FROM VERKHOYANSK TO SUKHUMI I got up earlier than usual yesterday, as  перевод - FROM VERKHOYANSK TO SUKHUMI I got up earlier than usual yesterday, as  узбекский как сказать


I got up earlier than usual yesterday, as I had to go to the airport to meet my old friend Boris Petrov. We went to school together, then we went to the same college in Moscow, but now we live in different parts of the Soviet Union. Boris lives and works in the North of our country, in Verkhoyansk, and I live by the sea in Sukhumi. I wrote to him a few months ago to invite him to my place for a holiday. Soon I got an answer. He thanked me heartily for the invitation and asked me to meet him at the airport on the 20th of April.
"I hope you won’t mind if I bring my wife and my son with me," he wrote.
When I went out, it was very warm, though it was early morning.’ The air was fresh, the sky was blue, and the sun was shining. In Sukhumi it’s usually very fine in April. It doesn’t often rain and it’s not very hot yet. I like Sukhumi at this time of year best of all.
I took a taxi and started for the airport. "I’m afraid I may be late," I said to the driver and asked him to go faster. We reached the airport in time: the plane was just landing. It was only half past six in the morning, but it was as warm as in the afternoon.
The passengers were getting out of the plane. I went up to the plane and saw a group of people who looked very funny in this warm weather: all of them had warm winter clothes on.
"Hallo, glad to see you," I said, when I recognized Boris in the group.
"Hallo, old man, this is my wife and my son," Boris said.
"Pleased to meet you. I hope you had a good journey," I said. "Aren’t you dressed a bit too warmly? It’s not so cold here as in Verkhoyansk, is it?"
"I think it’s just a little warmer," Boris agreed and laughed, "but when we left home, it was snowing hard2 and we weren’t at all hot.[12] D’you know how cold it was there that day? You won’t believe it: almost 35° below zero,[13]Let alone the biting winds."
"Ah, well, take off your coats, and let’s hurry home. The taxi’s waiting. It won’t take us long. I’m sure you’ll like it here.
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Результаты (узбекский) 1: [копия]
VERKHOYANSK From Suxumidagi TO
men eski do'stim Boris Petrov qondirish uchun aeroportida borish kerak edi, men, kecha odatdagidan oldingi o'rnidan turdi. Biz keyin, biz Moskvada bir xil kollejga borib, birga maktabga borib, lekin hozir biz Sovet Ittifoqi turli qismlarida istiqomat qiladi. Boris yashaydi va Verkhoyansk mamlakatimizning Shimoliy, ishlaydi, va men Suxumidagi dengiz tomonidan yashaydi. Men dam olish uchun mening joyga uni taklif bir necha oy oldin, unga yozgan. Tez orada men javob bor. U taklifiga uchun samimiy menga minnatdorchilik bildirdi va aprel 20 aeroportida uni kutib olish uchun so'radi.
"Men, men bilan xotinim va o'g'limni olib agar siz bunga parvo ham umid qilaman", deb yozgan edi.
Men chiqqanimda, u erta tong edi-da u, juda iliq edi. Havo osmon ko'k edi, yangi edi, va quyosh porlab qilindi. Suxumidagi yilda aprel oyida odatda juda nozik edi. Bu tez-tez yomg'ir emas va u hali juda issiq emas. Men hamma yili eng yaxshi bu vaqtda Suxumidagi ko'raman.
Men taksi oldi va aeroportida uchun boshlandi. "Men kech bo'lishi mumkin qo'rqaman," Men haydovchi dedi va tez borish so'radim. Biz vaqtida aeroporti etdi: samolyot faqat hodisa edi. Bu ertalab olti o'tgan faqat yarim edi, lekin u tushdan keyin qadar iliq edi.
yo'lovchilar samolyotga chiqib olish edi. Men samolyotda bordi va bu issiq havoda juda kulgili qaradi, odamlar bir guruh ko'rib:. Ularning barcha iliq qish kiyim bor edi
, men guruhda Boris e'tirof qachon "Hallo, ko'rishdan xursandmiz", dedim.
"Hallo, chol, bu xotinim va mening o'g'lim," Boris dedi.
"Siz bilan tanishganimdan xursandman. Men sizga bir yaxshi yo'lga edi umid qilamiz", dedim men. "Agar juda issiq, bir oz kiyingan emasmisiz? Bu Verkhoyansk kabi bu erda shunday sovuq emas, shunday emasmi?"
"Men faqat bir oz issiq, deb o'ylayman," Boris kelishilgan va kulib, "lekin biz uy chap, u hard2 qor edi va biz barcha issiq emas edi [12] Agar u o'sha kuni qanday sovuq bilaman D'Siz uni iymon keltirmaslar.?. deyarli 35 ° nol ostida, [13] yolg'iz o'tkir shamollarni bo'lsin "
, "Qani, yaxshi, siz paltolar echib, va uning uy tezroq qilaylik. taksi ning kutish. Bu uzoq bizni olishmaydi. Men bu erdan yoqadi ishonchim komil.
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