In a large, dimly lighted room with acoustic walls and ceilings to dea перевод - In a large, dimly lighted room with acoustic walls and ceilings to dea русский как сказать

In a large, dimly lighted room with

In a large, dimly lighted room with acoustic walls and ceilings to deaden sound, about fifty operators — predominantly women — are sitting at a battery of monitors with a keyboard beneath each. It is here that holders of the blue, green, and gold credit cards are given or refused credit.
When a card is presented anywhere in payment for goods or services, the place of business can accept the card without question if the amount is below an agreed limit, usually between twenty-five and fifty dollars. For a larger purchase, authorization is needed, though it takes only seconds to obtain.
The approval procedures move at jet speed. From whereever they are, merchants and others dial directly to the credit-card processing center of the bank. Automatically each call is routed to a free operator, whose first words are, “What is your merchant number?” As soon as the answer has been given, the operator types the figures, which ap-peares simultaneously on the monitor. Next she askes the card number and amount of credit being sought. They are also typed and displayed.
The operator presses the key, feeding the information to a computer, which instanly signals “accepted” or “declined”. The first means that credit is good and the purchase has been approved, the second that the cardholder is delinquent and credit has been cut off. The operator informs the merchant, the computer records the transaction. On a normal day fifteen thousand calls come in.
Sometimes a monitor flashes a message from the computer — “stolen card”. In this situation an operator, speaking calmly, as trained, has to answer, “The card presented to you has been reported as stolen. If possible, detain the person presenting it and call police. Retain the card. The bank will pay you thirty dollars reward for its return.”
Storekeepers are usually pleased at the prospect to get an easy thirty dollars. For the bank it is also a good deal, since the card, left in circulation, can be used fraudulently for a much greater total amount.
But this system works well only when the bank has got the information and can program the computer. Unfortunately most of the defrauding happens before a missing card is reported. To avoid this the computer also warns the operators about excessive purchasing: when a cardholder makes ten or more purchases during a single day, the computer alerts an operator. Since an ordinary cardholder never makes more than six or eight purchases a day, a card showing more than normal use may be fraudulent, even though the owner might be unaware of its loss.
However, despite all the warning systems, a lost or stolen card, if used cautiously, is still good for twenty thousand dollars’ worth of fraudulent purchases in the week or so during which most stolen cards stayed un reported.
Moreover, there are devices used by criminals to decide whether a stolen card can be used again or if it is hot. A favorite is to pay a waiter twenty-five dollars to check a card out. He can get the answer easily by consulting a weekly confidencial warning list issued by the credit card company to merchants and restaurants.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
В большой, тускло освещенной комнате с акустических стен и потолков, чтобы заглушить звук о пятидесяти операторов — преимущественно женщины — сидя на батарее мониторов с клавиатурой под каждый. Именно здесь, что держатели кредитных карт синего, зеленого и gold предоставляется или отказано в кредит.Если карта нигде в качестве оплаты за товары или услуги, коммерческое предприятие может принять карту без сомнения, если сумма ниже согласованного предела, обычно от двадцати пяти до пятидесяти долларов. Для большего покупки разрешение необходимо, хотя это занимает всего несколько секунд для получения.Процедуры утверждения двигаться на скорости струи. От везде, где они находятся торговцы и другие набрать непосредственно в центр обработки кредитных карт банка. Автоматически каждый вызов направляется на свободный оператор, чьи первые слова есть, «то, что ваш торговый номер?» Как только дан ответ оператора типы фигур, которые ap-peares одновременно на мониторе. Следующий она askes номер карты и сумма кредита изыскиваются. Они также ввели и отображается.Оператор нажимает ключ питания информацию на компьютер, который instanly сигналы «принято» или «отклонен». Первое означает, что кредит является хорошим и одобрил покупку, второе, что владелец карточки делинквентного и кредит была отрезана. Оператор сообщает купец, компьютер записывает транзакцию. На нормальный день пятнадцать тысяч звонков приходят в.Sometimes a monitor flashes a message from the computer — “stolen card”. In this situation an operator, speaking calmly, as trained, has to answer, “The card presented to you has been reported as stolen. If possible, detain the person presenting it and call police. Retain the card. The bank will pay you thirty dollars reward for its return.”Storekeepers are usually pleased at the prospect to get an easy thirty dollars. For the bank it is also a good deal, since the card, left in circulation, can be used fraudulently for a much greater total amount.But this system works well only when the bank has got the information and can program the computer. Unfortunately most of the defrauding happens before a missing card is reported. To avoid this the computer also warns the operators about excessive purchasing: when a cardholder makes ten or more purchases during a single day, the computer alerts an operator. Since an ordinary cardholder never makes more than six or eight purchases a day, a card showing more than normal use may be fraudulent, even though the owner might be unaware of its loss.However, despite all the warning systems, a lost or stolen card, if used cautiously, is still good for twenty thousand dollars’ worth of fraudulent purchases in the week or so during which most stolen cards stayed un reported.Moreover, there are devices used by criminals to decide whether a stolen card can be used again or if it is hot. A favorite is to pay a waiter twenty-five dollars to check a card out. He can get the answer easily by consulting a weekly confidencial warning list issued by the credit card company to merchants and restaurants.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
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