Britain is only a small country but every part of it is different Scot перевод - Britain is only a small country but every part of it is different Scot русский как сказать

Britain is only a small country but

Britain is only a small country but every part of it is different Scotland is a land of mountains, lakes and romantic castles. The winters are cold, with plenty of snow, but the summers are often warm and sunny. Most farmers keep sheep and there are many small factories which make fine sweaters from their wool. In some parts of Scotland there are very few people.
The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It is not the largest city in Scotland, but it is very beautiful. Edinburgh is famous for many things: its festivals (plays and music), its museums and libraries, and for its writers Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and others.
In the north of England there are many old industrial towns. Outside the towns, much of this part of England is beautiful countryside, with green hills, lakes and sandy beaches.
The centre of England (the ''Midlands'') is also an important industrial area, especially near the huge cities of Coventry and Birmingham, the centre of car industry.
The west of England is rich farming country. It produces milk, cream, butter, cheese and apples. In the villages,country people often grow their own fruit, vegetables and flowers.
Wales is a special place, a country of high mountains and pretty valleys.But Wales has plenty of industry too, with many factories and coal mines. The people of Wales are very musical. Every year they have a festival of Welsh music and poetry called "Eisteddfod".
Northern lreland has beauty too. In the warm, wet climate, the grass grows a brilliant green, and much of the land is farming country. Belfast is a large industrial city with many fine buildings and a port from which ships come and go to Scotland and England.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Britain is only a small country but every part of it is different Scotland is a land of mountains, lakes and romantic castles. The winters are cold, with plenty of snow, but the summers are often warm and sunny. Most farmers keep sheep and there are many small factories which make fine sweaters from their wool. In some parts of Scotland there are very few people.The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. It is not the largest city in Scotland, but it is very beautiful. Edinburgh is famous for many things: its festivals (plays and music), its museums and libraries, and for its writers Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and others.In the north of England there are many old industrial towns. Outside the towns, much of this part of England is beautiful countryside, with green hills, lakes and sandy beaches.The centre of England (the ''Midlands'') is also an important industrial area, especially near the huge cities of Coventry and Birmingham, the centre of car industry.The west of England is rich farming country. It produces milk, cream, butter, cheese and apples. In the villages,country people often grow their own fruit, vegetables and flowers.Wales is a special place, a country of high mountains and pretty valleys.But Wales has plenty of industry too, with many factories and coal mines. The people of Wales are very musical. Every year they have a festival of Welsh music and poetry called "Eisteddfod".Northern lreland has beauty too. In the warm, wet climate, the grass grows a brilliant green, and much of the land is farming country. Belfast is a large industrial city with many fine buildings and a port from which ships come and go to Scotland and England.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
великобритания - это лишь маленькая страна, но все части она отличается шотландии - земля горы, озера и романтических замках.зимой холодно, с большим количеством снега, но лето часто тепло и солнечно.большинство фермеров не овец и многие небольшие фабрики, которые делают хорошо свитера из их шерсти.в некоторых районах шотландии существует очень мало людей.в столице шотландии в эдинбурге.он не является самым крупным городом в шотландии, но он очень красивый.эдинбург славится многие вещи: его фестивалей (играет музыка), музеи и библиотеки, и для его авторов сэр вальтер скотт, роберт льюис стивенсон и другие.на севере англии есть много старых промышленных городов.за пределами города, многое в этой части англии, красивая природа, с зелеными холмами, озер и пляжей.центр англии ("'midlands' '), также является важным промышленного района, особенно возле огромного города ковентри и бирмингеме, центр автомобильной промышленности.западной англии богат сельского хозяйства страны.он производит молоко, сливки, сливочное масло, сыр и яблоки.в деревнях страны люди часто выращивать фрукты, овощи и цветы.уэльс - особое место, страна высоких гор и долин, но довольно много промышленности. в уэльсе тоже много заводов и шахт.население уэльса очень музыкальная.каждый год они фестиваль музыки и поэзии "Eisteddfod уэльса".северной ирландии есть красота тоже.в теплый, влажный климат, трава растет бриллиантового зеленого, а большая часть земли, является сельское хозяйство страны.белфаст - крупный промышленный город, с множеством зданий и порт из которых суда приходят и уходят в шотландии и англии.
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