Geography, which comes from the Greek words geo, meaning

Geography, which comes from the Gre

Geography, which comes from the Greek words geo, meaning "earth", and graphein, meaning "description", is literally a study of the planet Earth. As trained scientists, geographers describe and analyze the physical characteristics of our planet and the ways in which people interact with these physical characteristics and with each other.
Throughout history people who went even short distances from where they lived became keenly aware of differences that distinguish one place from another and one group of people from another. Many of these travelers formed mental images of the places that they had visited and told others what they had seen. They sometimes scratched crude maps on rocks or on pieces of cloth or leather to improve the accuracy of their descriptions.
Geography, the study of the relationship between people and their physical surroundings, or environments, grew directly out of these attempts by early explorers to describe what they had seen on their travels. Today those who study geography describe and analyze the earth to explain what is where, why it is there, and what significance it has.
The study of the earth. Earth is only one of nine planets in our solar system that revolves around the sun — a minor star in the universe. A planet is an object or body that is made of various solids and gases and
that circles a star. A star and the planets and other related bodies such as asteroids that revolve around it are known as a solar system.
Earth is the third planet in distance from the sun, which is 150 million kilometers away. Even though the sun ranks as one of the smaller stars in the universe, it is huge when compared to Earth. The sun's heat and light provide most of the energy that makes life on Earth possible. It is this life and the physical features of the earth that geographers attempt to describe and analyze.
Most geographers focus on one of the two major branches of geography, physical geography and cultural geography, or on one of its more specialized fields. The earth offers many different natural, or physical, features. Low-lying jungles mark some places on the earth. Ice-covered mountain peaks dominate other places. Each location derives its physical character from combinations of the shapes of the land, climate, soils, plants, animals, and other naturally occurring phenomena. These combinations of physical features and their variations from place to place are the subject of physical geography, the study of the physical features and changes of the earth's surface.
Cultural geography. In contrast to physical geography, cultural geography focuses on the impact of human ideas and actions on the earth. The sum of what a human group acquires through living together, such as language, knowledge, skills, art, literature, laws, customs, and life styles, is known as that group's culture. Cultural features are evident in a group's tools, foods, government, religions, and other characteristics.
Each group of people leaves a distinct imprint (has a strong effect) on its human habitat, or the place where that group lives. This imprint, or effect, is known as the cultural landscape. Examples of cultural landscapes include the fields people clear and farm, the crops and livestock they raise, and the style and distribution of the villages and cities they build.
The skyscrapers of New York City's cultural landscape, for example, show how humans there have changed the environment. People constructed multistorey buildings to make better use of a very limited amount of space. Even remote villages in the Himalayas or in the Amazon Basin show how a society, or group of people who share traditions, institutions, activities, and interests, changes its habitat.
Along with the cultural landscape, geographers also study the process of cultural diffusion, or the spread of parts of a culture from one area to another. The spread of Christianity from Palestine to other parts of the Middle East and to Europe between the years A.D. 100 and 600 is one example of cultural diffusion. The spread of the alphabet is another example. The alphabet originated in the Middle East about 2000 B.C. and gradually spread to most parts of the world. Today many different cultures use various forms of the alphabet to write their languages. The process of cultural diffusion continues. The spread of rock music from

Great Britain and the United States to other parts of the world illustrates modern cultural diffusion.
1. How did the study of geography develop?
2. What do modern geographers study?
3. What are the two main branches (subdivisions) of geography?
4. Give examples of cultural diffusion today.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Geography, which comes from the Greek words geo, meaning "earth", and graphein, meaning "description", is literally a study of the planet Earth. As trained scientists, geographers describe and analyze the physical characteristics of our planet and the ways in which people interact with these physical characteristics and with each other.Throughout history people who went even short distances from where they lived became keenly aware of differences that distinguish one place from another and one group of people from another. Many of these travelers formed mental images of the places that they had visited and told others what they had seen. They sometimes scratched crude maps on rocks or on pieces of cloth or leather to improve the accuracy of their descriptions.Geography, the study of the relationship between people and their physical surroundings, or environments, grew directly out of these attempts by early explorers to describe what they had seen on their travels. Today those who study geography describe and analyze the earth to explain what is where, why it is there, and what significance it has.The study of the earth. Earth is only one of nine planets in our solar system that revolves around the sun — a minor star in the universe. A planet is an object or body that is made of various solids and gases andthat circles a star. A star and the planets and other related bodies such as asteroids that revolve around it are known as a solar system.Earth is the third planet in distance from the sun, which is 150 million kilometers away. Even though the sun ranks as one of the smaller stars in the universe, it is huge when compared to Earth. The sun's heat and light provide most of the energy that makes life on Earth possible. It is this life and the physical features of the earth that geographers attempt to describe and analyze.Most geographers focus on one of the two major branches of geography, physical geography and cultural geography, or on one of its more specialized fields. The earth offers many different natural, or physical, features. Low-lying jungles mark some places on the earth. Ice-covered mountain peaks dominate other places. Each location derives its physical character from combinations of the shapes of the land, climate, soils, plants, animals, and other naturally occurring phenomena. These combinations of physical features and their variations from place to place are the subject of physical geography, the study of the physical features and changes of the earth's surface.Cultural geography. In contrast to physical geography, cultural geography focuses on the impact of human ideas and actions on the earth. The sum of what a human group acquires through living together, such as language, knowledge, skills, art, literature, laws, customs, and life styles, is known as that group's culture. Cultural features are evident in a group's tools, foods, government, religions, and other characteristics.Каждая группа людей оставляет собственный отпечаток (имеет сильный эффект) на своей среды обитания человека, или место, где живет эта группа. Этот отпечаток, или эффект, известен как культурный ландшафт. Примеры полей, которые люди ясно и фермы, культур и животноводства, которые они вызывают и стиль и распространение деревень и городов, они строят культурных ландшафтов.Небоскребы Нью-Йорка культурного ландшафта, например, показать, как люди там были изменены окружающей среды. Люди построены многоэтажные здания, чтобы лучше использовать очень ограниченное количество пространства. Даже в отдаленных деревнях в Гималаи или в бассейне Амазонки показывают, как общества, или группы людей, которые разделяют традиции, институты, деятельности и интересов, изменяет его обитания.Наряду с культурного ландшафта географы изучают процесс культурной диффузии, или распространения частей культуры из одной области в другую. Распространение христианства из Палестины в другие районы Ближнего Востока и Европы между 600 и годами н.э. 100 является одним из примеров культурной диффузии. Еще одним примером является распространение алфавита. Алфавит возникла на Ближнем Востоке около 2000 до н.э. и постепенно распространились на большей части мира. Сегодня много различных культур использовать различные формы алфавита для записи их языков. Продолжается процесс культурной диффузии. Распространение рок-музыки отВеликобритании и Соединенных Штатов в других частях мира иллюстрирует современной культурной диффузии.1. как развивать изучение географии?2. что изучать современные географы?3. Какие существуют две основные ветви (подразделений) географии?4. Приведите примеры культурной диффузии сегодня.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
География, который идет от греческого слова ГСО, что означает "земля", и graphein, что означает "описание", буквально в исследование планеты Земля. В качестве высококвалифицированных ученых, географы и анализ физических характеристик нашей планеты и способов взаимодействия людей с эти физические характеристики и друг с другом.
На протяжении всей истории народа, который пошел даже на короткие расстояния, где они проживали стал остро осознавать различия, одно из другого и одна группа людей из другого. Многие из этих путешественников образуют психического изображений в места, которые они посещали и другим, что они видели.Иногда они поцарапаны сырой нефти карт на камни или на куски ткани или кожи для повышения точности их описания.
географии, исследование отношения между людьми и их физического окружения, или сред, вырос из этих попыток в начале проводники описать, что они видели на своих поездок.
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