a monument in the centre of the town.

b. The monument is in the centre of the town.

c. There are some monuments in the centre of the town.

99. О чем они говорят?

a. What book are they speaking about?

b. Are they speaking English?

c. What are they speaking about?

100. Извините меня.

a. I am wrong sorry.

b. I am right.

c. I am sorry.

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
47. Teenagers who commit crimes ... be treated as adults and sentenced to significant punishment.a. would b. should c. ought to48. The Senate and the House of Representatives ... approve a bill for it to become a law.a. had to b. must c. was to49. Excuse me, ... you tell me the way to the Houses of Parliament, please?a. could b. may c. will50. ... you come and sit down?a. Could b. Are c. Won’t51. ... you like a cup of coffee?a. Should b. Would c. Could52. I ... mind a drink, if you had one.a. shouldn’t b. wouldn’t c. haven’t53. There are (мало) foreign students in our Institute.a. few b. a few c. some d. a lot of54. Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is on the second.a. my b. me c. mine d. I55. Whose map is this? It’s (его).a. him b. his c. he d. hers56. (Кто из) of the students is painting the slogan?a. some b. which c. who d. why57. Their Institute is in N. street, (наш) is in the centre of the city.a. our b. we c. ours d. us58. Give me (какой-нибудь) magazine, please.a. few b. some c. a few d. any59. Say it (повторите), please.a. again b. through c. to d. only60. Ask (его) about his new flat.a. him b. his c. her d. he61. (Его) daughter is seven years old.a. he b. his c. him d. her62. (Ее) parents are pensioners.a. his b. her c. she d. their63. Tom is telling (нам) about his work.a. them b. we c. our d. us64. Show (им) the plan of our work.a. they b. their c. them d. as65. The room is large but (ее) windows are not large.a. their b. its c. her d. our66. Tell us (несколько) words about your studies.a. few b. many c. a few d. little67. She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons.a. my b. our c. his d. her68. There are (несколько) ties in the box.a. few b. no c. any d. some69. (Почему) are you late?a. why b. because c. who d. what70. (Их) children are at home.a. them b. their c. they d. our71. His children are so nice. I am fond of (их).a. them b. their c. they d. him72. Are there ... students in the reading-room?a. any b. no c. some d. not any73. There are not ... conveniences in the house.a. some b. no c. any d. much74. Is there ... bread on the plate?a. few b. any c. many d. some75. There is not ... ink in my pen.a. any b. many c. some d. few76. Tom has no mother. ... mother is dead.a. us b. him c. his d. her77. Peter is fond of reading. Give these books to ... .a. his b. her c. him d. he78. The students are in the classroom. Let’s go there and tell ... about our plans.a. they b. their c. them d. theirs79. The park is so beautiful and ... trees are so high.a. his b. their c. its d. him80. We are answering ... questions.a. ours b. him c. them d. their81. These books are good. Let’s give ... to the children.a. theirs b. their c. them d. himВыбрать антоним (слово, противоположное по значению).82. busya. free b. white c. comfortable83. to givea. to put b. to take c. to show84. to go outa. to come in b. to come c. to go85. lowa. comfortable b. high c. modern86. to stand upa. to sit b. to sit down c. to stand87. to be overa. to begin b. to say again c. to be late88. therea. in front of b. here c. around89. mucha. a lot of b. little c. few90. smalla. many b. large c. little91. manya. few b. a few c. little92. В книжном шкафу много книг.a. There are few English books in the bookcase.b. The English books are in the bookcase.c. There are a lot of English books in the bookcase.93. В нашем городе нет заводов.a. There are some plants in our town.b. There aren’t any plants in our town.с. Those plants are not in our town.94. He выходите, пожалуйста.a. Come in, please.b. Don’t go out, please.c. Let’s go out.95. Давайте ответим на их вопросы.a. Let’s answer their questions.b. Don’t answer their questions.c. We are not answering their questions.96. Пусть она отошлет письмо своему брату.a. Let’s send her a letter from her brother.b. Let her send a letter to her brother.c. Don’t send her a letter from her brother.97. На полке лежит какой-то журнал.a. The magazine is on the shelf.b. There is some magazine on the shelf.c. Is there any magazine on the shelf?98. Памятник находится в центре города.a. There is a monument in the centre of the town.b. The monument is in the centre of the town.c. There are some monuments in the centre of the town.99. О чем они говорят?a. What book are they speaking about?b. Are they speaking English?c. What are they speaking about?100. Извините меня.a. I am wrong sorry.b. I am right.c. I am sorry.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]

47.подростки, которые совершают преступления.рассматриваться в качестве взрослых и приговорен к серьезные наказания.

A. будет в. следует с. надо

48.сенат и палата представителей.утвердить законопроект для того, чтобы стать законом.

A. пришлось в. должны с. -

49.извините,...скажи мне, как здание парламента, пожалуйста?

A. может май с. будет

50..вы проходите и садитесь?

A. может.- с. не

51..ты хочешь чашку кофе?

A. должно. будет с. может

52.я...внимание, выпить, если ты была одна.

A. не стоит. не с. не

53.есть (мало) иностранных студентов в нашем институте.

A. несколько б. несколько некоторые D. много

54.ее квартира на первом этаже, (моя) находится на втором.

A. мой. мне с. моя. я

55.карта которого это?это (его).

A. его.его. он д. ее

56.(кто из) студентов живопись лозунг?

A. некоторые б. и с. кто D. почему

57.их институт. - стрит, (наш) находится в центре города.

Our B. мы с нашей, D. нас

58.дай мне (какой, - сказал) Magazine, пожалуйста.

A. несколько б. некоторые с. несколько д. любой

59.говорят, что это (, повторите, пожалуйста.

A. снова через с. д. б. только

60.спроси (его) о своей новой квартире.

A. ему б его. её. он

61.(Его) дочь семь лет.

A. он в. его с его д. ее

62.(которые) родители - пенсионеры.

A. его. её. она D. их

63.том говорит (нам) о работе.

A. их. мы с нашими D. нас

64.шоу (им) план нашей работы.

A. они б их с их. как

65.номер - это большая, но (ее) Windows не большое.

A. их в ее с ее D. наша

66.скажи нам, (и) слова о ваших исследований.

A. несколько б. многие с. несколько д. мало

67.она помогает (своему вкусу) брат, с его уроки.

A. мой б. наши с. его д. ее

68.есть (и) связей в коробке.

A. несколько б. нет. никаких. некоторые

69.(если) ты опоздал?

A. почему б.потому что с. кто D. что

70.(Их) детей дома.

A. их. их. они д. наша

71.дети так мило.я люблю (их).

A. их. их. они д. его

72.есть.студенты в читальном зале?

A. все. нет. некоторые д. не

73.не существует.удобства в доме.

A. некоторые б. нет. никаких. многое

74.есть.хлеб на тарелку?

A. несколько б. любой.многие D. некоторые

75.не существует.чернила в мою ручку.

A. любой б. многие некоторые D. несколько

76.Tom нет матери..мать умерла.

A. нас. он с его д. ее

77.питер любит читать.дай эти книги..

A. его. её. ему. он

78.учеников в классе.пойдем туда и скажи...о наших планах.

A. они б их с их. их

79.- он так красиво.деревья настолько высоки.

A. его б их с его. ему

80.мы не отвечает.вопросы.

A. наша б. его с. их. их

81.эти книги хороши.давайте дадим.для детей.

A. их. их с их D. его

Выбрать антоним (всегда самую противоположное по значению).


. бесплатно. белый с. удобно


A. для того, чтобы принять с. б.показать


A. сюда. сюда. идти


A. удобно. высокий с современной


A. сидеть. сесть с. стоять

87.чтобы быть более

A. начать. сказать снова с. опаздывать


A. перед в. здесь. вокруг


A. много. немного с. несколько


. многие б. крупные с. мало


A. несколько б. несколько с. мало

92.в 90 шкафу и книг.

A. есть несколько книг на английском в книжном шкафу.

. английские книги в книжном шкафу.

с. есть много книг на английском в книжном шкафу.

93.в, с и заводов.

A. есть некоторые заводы в нашем городе.

. нет никаких заводов в нашем городе.

с.эти растения не в нашем городе.

94.он выходите,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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