Text 8 In Russia hydrotechnics advanced during the 17th and 18th centu перевод - Text 8 In Russia hydrotechnics advanced during the 17th and 18th centu русский как сказать

Text 8 In Russia hydrotechnics adva

Text 8
In Russia hydrotechnics advanced during the 17th and 18th centuries: more than 200 factory dams and hydraulic installations were created in the Urals, Altai, and other localities.

The invention of steam engines and the appearance of railways in Western Europe at the beginning of the 19th century lessened the interest in hydraulic installations and water transportation. But during the second half of the 19th century hydrotechnical construction had a new upsurge, caused by the growth of industry and agriculture and the development of large cities that required water supplies. Old waterways were rebuilt and new ones constructed. large-scale irrigation and drainage works were carried out, and modern hydroelectric plants appeared. All this was aided by the general progress in technology, such as the development of mechanical engineering, the transmission of electric power over long distances, the use of concrete and reinforced concrete, and the mechanization of construction.

During the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s in Russia the country’s economic development resulted in some revival of hydrotechnical construction. mainly in water transportation, irrigation and drainage of the soil, and water supplies; however, the water power of the rivers went practically unused. Although hydrotechnical construction in Russia was limited, hydrotechnical science was at a fairly high level and was developing in advance of practice.

Large hydrotechnical construction necessitated the development of new types of hydrotechnical structures previously not used in Russia and the solution of problems stemming from the peculiarities of the country’s natural conditions. Thus, for instance, a successful solution was found for the problem of erecting dams on the clay and sand foundations typical of the plains rivers in the country; new types of earthen lightweight concrete and reinforced-concrete dams were developed; new designs for navigable locks, intakes, and regulating and harbor works were created; the production methods of labor were improved.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Text 8 In Russia hydrotechnics advanced during the 17th and 18th centuries: more than 200 factory dams and hydraulic installations were created in the Urals, Altai, and other localities. The invention of steam engines and the appearance of railways in Western Europe at the beginning of the 19th century lessened the interest in hydraulic installations and water transportation. But during the second half of the 19th century hydrotechnical construction had a new upsurge, caused by the growth of industry and agriculture and the development of large cities that required water supplies. Old waterways were rebuilt and new ones constructed. large-scale irrigation and drainage works were carried out, and modern hydroelectric plants appeared. All this was aided by the general progress in technology, such as the development of mechanical engineering, the transmission of electric power over long distances, the use of concrete and reinforced concrete, and the mechanization of construction. During the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s in Russia the country’s economic development resulted in some revival of hydrotechnical construction. mainly in water transportation, irrigation and drainage of the soil, and water supplies; however, the water power of the rivers went practically unused. Although hydrotechnical construction in Russia was limited, hydrotechnical science was at a fairly high level and was developing in advance of practice. Large hydrotechnical construction necessitated the development of new types of hydrotechnical structures previously not used in Russia and the solution of problems stemming from the peculiarities of the country’s natural conditions. Thus, for instance, a successful solution was found for the problem of erecting dams on the clay and sand foundations typical of the plains rivers in the country; new types of earthen lightweight concrete and reinforced-concrete dams were developed; new designs for navigable locks, intakes, and regulating and harbor works were created; the production methods of labor were improved.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
текст 8
в россии hydrotechnics прогресса в 17 - 18 веках: более 200 завод плотин и гидравлические сооружения были созданы на урале, алтай и других населенных пунктов.

изобретения паровых двигателей и внешний вид железных дорог в западной европе в начале XIX века снижает заинтересованность в гидравлических сооружений и водного транспорта.но во второй половине XIX века гидротехнических работ был новый подъем, в результате роста промышленности и сельского хозяйства и развития крупных городов, которые требуют воды.старым путям были восстановлены и построены новые.крупномасштабных ирригационных и дренажных работ были проведены, и современные гэс появился.все это на фоне общего прогресса в технологии, такие, как развитие машиностроения, передачи электроэнергии на большие расстояния, использования бетона и железобетона, и механизации работ.

в конце 1800 - х начале 1900 - х годов в россии экономического развития страны в результате оживления гидротехнических сооружения.в основном в водного транспорта, ирригации и дренажа почв и воды; тем не менее, энергии воды реки вышли практически не используется.хотя гидротехнических строительства в россии был ограничен,гидротехнической наука была на довольно высоком уровне и разрабатывает заранее практики.

крупных гидротехнических работ возникла необходимость разработки новых видов гидротехнических сооружений, ранее не использовался в россии и решения проблем, обусловленных особенностей национальных природных условий.так, например,успешное решение было найдено по проблеме строительства плотин на глины и песка основы для равнинных рек, в стране; новые виды земским легкий бетонных и железобетонных плотины были разработаны; новый дизайн для судоходных шлюзов, организм, и регулирование и гавани работы были созданы; производственные методы труда улучшились.
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