THE FUNCTIONS OF MONEYMoney, with its special characteristics, serves  перевод - THE FUNCTIONS OF MONEYMoney, with its special characteristics, serves  русский как сказать


Money, with its special characteristics, serves many important economic functions.
Money is anything that people commonly accept in exchange for goods and services. Money has three basic functions. It serves as a medium of exchange, a standard of value, and a store of value. Anything that serves any of these three functions is a type of money.
Medium of exchange. The single most important use of money is as a medium of exchange. A medium of exchange is any item that sellers will accept in payment for goods or services. As a medium of exchange, money assists in the buying and selling of goods and services because buyers know that sellers will accept money in payment for products or services.
Standard of value. The second use of money is as a standard of value. That is, money provides people with a way to measure the relative value of goods or services by comparing the prices of products. In this way, people can judge the relative worth of different items such as a television and a bicycle. They can also judge the relative values of two different models or brands of the same type of item by comparing their prices.
Money's function as a standard of value is also important to record keeping. Businesses need to figure profits and losses. Similarly, governments must be able to figure tax receipts and the cost of expenditures. Money, because it helps provide some uniformity to these accounting tasks, is also called a unit of accounting.
Store of value. The third function or role of money is that it can be saved or stored for later use. For money to serve as a store of value, two conditions must be met. First, the money must be nonperishable. That is, it cannot rot or otherwise deteriorate while being saved. Second, it must keep its value over time. In other words, the purchasing power of the money must be relatively constant. If both of these conditions are met, many people will accumulate their wealth for later use. If not, most people will be hesitant about saving money today that will be worth little or nothing tomorrow.
Characteristic of Money
To be used as money, an item must have certain characteristics. The five major characteristics of money are durability, portability, divisibility, stability in value, and acceptability.
Durability. Durability refers to money's ability to be used over and over again. Eggs would be a poor choice for money because they are fragile and perishable. Metals such as gold and silver, however, are ideal because they withstand wear and tear well. In fact, many coins minted in ancient times are still in existence.
Portability. Money's ability to be carried from one place to another and transferred from one person to another is its portability. As a medium of exchange, money must be convenient for people to use. Items that are difficult to carry make poor money.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
THE FUNCTIONS OF MONEYMoney, with its special characteristics, serves many important economic functions.Money is anything that people commonly accept in exchange for goods and services. Money has three basic functions. It serves as a medium of exchange, a standard of value, and a store of value. Anything that serves any of these three functions is a type of money.Medium of exchange. The single most important use of money is as a medium of exchange. A medium of exchange is any item that sellers will accept in payment for goods or services. As a medium of exchange, money assists in the buying and selling of goods and services because buyers know that sellers will accept money in payment for products or services.Standard of value. The second use of money is as a standard of value. That is, money provides people with a way to measure the relative value of goods or services by comparing the prices of products. In this way, people can judge the relative worth of different items such as a television and a bicycle. They can also judge the relative values of two different models or brands of the same type of item by comparing their prices.Money's function as a standard of value is also important to record keeping. Businesses need to figure profits and losses. Similarly, governments must be able to figure tax receipts and the cost of expenditures. Money, because it helps provide some uniformity to these accounting tasks, is also called a unit of accounting.Store of value. The third function or role of money is that it can be saved or stored for later use. For money to serve as a store of value, two conditions must be met. First, the money must be nonperishable. That is, it cannot rot or otherwise deteriorate while being saved. Second, it must keep its value over time. In other words, the purchasing power of the money must be relatively constant. If both of these conditions are met, many people will accumulate their wealth for later use. If not, most people will be hesitant about saving money today that will be worth little or nothing tomorrow.Characteristic of MoneyTo be used as money, an item must have certain characteristics. The five major characteristics of money are durability, portability, divisibility, stability in value, and acceptability.Durability. Durability refers to money's ability to be used over and over again. Eggs would be a poor choice for money because they are fragile and perishable. Metals such as gold and silver, however, are ideal because they withstand wear and tear well. In fact, many coins minted in ancient times are still in existence.Portability. Money's ability to be carried from one place to another and transferred from one person to another is its portability. As a medium of exchange, money must be convenient for people to use. Items that are difficult to carry make poor money.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
функции денегденьги с его особые характеристики, служит многие важные экономические функции.деньги - это то, что люди обычно принимают в обмен на товары и услуги.деньги были три основные функции.он служит средством обмена, стандартной стоимости, и хранить ценности.все, что служит какой - либо из этих трех функций типа деньги.средства обмена.наиболее важным использовать деньги в качестве средства обмена.средство обмена является любой пункт, что продавцы будут принимать в оплату за товары или услуги.как средство обмена, деньги, оказывает помощь в покупке и продаже товаров и услуг, поскольку покупатели знают, что продавцы будут принимать деньги на оплату товаров и услуг.стандарт стоимости.во - вторых, использование денег в качестве стандарта стоимости.это деньги обеспечивает людям возможность измерения относительной стоимости товаров или услуг, сравнив цены на продукты.таким образом, люди могут судить относительной ценности различных предметов, таких как телевизор и велосипед.они могут также судья относительной стоимости двух разных моделей и марок того же пункта, сравнивая их цены.деньги в качестве стандартной стоимости является также важным для учета.бизнес нужно понять прибылей и убытков.аналогичным образом, правительства должны быть в состоянии понять налоговых поступлений и расходов, расходов.деньги, потому что он помогает обеспечить определенную унификацию этих задач учета, называется единица учета.сбережения.третьей функции и роль денег в том, что они могут быть спасены или храниться для последующего использования.за деньги в качестве хранить ценности, необходимо выполнить два условия.во - первых, деньги должны быть nonperishable.что, он не должен гнить или иным образом ухудшаться во время спас.во - вторых, он должен сохранять свою ценность.иными словами, покупательная способность денег должна быть относительно постоянным.если оба эти условия выполнены, то многие люди будут аккумулировать их богатства для последующего использования.если нет, большинство людей будут сомнения по поводу экономии денег, что сегодня будет стоить почти или вовсе не завтра.для денегдля использования в качестве средства, пункт должен обладать определенными характеристиками.пять основных характеристик деньги долговечность, компактность, делимости, стабильности в стоимости и приемлемости.долговечность.долговечность означает способность использовать деньги снова и снова.яйца будет плохой выбор за деньги, потому что они неустойчивы и скоропортящихся.металлов, таких, как золото и серебро, однако, идеально, потому что они выдержать износа.фактически, многие монеты, отлитые в древние времена, все еще существуют.портативность.деньги - это способность проходить из одного места в другое и передается от одного лица к другому является его мобильность.как средство обмена, деньги должны быть удобными для людей, использующих.пункты, которые трудно нести получаются плохие деньги.
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