Sooner or later, the growing company will reach market saturation in i перевод - Sooner or later, the growing company will reach market saturation in i русский как сказать

Sooner or later, the growing compan

Sooner or later, the growing company will reach market saturation in its domestic market, and there will be little choice but to move into overseas markets.
Most companies, in fact, start dipping their toes into foreign waters long before they reach domestic saturation, to exploit other profitable markets and give themselves experience of working abroad.

Whether the company is trading abroad or establishing foreign subsidiaries, the issue of national culture assumes great importance. It had been known for years that working across cultures poses special problems, but the work of Geert Hofstede, the Dutch management theorist, in the 1970s and 1980s showed just how diverse and various cultural influences can be.
Working across a single global company, International Business Machines - a business noted for the uniformity of its corporate culture - Hofstede showed a huge variety of beliefs and values present in the workplace, not just between the US, Europe and Asia, but within regions as well.
Globalisation is said to be leading to cultural convergence but, as Hofstede and many later studies have shown, full convergence is still some way away.
Companies moving into international markets will usually first feel the effects of culture on their marketing and advertising. Every international marketer has its collection of war stories - cases where the values of one culture fail to translate into another. Sales of the Vauxhall Nova in Hispanic-speaking countries, for example, suffered because in Spanish, no va, means “won't go”.
Other failures are more complex and based on deeper cultural divides. Toyota's luxury car, the Lexus, was an immediate hit in the US, where the luxury car market had been the preserve of a few domestic companies and the Lexus offered something appreciably different. The Lexus has been much less successful in Europe, where there is a stronger tradition of luxury carmaking and strong loyalty to local brands on the part of their buyers.
Cultural barriers in marketing can be overcome by repositioning brands, changing advertising and product features to suit local sensitivities and so on. Much more difficult to manage are the cultural differences that arise when companies establish multinational subsidiaries and then expect members of different national cultures to work together. Particularly troublesome have been the cases of western companies establishing subsidiaries in China.
Chinese workers often prefer strong, directive leadership to the more democratic model now common in the west. They also rely much more on senior managers to sort out problems, including problems in the workers' private lives. Linguistic confusion is compounded by quite different attitudes to issues such as ethics, reporting and control, and workers' rights and responsibilities.
What appears to be a barrier, however, can actually be a source of competitive advantage for those companies and managers that learn to work with cultural differences and benefit from them.
In terms of managing local subsidiaries, some global companies have learnt to adopt best practices from foreign companies and transfer these into the home market. This kind of cross-fertilisation has been taking place between Japanese and western carmakers for decades, and has led to powerful innovations on both sides.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Sooner or later, the growing company will reach market saturation in its domestic market, and there will be little choice but to move into overseas markets.Most companies, in fact, start dipping their toes into foreign waters long before they reach domestic saturation, to exploit other profitable markets and give themselves experience of working abroad.Whether the company is trading abroad or establishing foreign subsidiaries, the issue of national culture assumes great importance. It had been known for years that working across cultures poses special problems, but the work of Geert Hofstede, the Dutch management theorist, in the 1970s and 1980s showed just how diverse and various cultural influences can be.Working across a single global company, International Business Machines - a business noted for the uniformity of its corporate culture - Hofstede showed a huge variety of beliefs and values present in the workplace, not just between the US, Europe and Asia, but within regions as well.Globalisation is said to be leading to cultural convergence but, as Hofstede and many later studies have shown, full convergence is still some way away.Companies moving into international markets will usually first feel the effects of culture on their marketing and advertising. Every international marketer has its collection of war stories - cases where the values of one culture fail to translate into another. Sales of the Vauxhall Nova in Hispanic-speaking countries, for example, suffered because in Spanish, no va, means “won't go”.Other failures are more complex and based on deeper cultural divides. Toyota's luxury car, the Lexus, was an immediate hit in the US, where the luxury car market had been the preserve of a few domestic companies and the Lexus offered something appreciably different. The Lexus has been much less successful in Europe, where there is a stronger tradition of luxury carmaking and strong loyalty to local brands on the part of their buyers.Cultural barriers in marketing can be overcome by repositioning brands, changing advertising and product features to suit local sensitivities and so on. Much more difficult to manage are the cultural differences that arise when companies establish multinational subsidiaries and then expect members of different national cultures to work together. Particularly troublesome have been the cases of western companies establishing subsidiaries in China.Chinese workers often prefer strong, directive leadership to the more democratic model now common in the west. They also rely much more on senior managers to sort out problems, including problems in the workers' private lives. Linguistic confusion is compounded by quite different attitudes to issues such as ethics, reporting and control, and workers' rights and responsibilities.What appears to be a barrier, however, can actually be a source of competitive advantage for those companies and managers that learn to work with cultural differences and benefit from them.In terms of managing local subsidiaries, some global companies have learnt to adopt best practices from foreign companies and transfer these into the home market. This kind of cross-fertilisation has been taking place between Japanese and western carmakers for decades, and has led to powerful innovations on both sides.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]

Рано или поздно, растущая компания достигнет насыщения рынка в своем внутреннем рынке, и будет мало выбора, кроме как двигаться на зарубежные рынки.
Большинство компаний, по сути, начать погружения свои пальцы в иностранных водах задолго до того, как они достигнут внутренний насыщенность, чтобы эксплуатировать другие прибыльные рынки и дать себе опыт работы за рубежом. Будь компания торгуется за границей или создание зарубежных дочерних, вопрос о национальной культуре имеет большое значение. Это было известно в течение многих лет, что работает в разных культурах ставит особые проблемы, но работа Хофстеде, голландского теоретика управления, в 1970-х и 1980-х годов показал, насколько разнообразно и различные культурные влияния могут быть. Работа по единой глобальной компании, International Business Machines - бизнес отметил равномерности корпоративной культуры -. Хофстед показали огромное разнообразие верований и ценностей, присутствующих на рабочем месте, а не только между США, Европе и Азии, но в пределах регионов, а Глобализация называется ведущим культурному сближению, но, как Хофстед и многие более поздние исследования показали,, полного сближения еще некоторые далеко. Компании движущиеся на международных рынках, как правило, первый ощущать последствия культуры на их маркетинг и рекламу. Каждый международный маркетолог имеет свою коллекцию военных рассказов - случаях, когда значения одной культуры не в состоянии перевести в другую. Продажи Vauxhall Nova в испаноязычных стран, говорящих, например, пострадал из-за по-испански, не ва, означает "не пойдет". Другие ошибки являются более сложными и на основе глубоких культурных различий. Роскошный автомобиль Тойота, Лексус, был немедленно хитом в США, где был роскошный автомобиль рынок прерогативой нескольких отечественных компаний и Lexus предлагаемых то заметно другое. Lexus был гораздо менее успешными в Европе, где есть сильная традиция элитной carmaking и сильной лояльности к местным брендам со стороны своих покупателей. Культурные барьеры в области маркетинга могут быть преодолены путем перестановки брендов, меняя рекламные и функциональные возможности изделий в соответствии с местных особенностей и так далее. Гораздо сложнее управлять являются культурные различия, которые возникают, когда компании устанавливают международные дочерние, а затем ожидать члены различных национальных культур, чтобы работать вместе. Особенно опасен был случаи западных компаний, устанавливающих филиалы в Китае. Китайские рабочие часто предпочитают сильное, директивы руководства к более демократической модели в настоящее время распространены на западе. Они также полагаются больше на топ-менеджеров, чтобы разобраться в возможных проблемах, включая проблемы в личной жизни рабочих. Лингвистическая путаница усугубляется совершенно разных отношения к таким вопросам, как этика, отчетности и контроля, а также прав работников и обязанностей. То, что кажется барьер, однако, может на самом деле быть источником конкурентного преимущества для тех компаний и менеджеров, которые учатся работать с культурными различиями и пользы от них. с точки зрения управления локальными дочерние, некоторые глобальные компании научились внедрять лучшие практики из иностранных компаний и передать их в внутреннем рынке. Этот вид перекрестного оплодотворения была проходить между японскими и западными автопроизводителями в течение многих десятилетий, и привел к мощным инноваций с обеих сторон.

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