TEXT 2.THE LAYMAN AND THE COURTSAt some time in his life almost every  перевод - TEXT 2.THE LAYMAN AND THE COURTSAt some time in his life almost every  русский как сказать



At some time in his life almost every individual is a victim of circumstances which would justify his taking another person to court. In "most cases, litigation is impractical because the cost of going to court will be more than the sum involved.
Most states recognize the frustrating problem presented by these situations. For many years they attempted to settle the problem through the justices of the peace system. In general, this system proved to be a failure, because it was disorganized and because untrained individuals often presided over the proceedings.
The small claims court provided an answer. The purpose of the small claims court system is to provide a friendly solution for the litigation of cases that have high personal importance but involve little money.
A qualified judge presides over most small claims court proceedings. All such courts have jurisdictional limits, for example, the limit in the district of Columbia is
$ 750. Instead of the usual court costs, there is only a nominal filing fee of one or two dollars.
The most economical aspect of the system is that a party doesn't need to consult a lawyer. The form used to file a claim is simple. A knowledge of legal terms is unnecessary. The plaintiff - the person who starts the legal action - merely describes in his own words the basis of his claim against the defendant. If the individual requires assistance, the clerk of the court can provide it.
At the start of the hearing, the person who filed the suit, or plaintiff tells his story to the judge. The judge and the defendant can ask the plaintiff questions. Next, witnesses relate their stories. If the defendant believes he is not responsible for the claim, he tells his side of the story. The judge and the plaintiff can ask questions of the defendant and his witnesses. After the judge has listened to both sides of the story, he makes his determination based on substantial justice.
Thus, the small claims court allows the individual to have his day in court without costs, without the need of a lawyer (although in most states he may have one if he desires), and without becoming involved in the technical procedures that normally govern a legal proceeding.

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
TEXT 2.THE LAYMAN AND THE COURTSAt some time in his life almost every individual is a victim of circumstances which would justify his taking another person to court. In "most cases, litigation is impractical because the cost of going to court will be more than the sum involved.Most states recognize the frustrating problem presented by these situations. For many years they attempted to settle the problem through the justices of the peace system. In general, this system proved to be a failure, because it was disorganized and because untrained individuals often presided over the proceedings.The small claims court provided an answer. The purpose of the small claims court system is to provide a friendly solution for the litigation of cases that have high personal importance but involve little money.A qualified judge presides over most small claims court proceedings. All such courts have jurisdictional limits, for example, the limit in the district of Columbia is $ 750. Instead of the usual court costs, there is only a nominal filing fee of one or two dollars.The most economical aspect of the system is that a party doesn't need to consult a lawyer. The form used to file a claim is simple. A knowledge of legal terms is unnecessary. The plaintiff - the person who starts the legal action - merely describes in his own words the basis of his claim against the defendant. If the individual requires assistance, the clerk of the court can provide it.At the start of the hearing, the person who filed the suit, or plaintiff tells his story to the judge. The judge and the defendant can ask the plaintiff questions. Next, witnesses relate their stories. If the defendant believes he is not responsible for the claim, he tells his side of the story. The judge and the plaintiff can ask questions of the defendant and his witnesses. After the judge has listened to both sides of the story, he makes his determination based on substantial justice.Thus, the small claims court allows the individual to have his day in court without costs, without the need of a lawyer (although in most states he may have one if he desires), and without becoming involved in the technical procedures that normally govern a legal proceeding.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
текст, 2.новичков, и судыв какой - то момент в его жизни, почти все лицо является жертвой обстоятельств, которые оправдывали его с другим лицом в суд.в большинстве случаев невозможности ", споры, поскольку затраты, связанные с обращением в суд, будет больше, чем сумма.большинство государств признают серьезной проблемы, представленных этими ситуациями.в течение многих лет они пытались решить проблему путем мировых судей системы.в целом эта система оказалась неудачной, поскольку это безалаберность и потому, что молодые люди зачастую руководил работой.суд по мелким искам дала ответ.цель по мелким искам системы состоит в том, чтобы представить дружественного решения для судебных дел, которые были высокие личные значение, но и немного денег.квалифицированный судья возглавляет большинство мелких претензий судебного разбирательства.все эти суды юрисдикционные ограничения, например, ограничить в округе колумбия750 долларов.вместо обычных судебных издержек, есть лишь номинальным пошлина одного или двух долларов.наиболее экономичным аспектом этой системы заключается в том, что партия не нужно проконсультироваться с адвокатом.используемая форма для подачи претензии проста.знание юридических терминов, нет необходимости.истец - человек, который начинается судебный иск - просто описывает, по его собственным словам, исходя из его требования в отношении ответчика.если человек нуждается в помощи, секретарь суда может ее предоставить.в начале слушания, лицо, подавшее иск, или истца, рассказывает свою историю к судье.судья и подсудимый может потребовать истец вопросы.в следующем, свидетели связаны своими историями.если обвиняемый считает, что он не отвечает на претензии, он рассказывает свою историю.судья, и истец может задавать вопросы обвиняемому и его свидетелей.после того, как судья выслушал обе стороны медали, он делает его решимость на основе существенной правосудия.таким образом, суд по мелким искам позволяет человеку его день в суде без расходов, без необходимости адвоката (хотя в большинстве государств, он может завести, если он желает), и не вмешиваясь в технических процедур, которые обычно регулируют судебного разбирательства.
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