The Federal Reserve SystemThe Federal Reserve System was created in 19 перевод - The Federal Reserve SystemThe Federal Reserve System was created in 19 русский как сказать

The Federal Reserve SystemThe Feder

The Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913 in order to provide elastic money supply, especially during the harvesting seasons, to meet the farmers' demands for shortterm loans. The Federal Reserve System was to meet these seasonal demands for money through the reserve balances of commercial banks.
Soon after its creation, the Federal Reserve System proved to become an important means ensuring full employment, price level stability, and economic growth, all these three being the most essential purposes of monetary policies. In recent years, besides, the latter are known to have been pursued for one more purpose — to avoid budget deficit.
To ensure efficient functioning of the Federal Reserve System, the territory of the United States was divided into twelve Federal Reserve districts, each one having a Federal Reserve Bank. Ten of the twelve Reserve Banks have branch offices.
Central coordination is provided by the Board of Governors (Совет управляющих) in Washington, D.C. Thus, the Federal Reserve System is a national system that is well adjusted to local economic conditions. Handling daily transactions with banks in its territory, each Reserve Bank maintains close contacts with the local business community.
Unlike commercial banks, Federal Reserve Banks are not operated for profit. To serve the community is their function. The shares of Federal Reserve Banks are held by member banks.
Each Federal Bank is managed by nine directors, three of which, bankers themselves, represent member banks, three are local businessmen and three, not in any way connected with the banking industry, are appointed by the Board of Governors in Washington. Thus, the fact that six of the nine directors are non-bankers ensures that the Federal Reserve System, at least on a regional level, can be used to balance the interests of the banking industry and those of the public.
The board of directors appoints the officers who are given the responsibil¬ity for the daily operations of the Reserve Banks.
Members of the Board of Governors are appointed by the US President, which is ratified by the Senate. The Board of Governors has budgetary con¬trol over the Reserve Banks, provides annual audit of all of them and their branches. It is also responsible for changes in reserve requirements.
Federal Open Market Committee, responsible for open market operations, is also included in the Federal Reserve System. All presidents of the Reserve Banks are invited to the Open Market Committee meetings which are held once a month. On the one hand, it lets presidents better understand policies adopted by the Committee. On the other hand, it lets Committee members receive first-hand information of tendencies in all parts of the Federal Reserve System.
In addition to changes in reserve requirements and open market operations, another main monetary policy is the change of discount rates. Requests for such a change normally come from the Reserve Banks, but the decisions are made by the Board of Governors.
Hence, the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, the Board of Governors, and the Open Market Committee make up the main administrative and policy¬making units of the Federal Reserve System
However, without its member banks, the Federal Reserve System will be important as a university without students. Not all commercial banks in the United States - actually, not even half of them - are members of the federal Reserve System, but almost all large banks are. As a result, 42 percent of all commercial member banks produce more than 80 percent of the chequ- lng accounts in the country.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The Federal Reserve SystemThe Federal Reserve System was created in 1913 in order to provide elastic money supply, especially during the harvesting seasons, to meet the farmers' demands for shortterm loans. The Federal Reserve System was to meet these seasonal demands for money through the reserve balances of commercial banks.Soon after its creation, the Federal Reserve System proved to become an important means ensuring full employment, price level stability, and economic growth, all these three being the most essential purposes of monetary policies. In recent years, besides, the latter are known to have been pursued for one more purpose — to avoid budget deficit.To ensure efficient functioning of the Federal Reserve System, the territory of the United States was divided into twelve Federal Reserve districts, each one having a Federal Reserve Bank. Ten of the twelve Reserve Banks have branch offices.Central coordination is provided by the Board of Governors (Совет управляющих) in Washington, D.C. Thus, the Federal Reserve System is a national system that is well adjusted to local economic conditions. Handling daily transactions with banks in its territory, each Reserve Bank maintains close contacts with the local business community.Unlike commercial banks, Federal Reserve Banks are not operated for profit. To serve the community is their function. The shares of Federal Reserve Banks are held by member banks.Each Federal Bank is managed by nine directors, three of which, bankers themselves, represent member banks, three are local businessmen and three, not in any way connected with the banking industry, are appointed by the Board of Governors in Washington. Thus, the fact that six of the nine directors are non-bankers ensures that the Federal Reserve System, at least on a regional level, can be used to balance the interests of the banking industry and those of the public.The board of directors appoints the officers who are given the responsibil¬ity for the daily operations of the Reserve Banks.Members of the Board of Governors are appointed by the US President, which is ratified by the Senate. The Board of Governors has budgetary con¬trol over the Reserve Banks, provides annual audit of all of them and their branches. It is also responsible for changes in reserve requirements.Federal Open Market Committee, responsible for open market operations, is also included in the Federal Reserve System. All presidents of the Reserve Banks are invited to the Open Market Committee meetings which are held once a month. On the one hand, it lets presidents better understand policies adopted by the Committee. On the other hand, it lets Committee members receive first-hand information of tendencies in all parts of the Federal Reserve System.In addition to changes in reserve requirements and open market operations, another main monetary policy is the change of discount rates. Requests for such a change normally come from the Reserve Banks, but the decisions are made by the Board of Governors.Hence, the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, the Board of Governors, and the Open Market Committee make up the main administrative and policy¬making units of the Federal Reserve SystemHowever, without its member banks, the Federal Reserve System will be important as a university without students. Not all commercial banks in the United States - actually, not even half of them - are members of the federal Reserve System, but almost all large banks are. As a result, 42 percent of all commercial member banks produce more than 80 percent of the chequ- lng accounts in the country.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
федеральной резервной системыфедеральная резервная система была создана в 1913 году в целях обеспечения эластичность предложения денег, особенно во время уборочной кампаний, для удовлетворения требований для фермеров краткосрочных кредитов.федеральной резервной системы состоит в том, чтобы выполнить эти сезонные требование денег через резервов коммерческих банков.вскоре после своего создания федеральной резервной системы, как оказалось, стать важным средством обеспечения полной занятости, уровень цен для стабильности и экономического роста, всех этих трех важнейших целей денежно - кредитной политики.в последние годы, кроме того, последняя, как известно, использовались для еще одной целью - избежать дефицита бюджета.для обеспечения эффективного функционирования федеральной резервной системы, территории соединенных штатов был разделен на 12 федерального резерва, округов, каждый из которых имеет федеральный резервный банк.10 из 12 резервных банков есть отделения.центральной координации является совет управляющих (г управляющих) в вашингтоне, округ колумбия, таким образом, федеральной резервной системы является национальной системы, а с учетом местных экономических условий.обработке ежедневных операций с банками на своей территории, каждый резервный банк поддерживает тесные контакты с местными деловыми кругами.в отличие от коммерческих банков, федеральных резервных банков эксплуатируются не для получения прибыли.служить сообществу свои функции.доля федеральных резервных банков находятся у банков - членов.каждый федеральный банк управляется девяти директоров, три из которых, сами банкиры, представляют собой банков - участников трое местных бизнесменов и три, никоим образом не связаны с банковской отрасли, назначаются советом управляющих в вашингтоне.таким образом, тот факт, что шесть из девяти директоров не банкиры гарантирует, что федеральная резервная система, по крайней мере, на региональном уровне, могут использоваться, чтобы сбалансировать интересы банковской отрасли и представителей общественности.совет директоров назначает сотрудников, которые получают responsibil ¬ нпп для повседневной работы резервных банков.члены совета управляющих назначаются президентом сша, который был ратифицирован сенатом.совет управляющих является бюджетным con ¬ trol за резервных банков, предоставляет ежегодные ревизии всех их и их филиалов.он также отвечает за изменения в резервных требований.федерального комитета по операциям на открытом рынке, отвечающий за операции на открытом рынке, также включены в федеральную резервную систему.все председатели резервных банков предлагается на открытом рынке заседаний комитета, которые проводятся один раз в месяц.с одной стороны, это позволяет президентов лучше понять политики, принятыми комитетом.с другой стороны, это позволит членам комитета получать информацию из первых рук тенденций во всех частях федеральной резервной системы.помимо изменений в резервных требований и операций на открытом рынке, другой главный кредитно - денежная политика - это изменение ставки дисконтирования.просит для таких перемен обычно приходят из резервных банков, но решения принимаются советом управляющих.таким образом, 12 федеральных резервных банков, совета управляющих, и открытого рынка комитета составляют главные административные и политические ¬, чтобы подразделения федеральной резервной системыоднако, без его банков - участников федеральной резервной системы будет иметь важное значение как университет без студентов.не все коммерческие банки в сша - на самом деле, даже не половина из них - сотрудники федеральной резервной системы, но почти все крупные банки.в результате, 42% всех коммерческих банков - членов производят более 80% от chequ - спг счетов в этой стране.
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