Результаты (
русский) 1:
Я неуютно перенесло внутри мой лучший костюм и ослабить палец внутри плотно белых воротничков. Было жарко в маленький автобус и я принял место на ту сторону, где beat летнего солнца на окнах. Это было странное снаряжение для погоды, но несколько миль впереди мой будущий работодатель может ждать для меня, и я должен был сделать хорошее впечатление. Там было много в зависимости от этого интервью. Много друзей, которые квалифицированы со мной были безработными или работать в магазинах или в качестве рабочих в верфи. Так много что я почти дал надежду любого будущего для себя как ветеринарный врач. Там были обычно два или три рабочих мест рекламируются в ветеринарной записи каждую неделю и в среднем 80 претендентов для каждого из них. Это не представляется возможным, когда письмо пришло из Darrowby в Йоркшире. Г-н S. Farnon хотел бы видеть меня на пятницу во второй половине дня; Я должен был прийти к чаю, и если мы были приспособлены друг к другу, я мог бы остаться качестве его помощника. Большинство молодых людей, выходящих из колледжей после пяти лет напряженной работы сталкиваются мир не поддавшийся эмоциям, их энтузиазм и трещит знания. Так что я схватил линию жизни неправдоподобно. The driver crashed his gears again as we went into another steep bend. We had been climbing steadily now for the last fifteen miles or so, moving closer to the distant blue of the Pennine Hills. I had never been in Yorkshire before, but the name had always raised a picture of a region as heavy and unromantic as the pudding of the same name; I was prepared for solid respectability, dullness and a total lack of charm. But as the bus made its way higher, I began to wonder. There were high grassy hills and wide valleys. In the valley bottoms, rivers twisted among the trees and solid grey stone farmhouses lay among islands of cultivated land which pushed up the wild, dark hillsides. Suddenly, I realised the bus was clattering along a narrow street which opened onto a square where we stopped. Above the window of a small grocer’s shop I read ‘Darrowby Co-operative Society’. We had arrived. I got out and stood beside my battered suitcase, looking about me. There was something unusual and I didn’t know what it was at first. Then it came to me. The other passengers had dispersed, the driver had switched off the engine and there was not a sound or a movement anywhere. The only visible sign of life was a group of old men sitting round the clock tower in the centre of the square, but they might have been carved of stone.Darrowby didn’t get much space in the guidebooks, but where it was mentioned it was described as a grey little town on the River Arrow with a market place and little of interest except its two ancient bridges. But when you looked at it, its setting was beautiful. Everywhere from the windows of houses in Darrowby you could see the hills. There was a clearness in the air, a sense of space and airiness that made me feel I had left something behind. The pressure of the city, the noise, the smoke – already they seemed to be falling away from me. Trengate Street was a quiet road leading off the square and from there I had my first sight of Skeldale House. I knew it was the right place before I was near enough to read S. Farnon, Veterinary Surgeon on the old-fashioned brass nameplate. I knew by the ivy which grew untidily over the red brick, climbing up to the topmost windows. It was what the letter had said – the only house with ivy; and this could be where I would work for the first time as a veterinary surgeon. I rang the doorbell.
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