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You agree to indemnify and hold harmless FreeDating.co.uk against all liability it may have in respect of and arising out of your use of the FreeDating.co.uk Services and your Communications.Forum Comprised in the Dating Service may be access to a Forum via the website whereby you may publish messages for viewing by other users. The terms of this Agreement will apply to the use of the Forum and all content posted thereon. Only account holders will be permitted access to the Forum. The Forum is accessed and used by you at your own risk. You acknowledge and accept that the information, data, images and other material which may be posted on the Forum by users do not originate from FreeDating.co.uk and do not necessarily reflect the views of FreeDating.co.uk. If you wish to report any material on the Forum which you believe to be defamatory, obscene, offensive or otherwise illegal, you should contact FreeDating.co.uk immediately. 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